Judge Blocks Trump’s Funding Freeze, Saying White House Put Itself ‘Above Congress’
The judge had ruled that the administration was not complying with his previous order requiring the government to keep disbursing money to states.
No, the Felon has not complied with court orders, and he's not going to. It'll be up to Congress to decide if their going to protect their power, and they can only do that if they remove him.
I don't see Republicans allowing that to happen, do you?
@spaceghoti I agree that day may be coming, but until it is definitively and unambiguously her, I will not proclaim it in advance.
I think the Rubicon has already been crossed. We've already lost our democracy, and all that remains is to be seen how much autonomy we can preserve in the new political normal.
@ChrisBoese @spaceghoti Maybe the Rubicon was crossed decades ago when the greatest group of voters became the non-voters. In any case the thing to do is to resist any way you can and to do it consistently every day and not bum out others who are resisting harder. #Solidarity is key.