My friend Michelle tells me that someone called Lizzo reposted something of mine but I don't know who that is.
I'm a German middle aged woman and even I know.
In fact, I've seen her in concert twice.
@davidho 'Is she famous?'
@davidho I only know of Lizzo because she has some Classic chops.
@davidho don't feel ashamed. Thanks to you I now know, too, who Lizzo is.
@davidho who? Never heard of Lizzo
@davidho This is her at NPR tiny desk:
It's a really fun performance
@davidho new man is a climate sci-entist...
Bom-bom-bi-dom, bi-dum-bum-bay
@davidho I never heard of Lizzo.
Now that you're besties, you should invite her out to coffee when she's in town.
You should check out her stuff, she's cool.
@davidho <whispers> I don’t know who she is either?
@davidho Instagram? I don't know who that is. Ha ha!
I know who David Ho is, but I've never heard of Lizzo.
(yes, I'm serious)
@davidho never heard of her either (but I have not followed the musical scene in 25 years)