Any #nginx #networking #jellyfin experts having a quite saturday and willing to help me get my #selfhosted journey underway?
I've got a domain and a box with some working apps on it but I can't get #certbot to recognise my DNS and am struggling to get the #ReverseProxy working.
There's a few too many moving parts for my little brain, I'd really value a helping hand to get me up and running, please.
@thechildofroth whats going wrong with certbot? i have this same stack running on my server so maybe we can compare notes
@xandris When I try to get a certificate (either using dietpi-letsencrypt or directly from the prompt (as per the jellyfin instruction)) it tells me I don't have an A or AAAA record.
But when I do:
curl --verbose http://my.domain
it comes straight back with:
so curl seems to be finding the dns record ok
@xandris I think this may be the key to unlocking this, as without the certificates the Jellyfin provided nginx conf fails, so unless I can clear this hurdle I'm going to stay stuck
@thechildofroth @xandris You can try ‘dig @ my.domain’ to have more information about the DNS information.
If you’ve got no answer, it’s definitely a DNS problem.
@rds @xandris So dig returns a seemingly sensible response (I can see my domain and my IP in there). The only concern is that I can see:
Query1, Answer1, Authority0, Additional1
Should Authority (I'm guessing this might be related to 'SOA') be 1 too?
(for any other rookies playing along 'dig' is in bind9-dnsutils on #Debian - not installed by default in #DietPi it seems)
@thechildofroth @rds i found this tool in the letsencrypt forum. what does it tell you?
@xandris @rds The DNS test passes but the TLS one gives me the same error as when I submit with Certbot ('no valid A records for domain, no valid AAAA records for domain').
The http test fails because of: A private, inaccessible, IANA/IETF-reserved IP...replace it with a public one or use the DNS validation method instead. (and it shows my IP in the response too)