Python 3.14 的 tail-call interpreter 的效能提升來自於繞過 LLVM 的 regression bug
前幾天 Python 圈子蠻熱鬧的一個主題:「Performance of the Python 3.14 tail-call interpreter」。 Python 3.14 實作了 tail-call interpreter (是個 opt-in 參數),結果官方測試發現效能在 benchmark 時有巨大的提升 (9%~15%),但文章作者覺得不合理,交叉測試了許多 case 後發現這是因為 LLVM 的 regression bug 導致 computed gotos 比較慢,…
Performance of the Python 3.14 tail-call interpreter —
#HackerNews #Python #Performance #TailCall #Interpreter #CPython #3.14 #Programming
Hey, fellow translators and interpreters in the US (and other sympathetic parties), can we maybe start a chat somewhere to talk about ways to push back against the idea of making English the official language? We‘re uniquely positioned to address this kind of thing, and I have a really bad feeling that it‘s only going to erode support for language services in courtrooms, hospitals, and elsewhere to the point that lots of people who need us are going to be very badly fucked over.
Hit me up, eh?
Hey kids! I am searching for help on something written in a language I don't speak yet after living in Berlin for 4 years, I hear elements in common. To my non-English speaking friends, does anyone recognize the language at play here? Bonus points for a full translation..thank you very much...
#translation #interpreter #multilingual
#Turkish #intelligence declassifies 93-year-old document, highlights #Soviet #espionage - #Türkiye Today #history #Trotsky #interpreter
Still need to test it, but I renamed Gimpl, a small interpreted scripting language for GDScript (yes really) to Gompl and changed the parser from combinators to recursive descent parsing. Now it doesn't need ; in order to separate expressions anymore and other stuff was fixed too.
Picture shows a GDScript with some Gompl code embedded.
#Linux base image -> filesystem layers -> #Docker image.
And this for every OS. Not just Linux.
#Windows and #macOS developers must have Docker sit on top of a mini Linux #VM to run the GNU/Linux toolset of anything they are working on.
Think about it. Any library, #interpreter, compiler the community laboriously made available to run #natively on your platform of choice is now useless. Because Docker runs on every platform. But in reality it executes only on top of Linux.
Interpreter and Interpretant • Selection 10.2
In logical terms, the analogy of experience proceeds by inducing a Rule about the validity of a current knowledge base and then by deducing a Fact, the applicability of that knowledge base to a current experience.
Step 1 is Inductive, abstracting a Rule from a Case and a Fact.
• Case : E_past ⇒ E_poss, Chosen events fairly sample Collective events.
• Fact : E_past ⇒ K_pres, Chosen events support the Knowledge regime.
• Rule : E_poss ⇒ K_pres, Collective events support the Knowledge regime.
Step 2 is Deductive, admitting a Case to a Rule and arriving at a Fact.
• Case : E_pres ⇒ E_poss, Current events fairly sample Collective events.
• Rule : E_poss ⇒ K_pres, Collective events support the Knowledge regime.
• Fact : E_pres ⇒ K_pres, Current events support the Knowledge regime.
References —
Awbrey, J.L., and Awbrey, S.M. (1995), “Interpretation as Action : The Risk of Inquiry”, Inquiry : Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 15(1), 40–52.
Dewey, J. (1910), How We Think, D.C. Heath, Boston, MA. Reprinted (1991), Prometheus Books, Buffalo, NY.
Resources —
Survey of Abduction, Deduction, Induction, Analogy, Inquiry
Survey of Semiotics, Semiosis, Sign Relations
#Peirce #Logic #Semiotics #Semiosis #SignRelations
#JohnDewey #Interpreter #Interpretant #Pragmatism
#Abduction #Deduction #Induction #Analogy #Inquiry
Interpreter and Interpretant • Selection 10.1
Transfer —
Returning to the scene of Dewey's “Sign of Rain” example, let's continue examining how the transfer of knowledge through the analogy of experience works in that case.
By way of a recap, we began by considering a fragment K_pres of the reasoner's knowledge base which is logically equivalent to a conjunction of two rules.
• K_pres ⇔ (B ⇒ A) ∧ (B ⇒ D).
K_pres may be thought of as a piece of knowledge or item of information allowing for the possibility of certain conditions, expressed in the form of a logical constraint on the present universe of discourse.
Next we found it convenient to express all logical statements in terms of their models, that is, in terms of the primitive circumstances or elements of experience over which they hold true.
• Let E_past be the chosen set of experiences, or the circumstances in mind under “past experience”.
• Let E_poss be the collective set of experiences, or the prospective total of possible circumstances.
• Let E_pres be the current experience, or the circumstances immediately present to the reasoner.
If we think of the knowledge base K_pres as referring to the “regime of experience” over which it is valid, then the sets of models involved in the analogy may be ordered according to the relationships of set inclusion or logical implication existing among them.
Figure 4 shows the subsumption relations involved in the analogy of experience.
Figure 4. Analogy of Experience
#Peirce #Logic #Semiotics #Semiosis #SignRelations
#JohnDewey #Interpreter #Interpretant #Pragmatism
#Abduction #Deduction #Induction #Analogy #Inquiry
Python 3.14 Getting New Interpreter: #linux #update #foss #python #interpreter
New post: Bespoke: a programming language, tailor-made by me
Here is the list of INFOCOM adventures games you can play on End of The Line BBS (and save your progression):
Tonight, I'm going "Underground" again! #Playing ZORK. :0)
What game have you ever played on the list?
What your favs?
Zork is fascinating.
