“The greatest monsters of history —men like Andrew Carnegie, JP Rockefeller, Henry Ford and Andrew Mellon — lived lives of cruel mass-exploitation, only to rehabilitate their reputations at the ends of their lives, or posthumously, by endowing charitable foundations that do genuinely good works, while plastering those monsters’ names on every tangible expression of those works. Our modern crop of monsters are pursuing the same path” @pluralistic https://doctorow.medium.com/rich-peoples-gain-is-worth-less-than-poor-people-s-pain-6c3631292841 ht @SteveRoth
@interfluidity @pluralistic @SteveRoth
Kissinger - could never atone for his crimes
@mafeesh @interfluidity @pluralistic Really can't just ignore Hitler, Stalin, and Mao...
@SteveRoth @interfluidity @pluralistic
Agreed, but none of the others are really being Lionised. Apart from maybe Stalin (in Russia) and Mao (in China) where their controlling philosophies still brainwash the morons, as is happening in the USA and UK also right now.
@mafeesh @interfluidity @pluralistic K sure. Those named are relatively better candidates for “greatest monsters who are lionized today.”
@SteveRoth @mafeesh @pluralistic yeah. i think this is the right frame.
@interfluidity @SteveRoth @mafeesh @pluralistic I think it kind of depends on what sense of "monster" you mean. There are monsters like Godzilla that are big and destructive and that everyone can recognize as a threat. Then there are monsters like Dracula who, despite being ruthless predators, move among us undetected, camouflaged by status and wealth and manners.