An great article in #TheConversation on Ontario’s basic income pilot:
"We found that increased income security improved participants’ mental health, reduced their stress and allowed them to improve diets with healthier food options. Some spoke of no longer having to rely on food charity as they could go the grocery store like everyone else."
Tha'ts what #UBI recipients want to do: live a dignified life like #everyone else.
@ubi4me How many studies have to say the same thing before it is accepted? It's like housing the homeless - It's been proven to work dozens of times in different countries, savings thousands in emergency callouts and treatment, but people still won't do it.
@Dtraslerwriting The Stanford UBI Lab has 202 experiments on their map:
I for one will remain realistically optimistic
“In economics, things take longer to happen than you think they will, and then they happen faster than you thought they could.”
― Rudiger Dornbusch
@ubi4me I like the sound of that, certainly. I just don't think America is going to be leading the world in socially responsible actions any time soon.