Ok, as a new kid here, I'm happy to take recommendations on who to follow! Smart, funny, and geeky accounts especially!
@adakirschner follow me. I'm witty, interesting, debonair and dashing.
Also, a terrible liar.
@adakirschner then I’m honored you followed me! Welcome to Mastodon!
@adakirschner welcome! Please state your favorite Doctor and crumbled ruin for the record.
That I have explored: Mayan ruins in Belize.
That I have yet to explore: Machu Picchu (although I'm not sure my knees will be up to the task by the time I finally get there) and Skara Brae.
@Tender Wait...No!!!! I meant Ten! Definitely Ten!
@adakirschner haha, is this retraction the result of a tough decision or a miscount? Ten is my favorite as well!