AnarchoNinaAnalyzes<p>Over the past nine or so years, I've repeatedly gone on record to describe my frustrating with the way corporate media covers the unhinged fascist shit Trump says as if he's your just drunk uncle who talks about Fox News anti-migrant propaganda over Thanksgiving dinner, and not a guy running for, or serving as, President of the United States. Trump, a man devoid of a sense of humor, will muse about some flatly illegal dictator policies he wants to do in the future, corporate media will report his statements as if they're mere political gaffes, point out that Trump's plan is illegal or otherwise against the rules, and then sit around waiting for him to actually try the horrible nazi crap he is openly saying he wants to do. </p><p>There is little to no analysis connecting Trump's stated plans to the actions the regime is taking, and this style of coverage doesn't change much whether he's out of office, or legally enshrined with the powers of the imperial presidency to make his nazi dreams come true. If and when Trump *does* actually try to do the awful fascist nonsense he's been openly promising to do, a media that has all but memory holed his promises to do so acts shocked that Trump's team of nazi rules lawyers have found a Calvinball way to plausibly accomplish their fascist program.</p><p>I mention this because even before he was elected president a second time, Trump has been musing about staying on as President after his second (and final, as mandated by the constitution) term is up in 2028. Often this is framed as "running for a third term" but there have been enough ominous hints from Trumpworld that Downmarket Mussolini is not married to the idea of having another election at all, that it's pretty clear the plan is to simply have Trump refuse to leave office, one way or another. Is a mainstream corporate media that has watched Trump try to enact almost every authoritarian policy he promised or even hinted at on the campaign trail, taking this seriously enough? No, it is not; and I'm not sure I expect them to start doing so even now that Trump has directly told an NBC monitor on Meet the Press that he's "not joking" about remaining in office beyond his second term. </p><p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" translate="no" target="_blank"><span class="invisible">https://www.</span><span class="ellipsis"></span><span class="invisible">03/trump-third-term-constitution-2028/</span></a></p><p>“I’m Not Joking”: Trump Again Floats Running for Anti-Constitutional Third Term</p><p>"Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, said in a post on X that there may be three ways Trump could attempt to “grab” an illegal 3rd term: 1) Ignore the Constitution and dare anyone to stop him. 2) Have GOP-run states just appoint Trump electors since any state not voting Trump is by definition ‘corrupt’. 3) Military coup and martial law—i.e., a successful January 6.”</p><p>As I've mentioned before, there seems to be a definite process by which Trump, the regime, and the larger political movement surrounding him manufacture consent and transform ideological propaganda, into state enforced (un)reality, under a presumed mandate that their actions would be legitimate if what Trump says is true, and everything Trump says *is* true because he's president. Typically this involves Trump and his propagandists (like Steve Bannon) repeatedly injecting the idea of a fascist plan, like say to ignore the constitution and remain president after 2028, into the discourse as a hypothetical option, slowly transitioning that musing into the outlines of a plan "we're working on," before ultimately transforming that idea into policy, often via executive order. </p><p>Given that Trump has mentioned this in passing multiple times, guys like Bannon have openly talked about the plan to make it a reality going on behind the scenes, and now Trump is telling his base that he's dead serious about doing it, it's probably safe (even for corporate media muppets) to say Trump is actively in the process of trying to make himself president for life, by hook or by crook. And I dunno about you, but to me that sounds like big news it's important to share with the American people in detail, and with an appropriate degree of alarm.</p><p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Trump</span></a> <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Fascism</span></a> <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Dictatorship</span></a> #2028 <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Elections</span></a> <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>TermLimits</span></a> <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>22ndAmendment</span></a> <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Autocracy</span></a> <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>USPol</span></a></p>