What's your LEAST favorite video game mechanic of all time?
Mine is starving. 9 times out of 10, if your character can starve, I don't like the game.
Not-so-coincidentally, Don't Starve is my all-time least favorite video game.
@ChrisJagged Access to areas in an open world game hidden behind debris piles that magically disappear when a quest line is triggered. Seriously, put a fucking door there or something...
@Mayor_of_Smartarse Yeah I figure you should still be able to GO to those areas whether or not the quest is active
@ChrisJagged I understand the developers want to tell a linear story in an open world and that's not without some difficulty, but if you put a door or something that can't be picked and requires a singular key, it has the same function *and* allows the player to know that there is a place for future exploration. Or it could be me who would rather explore the whole map and then do the quests .
@Mayor_of_Smartarse Yeah, me too. If I'm playing Elder Scrolls for example, I'll poke into every available corner before I settle down and decide what todo.