Well shit just got real. At the end of class I found out I'm in the first shipment and there's a good chance my 3lbs package of 10,000 bees will be here March 28th. The nucleus colony of 5 frames will arrive on April 10th. I'm ready but it made me really think about things.
Have a good night everyone!
@That_One_Guy You'll bee too wound up to sleep.
I already don't sleep. Maybe I'll put up a hammock outside once I get both hives going. The buzz might help me sleep.
@That_One_Guy some monotone documentary .. I fall asleep waiting for software to install or download
I turn on old cartoons I've seen a thousand times. It helps sometimes.
@That_One_Guy Good luck!
Thanks. I'm ready as I'll ever be. It's just more real having a date I guess.
@That_One_Guy Beekeeping is rewarding! (but a lot of work, LOL). As a beekeeper, unsolicited advice: TAKE EVERY BIT OF ANYTHING YOU SEE ON YOUTUBE OR FROM BOOKS OR ANYWHERE (including online advice) WITH A GRAIN OF SALT.
So much bad info out there, LOL.
I'm working with a group of local beekeepers. I've read books and watched videos but more for technical terms. I'm more of a hands on learner.
@That_One_Guy Excellent! Beekeeping is 100% hands on.
It definitely seems that way. My two hives are built. I've got foundation but not yet installed. I'm doing full beeswax on the brood boxes and wax coated plastic in the supers. All the tools and gear in a box in my office. I've put a lot of thought into hive placement.
I'd actually like to take a shot at catching a swarm in the wild if the opportunity arises.
@That_One_Guy I've caught dozens and dozens of swarms. The key is to have two or three built out frames of wax from another hive, and lemongrass oil. Anyway, hope you enjoy the hobby, it's fun! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHFTIL8-nmA
@That_One_Guy How exciting!
@That_One_Guy @TCMuffin oooooh exciting!!
@That_One_Guy I did that for a while. My bees ultimately didn’t make the second season because I let them swarm. Watch out for that