Republicans don't say they hate gay people.
—They say groomers.
—They say pedophiles.
Republicans don't say they hate Jews.
—They say Soros.
—They say New World Order.
Republicans don't say they hate black people.
—They say thugs.
—They say looters.
Republicans don't say they hate Hispanic people.
—They say illegals.
—They say animals.
Republicans don't say they hate women.
—They say sluts.
—They say femoids.
Republicans don't say they hate democracy.
—They say cancel woke.
—They say radical left.
Be very, very careful of any group deliberately using dehumanizing language. Because eventually, when they do finally come for you and everyone you've ever loved...
They won't say they hate you.
—They won't have to say anything at all.
@LadyDragonfly That is because Republicans don't hate those groups; we have problems with specific people or behaviors.
@randrews @LadyDragonfly What exactly has Soros done that makes “Soros funded (cause/politician)” such a powerful insult in the GOP?
Be Jewish
@LadyDragonfly It is a question that no reporters seem to want to ask any GOP politician. I mean, “give me the offense that you personally feel Soros has committed that makes it somehow ‘bad’ to be associated with him” should be an easy one to answer unless it’s “he’s a Jew” and they aren’t yet willing to say that out loud.
@muzikant they'll never say it out loud. That's not how dog whistles work.
@LadyDragonfly Yeah, by the curtain was pulled back a little when Kanye said it, and the GOP left their praise-tweet off him up for weeks afterward.
@muzikant Kanye is a unique blend of racist enough to know all the dogwhistles and dumb enough to not know that he should use them.