christian #zionism, evangelical or otherwise, is completely and resolutely #antisemitic.
the goal of guys like Mike Huckabee, the ambassador to #Israel, is to turn Jews to Christianity.
the zionism for evangelicals like Huckabee is just parseltongue for #theocracy.
evangelicals believe it’s a hop & a skip to their cult, once they harden the Jewish theocratic state.
what will they do with Jews who won’t convert?
ever heard of Crusades #fetishes?
they’re #necrophilia for evangelicals.
@blogdiva Thank you. The most nihilist and corrosive elements of Christianity have rallied around the idea of every Jew being forced to return to Israel. Zionism works making sure the rest of the planet isn't safe by design. The most dangerous parts of Zionism are rooted in predominantly white Catholic and Protestant views of the "second coming" where the end is very specific for very specific people. So much of it is antisemitic to the core.