#zork #infocom #adventure #text #textadventure #interpreter #games #gaming #retrogaming #retrocomputing
#BBS #BBSing #ssh #EndOfTheLineBBS #bulletinboards #textmode #ANSI #ASCII #terminal #oldschool #retrovibes
This shows how fantastic Zork is! From last night gaming.. :0)
/ >move the oriental rug
/ With a great effort, the rug is moved to one side of the room, revealing the dusty cover of a closed trap door.
/ >open the trap door
/ The door reluctantly opens to reveal a rickety staircase descending into darkness.
#zork #infocom #adventure #text #textadventure #interpreter #games #gaming #retrogaming #retrocomputing
#BBS #BBSing #ssh #EndOfTheLineBBS #bulletinboards #textmode #ANSI #ASCII #terminal
Interpreter and Interpretant • Selection 9.2
Transfer —
In logical terms, the analogy of experience proceeds by inducing a Rule about the validity of a current knowledge base and then by deducing a Fact, the applicability of that knowledge base to a current experience.
Step 1 is Inductive, abstracting a Rule from a Case and a Fact.
• Case : E_past ⇒ E_poss, Chosen events fairly sample Collective events.
• Fact : E_past ⇒ K_pres, Chosen events support the Knowledge regime.
• Rule : E_poss ⇒ K_pres, Collective events support the Knowledge regime.
Step 2 is Deductive, admitting a Case to a Rule and arriving at a Fact.
• Case : E_pres ⇒ E_poss, Current events fairly sample Collective events.
• Rule : E_poss ⇒ K_pres, Collective events support the Knowledge regime.
• Fact : E_pres ⇒ K_pres, Current events support the Knowledge regime.
References —
Awbrey, J.L., and Awbrey, S.M. (1995), “Interpretation as Action : The Risk of Inquiry”, Inquiry : Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 15(1), 40–52.
Dewey, J. (1910), How We Think, D.C. Heath, Boston, MA. Reprinted (1991), Prometheus Books, Buffalo, NY.
Resources —
Survey of Abduction, Deduction, Induction, Analogy, Inquiry
Survey of Semiotics, Semiosis, Sign Relations
#Peirce #Logic #Semiotics #Semiosis #SignRelations
#JohnDewey #Interpreter #Interpretant #Pragmatism
#Abduction #Deduction #Induction #Analogy #Inquiry
Interpreter and Interpretant • Selection 9.1
Transfer —
Let's examine how the transfer of knowledge through the analogy of experience works in the case of Dewey's “Sign of Rain” example.
For concreteness, consider a fragment K_pres of the reasoner's knowledge base which is logically equivalent to a conjunction of two rules.
• K_pres ⇔ (B ⇒ A) ∧ (B ⇒ D).
K_pres may be thought of as a piece of knowledge or item of information allowing for the possibility of certain conditions, expressed in the form of a logical constraint on the present universe of discourse.
It is convenient to have the option of expressing all logical statements in terms of their models, that is, in terms of the primitive circumstances or elements of experience over which they hold true.
• Let E_past be the chosen set of experiences, or the circumstances in mind under “past experience”.
• Let E_poss be the collective set of experiences, or the prospective total of possible circumstances.
• Let E_pres be the current experience, or the circumstances immediately present to the reasoner.
If we think of the knowledge base K_pres as referring to the “regime of experience” over which it is valid, then the sets of models involved in the analogy may be ordered according to the relationships of set inclusion or logical implication existing among them.
#Peirce #Logic #Semiotics #Semiosis #SignRelations
#JohnDewey #Interpreter #Interpretant #Pragmatism
#Abduction #Deduction #Induction #Analogy #Inquiry
Interpreter and Interpretant • Selection 8
Transfer —
What exactly gives the acquisition of a knowledge base its distinctively inductive character? It is evidently the “analogy of experience” involved in applying what we've learned in the past to what confronts us in the present.
Whenever we find ourselves approaching a problem with the thought, “If past experience is any guide …” we can be sure the analogy of experience has come into play. We are seeking to find analogies between past experience as a totality and present experience as a point of application.
From a statistical point of view what we mean is this — “If past experience is a fair sample of possible experience then knowledge gained from past experience may usefully apply to present experience”. It is that mechanism which allows a knowledge base to be carried across gulfs of experience which remain indifferent to the effective contents of its rules.
Next we'll examine how the transfer of knowledge through the analogy of experience works out in the case of Dewey's “Sign of Rain” example.
References —
Awbrey, J.L., and Awbrey, S.M. (1995), “Interpretation as Action : The Risk of Inquiry”, Inquiry : Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 15(1), 40–52.
Dewey, J. (1910), How We Think, D.C. Heath, Boston, MA. Reprinted (1991), Prometheus Books, Buffalo, NY.
#Peirce #Logic #Semiotics #Semiosis #SignRelations
#JohnDewey #Interpreter #Interpretant #Pragmatism
#Abduction #Deduction #Induction #Analogy #Inquiry
New Episode: hpr4296 :: Crafting Interpreters
Talk about the book Crafting Interpreters by Robert Nystrom
Hosted by iota on Monday, 2025-01-20 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Tags: #Interpreter, #Compiler.
Today on the #HackerPublicRadio #Community #Podcast
Writing an #interpreter for #Brainfuck is almost a rite of passage for any programming language implementer, and it’s my turn now. In this post, I write not one but four Brainfuck #interpreters in #Haskell:
Please boost for reach. If you have any questions or comments, please reply to this post.
I've finished and released the #interpreter for my new esoteric #programminglanguage , Bespoke!
I've also been having lots of fun trying to solve #programming challenges with it, including #codegolf challenges.