I have a vivid memory from when I was about 7 or 8 years old of my mum finding me sat at the top of the stairs crying because my legs wouldn't move.
Thinking back on it now, I was almost certainly still asleep and it was sleep paralysis, I used to walk and talk in my sleep and apparently could have full conversations whilst asleep.
I still remember it clear as day, many years later. So weird!
How scary being unable to move while there's darkfigure standing right above your chest
I thought my sleep paralysis would never happened again but it did. I should have let my cats sleep with me
Talking about a dream where I met some nightmare creatures but they were DTF.
In one of the dreams I had this morning, I was visiting the opulent suite of a missing eccentric wealthy dude. I didn't know he was actually missing at first. I thought he was just on some extended sabbatical. His suite was open to his friends while he was out and I was friends with some of his friends. I think we'd been using one of his solid, massive tables for an overnight TTRPG session because it was morning and we were packing up backpacks and other types of bags, loading up binders and notebooks and related paraphernalia. No dice that I remember so I'm not sure what we'd been doing. It's not important.
There was a little TV near us and it was showing what looked like a documentary about the eccentric dude living in a wetland, trying to be one with the animals there.
His arms and legs were too long and he had these long oval/diamond shaped wounds where his elbows and knees were. He could also bend his arms and legs in any direction and seemed to have extra joints.
My friends told me that the eccentric dude routinely broke his own bones and reshaped his limbs so he could train his muscles to move them in new directions. He wanted to belong in the wetland, standing like an egret or something in the water. They told me that if the bones healed in a way he didn't like, he would just break them again.
I was like, "that's interesting". I wondered how he dealt with the pain.
My friends said we could go look at it. I wasn't sure what they meant but I followed them.
We went out into a hallway and down to a different room.
When the opened the doorway, I saw that the wetland was indoors. There was a narrow path along the right wall and that's where they led me.
In the back right corner were a series of observation couches. They went up to them and laid down.
I was down in the wetlands area, on some of the dry ground to get a better look.
I haven't mentioned the creatures. There were five creatures living in the wetlands that weren't evident in the video.
They were things of nightmare, but they were not hostile. They had been semi-domesticated.
I only remember what two of them looked like.
One was translucent, quadrupedal, sleep paralysis shadow demon with red eyes and a shifting number of legs. It was made of straight lines with no curves.
The other was a giant beetle that looked like the Gregor Samsa as Beetle from the R. Crumb illustrated version of Kafka's Metamorphosis, but two to three times the size. It had a dark blue carapace and a white underbelly.
There was another one, the only thing I remember was its color: a sickly yellow, like the yellow wallpaper. It reminded me of a flying cockroach that scared the crap out of me when I was a kid sitting on the toilet in the bathroom.
Anyway, to my amazement, after my friends laid down on the couches in the corner, three of the creatures went up there and started making out with them.
They were DTF (apparently).
As I was standing there in shock, the yellow creature came up and talked to me.
It told me that the eccentric dude was the only person who ever treated them with respect and not fear. The eccentric dude spent lots of time with them trying to learn from them and discover how to emulate their essence. He felt a kinship with them. The yellow creature was upset that the eccentric dude had run off and it blamed other humans for causing him to abandon them for other pursuits.
The yellow creature got so mad about it that he started attacking me and the other humans.
He wasn't trying to hurt us, just force us to GTFO.
The DTF creatures were passive, just letting it happen.
The fifth creature joined in with the yellow creature and started taunting us, too.
As we were at the door, I reminded the DTF creatures that, without humans being allowed to come into the room, they'd never get to bone one again.
That caused the giant beetle to fight back but it wasn't enough to keep us from being pushed out.
Anyway, it was kind of funny to see terrifying creatures ripped from night terrors and phobias turned into sex fiends.
Also, I realized that the eccentric dude seemed to be like Narcisse from Nightbreed: someone willing to mutilate themselves to be worthy of joining the monsters.
The Shadow Man - a short narrative non-fiction piece about sleep paralysis.
#writingcommunity #amwriting #writerslife #SleepParalysis #shadowpeople #scary #fear
After some exchange (https://urusai.social/@nazokiyoubinbou/113271946360570675) I thought I should check if it's possible to open eyes during half-conscious #SleepParalysis (I have eyes closed and was surprised many people have open). And finally had an opportunity to do it.
So... it was as hard as trying to move any other body part. It required an effort to open one eye. Somehow I closed it again later. So even if eyeballs are not "turned off", eyelids seemingly are.
I also wondered if I open eyes, I would have hallucinations - normally I only hear things, have chaotic thought train and feel like floating in the air/vacuum. For brief moment after opening one eye, I saw something like cartoon character with blonde hair and pale pink clothes on the wall background but it disappeared quickly. Nothing later. Not really impressive.
Probably someone did similar experiments in more scientific way
## cc @nazokiyoubinbou
#folkloresunday Have you ever experiences #sleepparalysis ? Sleep paralysis is a disorder causing hallucinations/supernatural feelings while your body is paralysed between sleep and awareness: shadows beings, buzzing, out of body perception. Here my art and kindly PRESAVE "He's on the Way" orcd.co/hesontheway
More “spooky” comics on https://custardfist.com
Footsteps on the Stairs - A poem
#amwriting #WritingCommunity #poem #poetry #writerslife #SleepParalysis #creepy
Sleep paralysis demons are fun sometimes and laughter makes them weak from the knees - so I made a comic about the times I was having sleep paralysis/nightmare/night terror/a surprise nap on the can!
Please share, and subscribe for FREE to my #IdiopathicHypersomnia awareness #comic to support me - a disabled, sleepy brained goblin that is half off their meds just to save a few bucks. (:
Last night I dreamed I was stuck in #SleepParalysis and in my dream I could not wake myself up out of it. I nearly threw myself out of bed to break out of it. Then I wasn't sure if I was still dreaming or not. Then couldn't get back to sleep. Hilarious.
So sleep paralysis and sleep paralysis demons. Anybody in my web of fedizens experience this? Because mine’s getting pretty intense and people give me weird looks when I tell them about my ghosts.
How was last night? Did you have a good or bad #dream?
Ever wake up unable to move or speak? It's not a ghost; it's sleep paralysis. Dive into our article to separate the myths from the facts and learn how to manage this common yet misunderstood sleep phenomenon. Take control of your sleep, one fact at a time.
Read more here: https://plw.app/3TCiDvX
Nap of many disasters - first an "awareness attack" (sense of feeling my body in HD that would prelude sleep walking/night terror if I didn't know how to stay awake) - decided to fuck it and let it do whatever since It'd be my partner's problem - "cold attack" follows and keeps me away anyway, saved my partner from me walking around in terror - and finally MASSIVE #SleepParalysis and Layered, Realistic, #VividDreams.