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#Palestine-Israel / Legal analysis of Israel's proposed Citizenship Amendment, a legal disenfranchisement of Arab citizens' children born in Gaza​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ (by Yael Ronen, a professor of international law)

The proposed amendment to Israel's Citizenship Law, as announced by the Ministry of Interior on March 3, 2025, represents a significant deviation from #Israel's established “jus sanguinis” citizenship framework by denying citizenship to children of Israeli citizens born in "enemy states" or Gaza.

This legislative initiative, which fails to acknowledge its disproportionate impact on Arab Israeli citizens despite legal requirements to do so, contravenes Israel's obligations under international conventions, including the Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The amendment's purported justification—that children born in these territories inherently possess "identification and loyalty" to those entities—lacks empirical foundation and conflicts with established legal principles regarding citizenship acquisition, thereby constituting what critics characterize as a demographically motivated policy that further marginalizes an already vulnerable population segment within Israeli society.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​



הפורום לחשיבה אזורית · הדחקת וגם נישלת? תזכיר החוק לשלילת אזרחות מילדי אזרחים ערבים | הפורום לחשיבה אזוריתתזכיר חדש לחוק האזרחות מיועד לקדם שלילת אזרחות מילדים ערבים שנולדו בעזה או במדינות אויב. לכן הוא מפר אמנות בסיסיות שעומדות בלב החוק הישראלי

@oatmeal @palestine @israel

Still trying to sound neutral in reporting something like this when it is clear what is actually happening is not journalism.


Pointing out that 'it contravenes israels obligations' after all the contravening israel has been doing is bs. They are still acting as if israel is 'the only democracy in the middle east'.
It isnt a democracy and it could care less about international humanitarian law.
Saying so would be proper journalism.

@Fou_ad It’s a game Israel’s legal system is still playing, so for the sake of claimed complementarity (implying independence of the the judicial system) there are some rules, which the international community sort of holds Israel accountable for and its reperesentaoves wave in international forums (ie ICJ), while current and previous coalition made it clear they don’t give a f about. Now that the U.S. lets Israel do whatever they want, and still get aid, it’s even less relevant. Israel’s courts are the main whitewashers of the occupation. It’s been shown over and over.



Yes, and news outlets and their journalists are the ones conveying that its fine by playing their game instead of calling them out.

@Fou_ad this paper is by a intenrational law expert for a think tank called regthink. independent outlets do discuss this issue often btw, see recently

kolektiva.socialoatmeal ( Uri Weiss (a legal scholar and game theorist): [...] "Decisions by legal advisors and judges in Israel removed Gaza residents from the protection of the law, and this is what enabled the mass killing in Gaza. German law is part of the continental legal systems, and a parliamentary law removed the Jews there from the protection of the law. In contrast, Israeli law is part of common law systems, where decisions by judges and legal advisors are what removed Gaza residents from the protection of the law. Uri Weiss argues that Israel's legal system has removed #Gaza residents from legal protection through judicial decisions that denied the status of occupation. He explicitly compares this process to how legal systems were used historically to enable genocide, drawing parallels with the Nuremberg Laws that stripped Jews of legal status before the Holocaust. The denial of occupation in Gaza was expressed in court rulings that legitimized the starvation of Gaza. For example, In 2007, the Israeli Supreme Court denied that Israel was limiting the amount of food entering the Strip, but confirmed restrictions on fuel and electricity. According to the formula established by the court, Israel was only obligated to transfer "the amount of fuel and electricity required for essential humanitarian needs." A 2008 document from the Israeli military established a "minimum calorie" formula for Gaza residents, which he argues was designed to maintain people just above humanitarian crisis levels. Hebrewההכחשה-המשפטית-של-הכיבוש-סללה-את-הדרך-ל/ [#claude] In continental legal systems (i.e. civil law), codes and statutes are designed to cover all possibilities and judges fill in gaps. In common law systems, case law is analyzed for precedents that are binding on lower courts. Civil law tends to be more conceptual and abstract; common law more pragmatic and concrete. The role of the judge differs dramatically - in civil law they primarily interpret; in common law they can effectively make law through precedent. #Zionism #Nazism #GazaGenocide #Holocaust


Considering it looked to be all in hebrew I didn't open the link, i read the text and assumed it was a news article. My bad.

I do stand by my arguments though when it comes to news media. They often play the game instead of calling out.