Spat, or play? We are introducing 3 y/o female Bella (the calico) and 2 y/o female resident Suzie. They are able to eat around each other, they will sniff noses to greet, eachother, but often when they're near each other, things devolve into swatting. Any guidance?
#cats #CatsOfMastodon #catintroductions
Swatting is normal behavior, even among litter mates. It starts as playful grooming, then someone decides to bite for no apparent reason and it turns into hissing and swatting.
They’ll figure it out.
To start, I am not an expert, just a single 30 year old woman who has had cats for a long time (wait, does that make me an expert??), so this is just my two cents.
I wouldn’t call that a full on spat, tho it may have escalated if you hadn’t intervened so it’s hard to say, but overall I wouldn’t worry too much about that specific interaction. My two occasionally get in worse disagreements, often because Hashi is a gremlin (who I love, but fr he has a lot of vinegar) and has a strong inclination to intrude on Ripley’s space. Despite Ripley having to occasionally tell Hashi to fuck off, they still get along great like, 97% of the time.
Just reading body language, neither seemed to be too stressed out or upset. I feel like the feeding set up is a great way to give them positive associations with each other while ensuring they both have the ability to retreat if they want to. You could also take one of your resident cat’s beds or favorite blankets and place it in the foster’s space, ane vice versa, so that they can smell/investigate and get used to the other cat without actually being near each other. This plus time is the way I have introduced new cats to resident cats. The time will depend on how social- or not- either cat is, but more often than not they will acclimate eventually.
They are both adorable, btw