Let's manifest further plummeting at this weekend's #TeslaTakedown.
@cindyweinstein Counterpoint: we should all be demanding a four-day, six-hour-a-day work week now. And I’m not kidding.
Americans demonstrated and died for the 40-hour work week in the Haymarket Police Riot in 1886. That was almost 140 years ago, and since then things haven’t changed much, despite decades of businesses insisting over and over that technology would result in far more leisure time for us.
Instead the ultra-rich usher in fascism, while the rest of us will never be able to retire.
@gregly for some strange reason, I attached the wrong long. will edit, though I agree w/your point about a shortened work week!
@gregly @cindyweinstein The Dutch don't *legally* have a short week but I have heard that we work less than most (and party more) and yet we still punch WAY above our weight class in terms of economic clout - and that's not just in tech, that's in tulips and cheese and and things to feed the world... I think there's something to it!
@cindyweinstein I get so sick of the assumption that anyone working from home is slacking off
@cindyweinstein welp, the brain drain is only gonna accelerate after that...