Red Sonja superó 20 años de obstáculos para llegar al cine.
Conoce su historia, equipo y fechas de estreno.
#RedSonja #RoyThomas #BarryWindsorSmith

Red Sonja superó 20 años de obstáculos para llegar al cine.
Conoce su historia, equipo y fechas de estreno.
#RedSonja #RoyThomas #BarryWindsorSmith
God, I am having a blast with the #Avengers re-read. Issues 71-74 has #Kang #Grandmaster #SonsoftheSerpents #RoyThomas #SalBusema #BlackKnight #JohnBuscema #RickJones #CaptainMarvel
Homework for this week's #OpalCityConfidential. This weeks episode covers #AllStarComics 13 Shanghai in Space. This tale was adapted and re-told in #AllStarSquadron 50,52,& 55-60. #RoyThomas ties this tale to what is happening i #CrisisonInfiniteEarths
You will have to wait to hear my take on that
Homework for this week's #OpalCityConfidential. This weeks episode covers #AllStarComics 13 Shanghai in Space. This tale was adapted and re-told in #AllStarSquadron 50,52,& 55-60. #RoyThomas ties this tale to what is happening i #CrisisonInfiniteEarths
You will have to wait to hear my take on that
Homework for this week's #OpalCityConfidential. This weeks episode covers #AllStarComics 13 Shanghai in Space. This tale was adapted and re-told in #AllStarSquadron 50,52,& 55-60. #RoyThomas ties this tale to what is happening i #CrisisonInfiniteEarths
You will have to wait to hear my take on that
Homework for this week's #OpalCityConfidential. This weeks episode covers #AllStarComics 13 Shanghai in Space. This tale was adapted and re-told in #AllStarSquadron 50,52,& 55-60. #RoyThomas ties this tale to what is happening i #CrisisonInfiniteEarths
You will have to wait to hear my take on that
Homework for this week's #OpalCityConfidential. This weeks episode covers #AllStarComics 13 Shanghai in Space. This tale was adapted and re-told in #AllStarSquadron 50,52,& 55-60. #RoyThomas ties this tale to what is happening i #CrisisonInfiniteEarths
You will have to wait to hear my take on that
Day 15
Choose 20 comics that have stayed with you or influenced you.
One comic per day for 20 days, in no particular order.
No explanations, no reviews, just covers.
Roy Thomas is back at #Conan together with Not-Big-John-Buscema Roberto De La Torre in #TitanComics #SavageSwordOfConan 7 (Mark of the beast) out right now.
Now, this is a real fan service.
Man, oh man, aren't these some great #Avengers comics 67-70 by #RoyThomas #BarryWindsorSmith #GeorgeKlein #SalBuscema #SamGrainger #SquadronSinister #Kang #GrandMaster #Goliath #Yellowjacket #TheWasp ##BlackPanther #Vision #Ultron #Thor #CaptainAmerica #IronMan
Stop! Let's Team-Up!: New Crew Review Episode 003 Captain Carrot #2
#FantasticFour read through has gotten to the first #FF I ever read 128 & 129-131. There is a big shake-up of the team. #FrightfulFour #Thundra #Medusa #MisterFantastic #TheThing #InvincibleWoman #HumanTorch #RoyThomas #JohnBuscema #JoeSinnott #RossAndru
I love these issues for #Avengers. I remember how I felt when I got to read these the 1st time. #RoyThomas, #GeneColan & #BarryWindsorSmith are killing it. The weird lineup change, where 2 regs take new Codenames! #Hawkeye, #Yellowjacket #Goliath #Wasp #Vision #BlackPanther #Thor #IronMan
Stop! Let's Team-Up!: New Crew Review Episode 002 Captain Carrot #1
The Savage Sword Of Conan : The Original Comics Omnibus Vol. 5 Available April 1
#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheSavageSwordOfConan – @ComicsTitan – #MichaelFleisher – #RoyThomas – #BruceJones – #JohnBuscema – #ErnieColon – By: Michael Fleisher (Author), Ro…
#horror #ad #Releases #Comics #TheSavageSwordOfConan #RoyThomas(Author) #JohnBuscema(Illustrator) #MichaelFleisher(Author) #BruceJones(Author) #ErnieColon(Illustrator)
I love this issue. It is near perfect. #Avengers #RoyThomas #JohnBuscema #GeorgeKlien #SamRosen #StanLee #CaptainAmerica #Goliath #Hawkeye #TheWasp #BlackPanter ##BuckyBarnes #BaronZemo
Okay, my #FantasticFour re-through has gotten a special point. 122-125 are the last 4 issues before the 1st #FF I ever read. #RoyThomas is writing the book & #JohnBuscema #JoeSinnott are amazing.
King Conan : The Original Comics Omnibus Vol. 2 Available March 18
#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #KingConan – @ComicsTitan – #RoyThomas – #DougMoench – #AlanZelenetz – #JohnBuscema – #MarcSilvestri – By: Roy Thomas (Author), Doug Moench (Author), Alan Zelenetz (Author), …
#Comics #MarcSilvestri(Illustrator) #AlanZelenetz(Author) #KingConan #JohnBuscema(Illustrator) #DougMoench(Author) #RoyThomas(Author) #Releases #ad #horror
Conan The Barbarian : The Original Comics Omnibus Vol. 4 Available March 18
#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #ConanTheBarbarian – @ComicsTitan – #RoyThomas – #JohnBuscema – By: Roy Thomas (Author), John Buscema (Illustrator) The greatest hero in sword-and-sorcery history. This is the legend of Conan! Roy Thomas’ decade-long original r…
#JohnBuscema(Illustrator) #RoyThomas(Author) #ConanTheBarbarian #Comics #Releases #ad #horror
King Conan : The Original Comics Omnibus Vol. 1 Available February 18
#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #KingConan – #RoyThomas – #DougMoench – #AlanZelenetz – #JohnBuscema – #MarcSilvestri – # – By: Roy Thomas (Author), Doug Moench (Author), Alan Zelenetz (Author), John Bus…
#ad #MarcSilvestri(Illustrator) #AlanZelenetz(Author) #KingConan #JohnBuscema(Illustrator) #DougMoench(Author) #RoyThomas(Author) #Comics #Releases #horror