OFFS! They'll chip away & keep claim-lying fraud & abuse til bye-bye SS.
" #SocialSecurity Admin considering ending phone program that helps w claims processing/used by millions of elderly & disabled Americans...would disrupt the agency’s internal operations, threaten its ability to serve the public..just as DOGE is targeting the agency for across-the-board staff cuts of more than 12%"
@GottaLaff I read an interesting interpretation of what the goal is. To get Americans so disgusted with the SS administration that they welcome Social Security Advantage, a privately run SS payment system. Thereby moving trillions of dollars into the control of private financial services. SS itself wouldn't be destroyed, rather we'd make wealthy people wealthier by giving them the keys to the kingdom of SS cash. It's a huge money grab, much bigger than SS elimination would ever be.
@RegGuy Yes, privatizing it. Exactly what they're doing with Medicare/Medicare Advantage
We should lose the term privatization and just call it what it is theft.
They want to steal even more of our retirement savings after stealing trillions from us when the killed our pensions and replaced them with 401Ks.
They're stealing our retirement health care savings with Medicare (dis)Advantage.
No argument that it's in peoples heads, but if we keep using their words, then we are reinforcing them in people's minds.
We need to use our words, over and over again, if we're ever going to replace theirs.
Antonia Scatton and Anat Shenker Osorio write about this extensively.
In fact Antonia wrote about it again today -