@Montano hey friend how are you doing today
@Elliotthud I'm struggling. How are you
@Montano it's fine dear friend, all thanks to God
@Montano where are you chatting from ?
@Montano alright, I live in Scotland it's nice to have you has friend if you don't mind
@Montano AZ is a beautiful city
@Montano tell me how is the weather climate over there, any good news from the L A wildfire hopefully the fire burning should be over by now ?
@Montano hey there are you busy doing something else ?
@Elliotthud I am, sorry. Getting ready for work
@Montano alright, it's okay take care of yourself at work, okay maybe we could talk when you free ?
@Montano are you on zangi messenger ?
perhaps you can save my zangi number on your 1096448102
@Elliotthud I am not on zangi. I've never heard of it. Got to go. Have a good day
@Montano alright friend, maybe you check it on your app store it's also popular in use, I wish you good luck at work, bye
@Montano hey good morning to you how are you doing today, I wish you happy weekend friend