28 December 1942 | Prof. Carl Clauberg began his experiments on female prisoners at Auschwitz to develop a non-surgical mass sterilization method.
He made sure that the Fallopian tubes were open & introduced a specially prepared chemical irritant, which caused acute inflammation. This led to the growing together of the tubes & their obstruction.
Medical experiments at Auschwitz:
#Auschwitz #medicine #experiments #history #ww2 #sterilization #doctor @histodons
Carl Clauberg made these procedures in a brutal way. Complications were frequent, including peritonitis and hemorrhages from the reproductive tract, leading to high fever and sepsis. Multiple organ failure and death frequently followed.
While some of Carl Clauberg’s Jewish female patients died in this way, others were deliberately put to death so that autopsies could be carried out.
Before the Soviet Army approached Auschwitz Clauberg moved to KL Ravensbrück to continue his experiments. Soviet troops captured him there in 1945. In 1948 Clauberg was put on trial in the Soviet Union & was sentenced to 25 years in prison.
In 1955, he was released (but not pardoned) with a group of about 10,000 POWs and civilian internees. He returned to West Germany, where he was reinstated at his former clinic based on his prewar scientific output.
In 1955, after public outcry from groups of survivors, Carl Clauberg was arrested and put on trial. He died before trial on August 9, 1957.
In the virtual visit of the Auschwitz Memorial, you can look inside Block 10 at Auschwitz I, where Carl Clauberg did some of his experiments: http://panorama.auschwitz.org/tour1,2917,en.html
This online lesson takes a closer look at the story of different medical experiments conducted at the Auschwitz camp, including mass sterilization of men and women, heredity research by Dr. Josef Mengele, and the effects of the starvation disease, and the testing of new drugs: http://lekcja.auschwitz.org/2022_medycyna_en/
@auschwitzmuseum This is what I was hoping you would talk about. The Wirtz family, who founded Chemie-Grunenthal, reportedly has a very dark association with the Holocaust. https://www.newsweek.com/nazis-and-thalidomide-worst-drug-scandal-all-time-64655
It is surely haunted. I get a strange feeling.
How on earth was that man reinstated after what he had done, holy cow. So glad the public spoke up and I'm sorry he died before the trial and not after
@auschwitzmuseum unbelievable. That the Germans had to be shamed into holding him to account. That he escaped justice.
@auschwitzmuseum absolutely astonishing, and deeply distressing. Thank you for bringing this story to light. We should know the full extent of these activities. God, what humanity is capable of!! It pains me to think.
@auschwitzmuseum Monsters exist among us. We must never allow them to win power, and we must never surrender, if they do, until we remove them.
@IdoAmir This is one of the hardest but most important warnings for us today.
Perpetrators were people who accepted and followed an ideology that made them believe that they are better than others and that rationalized and promoted hatred & evil. It became their everyday live.
They were not monsters. They were people who did horrible things on the behalf of the ideology that they believed in.
The perpetrators thought of themselves as moral people. And this is the scary part of the story.
@auschwitzmuseum Thank you this important description. I'm referring to the evil monsters at the top of the pyramid: Hitler, Putin, Trump, and their high level supporters. The cynical ones who aren't driven by ideology, but by selfish greed for money and power. Those who intentionally lie to their followers, turning regular people into monsters, convincing them they are patriotic freedom fighters, as they send them to commit atrocities in their name.
@auschwitzmuseum @IdoAmir Exactly. Thanks for reiterating this!
Every story about those should start like this: "On 28 December 1942 | Prof. Carl Clauberg decided to leave humanity and became a thing. " Those so-called people are only ones that do not deserve to be called humans anymore. They left humanity with their actions. This time, we should call them by real name if we don't want to happen again. There is no respect for such things.
P.s. Rule should be simple: All People should be treated well or the same way as they treat others.
@auschwitzmuseum @histodons
Horrific abuses, torture & death
@auschwitzmuseum @histodons the face of a monster
@auschwitzmuseum @histodons There exists a "better" picture of "The beast", made by the artist Stefan Krikl. I don't know if I'm allowed to share this here, but you can find it on wikipedia under the entry of the artist.
@auschwitzmuseum @histodons He spent years in a Soviet jail, but when he was released he boasted of his "accomplishments" at Auschwitz. #creep