Ce măsuri va lua #MinisterulSănătății după ce un băiat de 16 ani a murit la Spitalul Județean de Urgență #TârguJiu.
@G4Media No measures whatsoever, as history has proven time and time again.
How many people have already fucking died due to infections they got from the hospitals, or due to staff incompetence, corruption, greed, idiocy, how many have died in accidents like being burnt alive because the hospital (infra)structure is horridly outdated?
What on Earth could compel our imbecilic health minister to ACTUALLY take some measures, just because some 16-yo kid died? Whatever measures these are, they'll be quickly forgotten, or relegated to sit with the rest of the 'measures' taken in the past, never to be followed or updated again?
Reactive government at play.