Remnants of a Legendary Typeface Have Been Rescued From the River Thames
Doves Type was thrown into the water a century ago, following a dispute between its creators.
@kammerotica “‘It is not that unusual to find pieces of type in the river,’ Sandy said. ‘Particularly around Fleet Street, where newspaper typesetters would throw pieces in the water when they couldn’t be bothered to put them back in their cases.’” I feel them. I throw mine out my office window onto the heads of unsuspecting undergraduates passing by down below. (Doves is a beautiful face. It’s worth installing the digital version.)
Oh, I bet @GuidoKuehn would find this interesting, because typography...
@OskarImKeller @kammerotica @GuidoKuehn There are a bunch of typography fans on Mastodon. I'm sort of assuming they have already seen this but in case not I can tag @letterformarchive
@soaproot @OskarImKeller @kammerotica @GuidoKuehn Yes, we know the Doves Type well! The recovery is kind of an old story (2014) but fascinating nonetheless. Here’s an example from our collection of the type in use in 1900 before it was dumped into the Thames: