Risano, from the sea, Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
#Risano #Dalmatia #Austro #Austria-Hungary #photography #historicalPhotos
Zara, landing place, Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
#Dalmatia #Austro #European #Europe #Austro-Hungary #photography #historicalPhotos
Zara, landing place, Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
#Dalmatia #Austro #Iranian #European #photography #historicalPhotos
Zara, water front, Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
#Dalmatia #Austro #Croatia #European #photography #historicalPhotos
Zara, sarcophagus of San Simeone, Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
#SanSimeone #Dalmatia #Austro #photography #historicalPhotos
Zara, Icinque Wells (i.e., Cinque Pozzi), Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
#IcinqueWells #CinquePozzi #Dalmatia #Austro #photography #historicalPhotos
Zara, Arch Terra Firma (i.e., Porta di Terraferma), Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
#ArchTerraFirma #PortadiTerraferma #Dalmatia #Austro #the"PortaTerrarea" #photography #historicalPhotos
Zara, Erbe Square, Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
#ErbeSquare #Dalmatia #Austro #European #Europe #photography #historicalPhotos
Zara, Signori Square, Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
#SignoriSquare #Dalmatia #Austro #European #Croatia #Zadar #photography #historicalPhotos
Zara, Colonna Square, Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
#ColonnaSquare #Dalmatia #Austro #European #Austria-Hungary #photography #historicalPhotos
Zara, Central Cafe, Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
#CentralCafe #Dalmatia #Austro #European #photography #historicalPhotos
Zara, from Barcagno, Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
#Barcagno #Dalmatia #Austro #Zadar #Adriatic #photography #historicalPhotos
Zara, from the sea, Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Zara, from the sea, Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
#Dalmatia #Austro #ZaraDalMare #European #photography #historicalPhotos
Zara, general view, Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Traû, vestibule of the cathedral, Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
#Dalmatia #Austro #Gothic #Tragur #Travnik #LoenerNL #European #photography #historicalPhotos
Traû, loggia, Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
#Dalmatia #Austro #European #Mediterranean #Croatia #Austria-Hungary #photography #historicalPhotos
Traû, the Ciero Bridge, Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
#theCieroBridge #Dalmatia #Austro #European #SouthernEurope #DalPônte #photography #historicalPhotos
Traû, general view, Dalmatia, Austro-Hungary between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of the Austro-Hungarian Empire