Interesting article from ITV Content Services on the risks & need to preserve various Tape & Film Media
In a bit of absolutely shameless promotion, if you’ve got Media you need Archiving, we can help
@avavsystems @obsoletemediauk Seems weird to list open reel tape and audio cassette as 'high risk' for obsolescence; sure they're not used much any more, but I wouldn't worry about equipment becoming unavailable.
Love that 16mm film is low risk for obsolescence despite being older than any of the other formats! It's from 1923 and still in use
@avavsystems @obsoletemediauk I'm sort of surprised that some of the digital formats aren't higher risk because of obsolescing/failing hardware. The tape might still be fine, but finding a player that hasn't eaten itself with melted belts and bad capacitors is another story.
Is there something analogous to FluxEngine/GreaseWeazle for tape, where they can just replicate the details in a high-fidelity analogue manner, and then actually decoding it is a problem for later?
@hakfoo @avavsystems @obsoletemediauk ahhhh that makes sense, I wondered why dvcam was marked as medium risk and I bet a lot of that is player capacitors. panasonic dvcpro equipment is TERRIBLE about bad caps. dvcam gear isn't as hard to keep going usually
@avavsystems @obsoletemediauk i don't get how is cassette more endangered than VHS. it should be an order of magnitude easier to find or build a working cassette player from spare parts or even from scratch than a VHS one. Maybe they take into account the amount of tapes that have never been digitised?
@maho @avavsystems @obsoletemediauk I’m not sure of the answer but (despite the resurgence of cassette) I do know it’s very difficult to get a new cassette mechanism that isn’t mono and poor quality.
@PhilipKing @avavsystems @obsoletemediauk wow you're right, not just mono, also wobbly as hell... I expected players today (except maybe nonbrand ultra cheap ones from aliexpress or temu) to be at least most of them stereo, maybe a bit noisy, but this is awful...
@avavsystems @obsoletemediauk Sad but inevitable I suppose, that quadruplex isn’t even on the list.
@avavsystems @obsoletemediauk you can add LTO to that list! Last year our media archive finished moving off their old Petasite LTO tapes into the cloud. At least 4PB of media dating back to the 60s, and now they’re ingesting from tape/film/whatever directly into the cloud.