The one prediction that I will make about 2024 is that this book from Hannah Ritchie, which will be published in a little over a week, will be one of the most important and hopeful books you’ll read.
@davidho Can you give a synopsis or summary? The site for the book only has reviews, but no ToC or sample chapter or anything like that. (I could really use reasons to be hopeful. Things seem kinda bleak right now in re: environmental problems.)
@davidho Thank you very much!
@davidho Sorry to break the atmosphere, but this is not the first time that someone has tried to change the world, and every time it was a fiasco...
@davidho Our ancestors had it ;)
I'll have to decide whether I'm more allergic to doomerism or techno-optimism. Just the cover and summary sound bad for "we could be on track to achieve true sustainability for the first time in history": sustainability is something that most generations ever had to do. Maybe it means that now we will never have to wipe out charismatic megafauna ever again, as early humans did, but given our leaders our chance of doing that again is quite high.
@davidho thanks for the recommendation.
@davidho I just wanted to get this but for some minutes I forgot I was an Iranian.
@davidho Thanks for the recommendation. I am reading this now and it is brilliant, even if she has a few blind spots here and there.