Obama has nothing to say about what Trump is doing, but he did post his NCAA bracket.
Biden has nothing to say about what Trump is doing, but he found time to post about St. Patrick's Day.
Harris has nothing to say about what Trump is doing, but she tweeted to celebrate International Women's Day.
It's not just Schumer. Dems have no idea how to mount a meaningful resistance. It's just BAU with them while the US descends into a Constitutional crisis. Hand the keys of the party to AOC, please!
@augieray hard as it may be to accept, there is a political reasoning behind this: give him all the rope he wants to hang himself with. Enough for the rest of the movement, too.
Sanders and AOC aren't having any of it. Maybe they don't think a mainstream Dem win will change the world for the better enough. Maybe they don't believe in sacrificing the well-being of folks to win the war for everybody's future.
Both are valid strategies, I think. Blow me if I know which one'll work.