Of course, Trump's head of the newly-invented, Orwellian "Federal Task Force to Combat Antisemitism" is antisemitic. His name is Leo Terrell and his qualification is having worked at Fox.
Rupert must be so proud.
This looks so great, and I hope the media covers it. I'll be at a Tesla Takedown protest but will be sending good vibes your way!
@MishaVanMollusq @cindyweinstein That does look fun! Hope it gets coverage and attendance.
@MishaVanMollusq #altText4you Text in front of the Roman Colloseum:
The Ides of March
March 15th
Madison, WI
1-4PM – Forward statue capitol loop
Come dressed in tunics, togas, and stolas
Bring your signs and voices
@altbot doesn’t seem to caption my replies with images in them.
Not even the new 2.0 version that just went live
I've always wanted a "Jew Card". Do you get one when you buy a Jewish Space Laser? Or maybe George Soros gives them out when we get paid to be activists?
Sign me up!!!
I believe they are available at the early bird special by the entrance to the 3Gs deli in Lake Worth, FL. At least, they were a while back. Canter's has them, too.
I think that my bubbe must have had one when she lived at Century Village in Florida in the 80s and 90s to get into the clubhouse.
I am sure she did. DeSantis may have declared them illegal in that same memo when he said slavery was good employment.
@Nochem @cindyweinstein
your less subtle judenkarte
@Nochem @cindyweinstein I’m a democrat, so of course I signed up sixteen of my closest dead relatives too.
@cindyweinstein For demented psychopath Trump "anti-Bibi-ism" equates to "anti-semitism".
Which puts most of Trump's corruption, ignorance & human ineptitude on full display.
@cindyweinstein “You’re going to have some very bad things happen and people are going to blame the Democrats. And Schumer is a Palestinian as far as I’m concerned. You know, he’s become a Palestinian. He used to be Jewish. He’s not Jewish anymore. He’s a Palestinian. Okay,” Trump said while hammering the Democrats.”
And I -still- see people saying you couldn’t have expected voters to realize Trump would not, in any way, improve the lives of Palestinians.
I know, it's maddening.
@WhiteCatTamer @cindyweinstein
The father of a friend of mine was living in Palestine before the Nakbah and he continued to describe himself as a Palestinian Jew for the rest of his life.