Universal Basic Income isn’t just about individuals - it’s about #communities
When people aren’t struggling to survive, they have time to #volunteer #create and #uplift those around them. They can be full time #parents or #students They are able to follow their interests and talents.
@ubi4me who's gonna pay for this
@nomadbynature The rich and large corporations which incidentally, are owned by the rich. :)
@ubi4me oh, what a surprising answer
@nomadbynature @ubi4me Do realize for a moment that a universal basic income, UBI, is a major threat to fascist capitalism. The basis of this system of exploitation is to keep everyone under financial pressure in cash. So that the freedom to make sustainable value choices for society remains limited. It is not intended to benefit everyone #oligarchy #UniversalBasicIncome #socialsecurity
@marcellinusme @nomadbynature Well said
@marcellinusme i see a lot of nice sounding babble and no solutions
@nomadbynature @ubi4me Many are indoctrinated and do not realize that there are alternatives that are economically viable. Moreover, a change of system requires a fierce struggle against powerful parties who want to keep everything the same. Historically, this requires many sacrifices that few are willing to make.
@marcellinusme nothing actionable
@nomadbynature @ubi4me As an individual, you can help stop exploitation by opposing the establishment's revenue model. Stop buying services and stuff from BigTech, shop at local stores and use online stores only when there is no other way. In doing so, build new networks with like-minded people.
@marcellinusme sure, i hope you live what you preach
@nomadbynature @marcellinusme There are plenty of things that can be done like those that @marcellinusme mentioned.
I would add any and all of these:
- Vote for politicians with a UBI agenda
- Run for office yourself - even a small role in your local council is a start
- Organise local groups to lobby politicians
- Talk to people about UBI + raise awareness
- Raise your children with a UBI mindset
Everyone has different preferences and together, we will make a difference