Deadly #mold strains highly likely to acquire #resistance to new #drugs.
#evolve_not_acquire #fungus #pathogens #fungicides #ipflufenoquin #Aspergillus #mutation #selection

Deadly #mold strains highly likely to acquire #resistance to new #drugs.
#evolve_not_acquire #fungus #pathogens #fungicides #ipflufenoquin #Aspergillus #mutation #selection
Deadly #mold strains highly likely to acquire #resistance to new #drugs.
#evolve_not_acquire #fungus #pathogens #fungicides #ipflufenoquin #Aspergillus #mutation #selection
#Fungi have their own waterproofing superpower! #Hydrophobins make fungal surfaces water-repellent, help #spores disperse, and even aid in host interactions! Now, Scientists are harnessing them for #biotech, #drug delivery & more!
#mycology #conidia #science #nature #mushrooms #aspergillus #FungiFriday #academia #phdlife #phdone
#FungalFact 27:
#Aspergillus fumigatus conidia have the highest hydrophobicity among Aspergilli, thanks to the rodlet layer on their surface, encoded by the rodA gene.
This enhances their airborne dispersibility and environmental resilience.
Conidia nestled in soil can hitch a ride with swarming soil #bacteria Paenibacillus vortex, enabling efficient transport from one location to another. #FungiFriday #mushrooms #lichens #science #nature #mycology #forest #amanita #academia #phdlife #fungi
Happy New 2025 Year, Funguys !!!
Wish you beautiful mushrooms, fluffy molds, and smooth yeasts on your Petri dish !
How do #fungi find nutrients? @NTfungalcell &co use a microfluidic device to show that #Aspergillus nidulans hyphae show #chemotropism towards nutrients, growing towards carbon sources and away from nitrogen sources & low pH #PLOSBiology
Researchers find unique adaptations of #fungus associated with bee bread
An #Aspergillus flavus strain from bee bread of the Western #HoneyBee (#Apis mellifera) displays adaptations to distinctive features of the hive environment
"The western honey bee, #ApisMellifera, stores large quantities of food in the form of #BeeBread... the abundant nutritional value of this food source also makes it an appealing target for #microorganisms."
How a toxic #fungus became the #koji mold that brings us soy sauce #fungi
"#Aspergillus oryzae helps to bring us #SoySauce, sake and other traditional Asian foods. It does so by breaking down proteins and starches so that other #microbes can finish off the #fermentation. But A. oryzae wasn’t always so obliging. The wild version makes potent #toxins that can poison the consumer and lead to #cancer. Plus, it’s a destructive agricultural #pest... What changed?"
My favorite shape of #Aspergillus fumigatus
#mycology #fungi #phdlife #academia #Science #mushrooms #mycoviruses #mold #conidia #art #weird
Our newest preprint is right here !
#Mycovirus, like a good friend, supports its host #Aspergillus fumigatus in all spheres of life :)
It enhances fungal virulence, survival, and tolerance to stresses!
#mycology #fungi #Academia #phdlife #virus
#science #virology #nature #mushrooms
#FungalFact 12: Beware of #Xmas Tree Syndrome!
Mold on live trees can trigger respiratory issues like allergies or asthma. Main agents are #Cladosporium, #Penicillium, and #Aspergillus. Keep your holidays sniffle-free with proper ventilation and tree care!
#mycology #fungi #mushrooms #pilze
I often see mushroomized installation, ornaments or decoration in different countries. Usually, they depic only one type of #mushroom: #Amanita with red cap.
I wish to see once other types of #fungi on the streets, like huge #Aspergillus or budding #Candida or scary #Clathrus
This one I found in #Warsaw during vacation.
Fungi, Mycoviruses, and Lichens...
If you want to understand these organisms better ,
Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and Like videos!
It is the best motivation to create new content!
#fungi #biology #academia #science #nature #microbiology #phdlife #education #mushroom #amanita #university #knowledge #mycelium #spores #aspergillus #candida #yeast #virus #lichen #pilz #mycology #virology #youtube
Notorious #fungus #Aspergillus fumigatus completely scrambles its #genome after just one bout of #sex.
#Aspergillus fumigatus, a saprotrophic #fungus that can cause serious life-threatening invasive infections, smashes the record for number of meiotic crossovers... ~30 per #chromosome (>2x the previous record holder) @TheRedBen @EvelineSnelders #PLOSBiology