Asking the Questions...
Should law be guided by religion?
Or a combination of religion and precedence?
Or should faith and state be fully separated?
@ValkyrieKerry This question doesn't sit well with me. My beliefs, both religious and personal, influence my politics as well as many other actions I take. To me, it's not fully possible to separate church and state, because they are both part of my life. What I think, though, is that nobody's religion should impede another person's rights. I don't drink alcohol, but I won't vote to impede other people's use of it.
@ValkyrieKerry But I was also taught to help others, and to do it in an orderly way, and taxing the rich to do so seems reasonable to me. So, again, not separate to me. Someone who thinks animals have certain rights is also likely to vote for things that reduce meat consumption, improve the lives of animals, etc, but ideally wouldn't be saying "No, you can't eat meat ever again."
@ValkyrieKerry fully separated.