#Hemerocallis 'Gold Prize' (peck, 1968) #daylily
#garden #gardening #flowers #horticulture #photography #bloomscrolling #botany
#Hemerocallis 'Gold Prize' (peck, 1968) #daylily
#garden #gardening #flowers #horticulture #photography #bloomscrolling #botany
#Hemerocallis fulva, daylily, ditch lily.
#garden #gardening #flowers #horticulture #photography #bloomscrolling #botany
#Hemerocallis 'Jamaica Blush' #daylily (Kirchhoff, 1989)
#garden #gardening #flowers #horticulture #photography #bloomscrolling #botany
What a day! Even my to-do list items have to-do lists...
An important task today, though, is to decide which of my homegrown #hemerocallis seeds will be going into the seed coffin in the fridge so they will be ready for planting in March.
Such a heavy burden.
Last daylily bloom (Hemerocallis ‘Druid’s Chant’)
#BloomScrolling #SilentSunday #daylily #Hemerocallis
One of my all time favourite #hemerocallis is this none.
It's called Heavenly United We Stand and is such a beautiful velvety deep red.
Large flowers are held on tall stems high above the foliage.
The flower has a lime green/yellow throat that radiated outwards like a citrus star burst.
The petals are gently ruffled.
As it is #daylily season, I feel it only fair to warn you that I shall be posting alot of pictures of my prized plants over the next few months.
Here goes...
Hylden blomstrer, og dufter himmelsk.
Dagliljer, storkenæb ('Rose Ann?), knopurt og akeleje supplerer med farvespil.
Og endelig er der bladlus i kirsebærtræet, så mariehøns, svirrefluer, guldøjer (deres larver) kan få noget mad.
#Gardening #Sambucus #Hemerocallis #Geranium #Aquilegia #Centaurea #VildMedVilje #DanmarksNatur #Wildlife
#Hemerocallis 'Pandora's Box' (Talbot, 1980). It's a neat little diurnal rebloomer, rugged and undemanding.
A #Daylily #Flower still dappled with raindrops while the bright #yellow of the #bloom is reminiscent of the color of the Sun.
Get a print or other item with this image at https://heronfox.pixels.com/featured/raindrops-on-yellow-daylily-heron-and-fox.html
#Hemerocallis #FlowersOfMastodon #Bloomscrolling #YellowFlower, #Photograph
A clump of relocated daylilies, #hemerocallis on June 28, 2023.