I put my work gloves, a chainsaw and an ax in the back of my SUV. We're heading out to see if we can find a place serving hot food. The power is still out unfortunately. We spent three hours working in the yard. I'm a bit bummed by the damage we got but others have it way worse so I'm going to move forward and just deal with it as best I can. Mostly insurance claims anyway.
Have a good Saturday friends!
@That_One_Guy Be careful, things are probably dangling in places.
BBQ is your friend when power is out.
I'm out of propane. I used it running a torch in the winter cutting ice in the driveway. I can probably pick some up but it requires a trip out.
Don't do that anymore .. Any idea what conditions were in Jette's part of the world? We've not heard from her for awhile and I was concerned when I heard the storm
I heard from her last night. They are ok.