Todays #RetroTech Pt2
Sony CRV & WORM Optical (Laser) Discs
Data & Video Version of these are very similar
Almost identical except an ID hole on the WORM Version Caddy & Disc has Sectors - 2 Sided CAV Discs
Sony WDM-6DAO Optical Disc
4.36 GB, Multisession
Write Once Read Many Format
@avavsystems @obsoletemediauk @LaserdiscTurtle What was the record time on those Sony's ?
(I've used worm-written test LD in normal players, but never seen the cartridge stuff like that)
@penguin42 @obsoletemediauk @LaserdiscTurtle 24 mins, CAV, per side
@avavsystems @obsoletemediauk I actually used to own something like this on a much smaller scale, clearly a relative of these larger discs. I think it was a Sony format, similar cartridges, double sided, about a gig per side I think, write many read many. Was really handy for moving stuff between computers in the late 90s.
@avavsystems @obsoletemediauk Something a bit like that, maybe the one on the bottom in the second picture. It was about the size of a CD in a cartridge, but before DVDs. It was used purely for storage rather than video. I'm googling about for it too now.
@avavsystems @obsoletemediauk I think it was maybe a Sony Mageneto Optical (M.O.) disk. I think we had several of the 2.6 GB discs and two drives at home.
@LaserdiscTurtle @obsoletemediauk they all had a go didn’t they.
When I worked at the BGM Co we used to get all sorts of discs sent back to us in error
McDonald’s had a Panasonic RAM in Caddy, kinda looked like DVD RAM, but was about 2 Gig
@avavsystems @obsoletemediauk @LaserdiscTurtle WORM drive is a name I haven't heard in many years