Every time I happen to glance at my phone and the time is 12:34 I feel a stab of excitement; I want to grab a stranger and tell them, or take a screenshot for prosperity.
I am 52 years old.
@davidnjoku you may also be glad to know that next year is the square of 45. I'm no math person, but things like this please me. I won't get any more square years in my lifetime.
@Shanmonster Don't say that. It's only 91 years till the next one. We can make it.
(Cool fact, by the way. Thanks. I didn't know)
@davidnjoku one hundred and forty-something years is extreme. Best find a friendly vampire to turn us in order to live that long.
I get all happy when mine says the time is 00:00 or 11:11!
@davidnjoku Never change :)
@davidnjoku I'm the same when the time, or any four digit number I come across, is 1337.
@RichBartlett Why 1337?
@davidnjoku its number letter substitution, 1337 meaning leet (elite). See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leet for a much better explanation than I can give!
@RichBartlett I have vague memories of leetspeak. I feel like it was everywhere a couple of decades ago.
@davidnjoku now I feel old
@RichBartlett Me too, my friend, me too
@davidnjoku you and @rzen have that in common
@stevegrunwell I've just checked out @rzen 's timeline.
I have a new hero.