The corporate leaders who thought they had bought the US government are waking up to a big surprise.
They were outbid.
Now. Do they ride to the bottom, or start making plans to offshore?
#QuestionOfTheDay if you had to be roommates with a fictional archvillain, who would you choose?
(Define archvillain as a major villain, chief villain, leader, etc whoever you would see as one of the "main" villains in something and not merely a minion or lieutenant, if they're primarily the villain of a story despite working for a greater evil they can still count for the purposes of this question (Shredder, Sauron, Moff Tarkin, etc), my intent is just for people not to pick like Iago from Aladdin or something)
#QuestionOfTheNight if you could own one fictional vehicle that could fit in a 2 car garage, what would it be? assume that powering it is somehow not a problem, and there's no issues with legality
Off-season activities with our Family Men
#QuestionOfTheDay what's an objectively bad/mid work of media that has a banger piece of music (or soundtrack) it absolutely does not deserve?
Share the music.
(This can include commercials that have a great song/theme too if you want)
Follow-up #QuestionOfTheDay from yesterday: what is an interesting/creative adaptation of something you like/care about? (any adaptation from one medium to another counts, so it can be video game to anime, comic to movie, movie to video game, board games, books, myths, poems, theatre, etc, anything counts as long as it went from one medium to another)
It doesn't have to be good or bad or even accurate, just creative or interesting in a way you want to talk about!
bonus points for explaining why it's interesting to you or why you think it's creative
#QuestionOfTheDay what is the worst adaptation of something you like/care about? (any adaptation from one medium to another counts, so it can be video game to anime, comic to movie, movie to video game, board games, books, myths, poems, theatre, etc, anything counts as long as it went from one medium to another)
bonus points for explaining why it was a bad adaptation
@ami_angelwings My least favorite character trope had to be “aggressive ultra competitive elite school high class student” I just cannot with them, I hate bullying and this gets too close. Can’t watch Kaguya-sama, even knowing it’s a farce.
My favorite trope is probably “dumbass but with a heart of gold” I guess. They make most things better.
#QuestionOfTheDay what is your favourite anime character trope/archetype and what is your least favourite?
bonus points for saying why
#QuestionOfTheDay what's your favorite derivative scenario that you love seeing show up in fiction?
What I mean by derivative scenario is one where the main characters are in a scenario derived from a popular source, like common ones are The Seven Samurai/Magnificent Seven scenario where the main characters have to defend a village from attackers, usually by recruiting others and teaching the villagers to fight with them; or The Twelve Angry Men scenario where one of the heroes is recruited to a jury where they're the only one who knows the truth and has to convince everybody else; or the Die Hard scenario where one of the heroes is stuck in a terrorist situation in an isolated place and has to fight the terrorists and stop their plot on their own, etc
As a follow-up to yesterday, today's #QuestionOfTheDay is: what's your favorite piece of #retro TTRPG, CCG, trading card, board game, or video game art?
You can elaborate on why you like it or what memories it holds for you if you like but you do not have to!
#Retro #Book #QuestionOfTheDay show me your favorite old school fantasy or sci fi book cover.
As a bonus, tell me what you like about it or what memory/experience it's tied to if it is!
What's something super mainstream that you really like unironically. Tell me about it and what you like! #QuestionOfTheDay
What analytics plugin do you use on your WordPress site ?
Share your reply in the comments below
#QuestionOfTheDay #WordPress #analytics
I need distraction and enrichment. So time for a #QuestionOfTheDay
What is your favorite rivalry/beef in a hobby/interest of your choice?
This can be real or fictional. It can be between characters, creators, fans, companies, whatever
Also include a brief history of the rivalry and a couple highlights