The lesson isn’t just that you have to get off of Twitter; the lesson is you also have to get off of Substack.
@anildash It’s a very different pathology on Substack, where the need to constantly tell your paying subscribers what they want to hear serves as your editor.
Because then your editors tell you what *they* want to hear.
@eriksherman @jab01701mid @alex @anildash
Well played, sir.
@jeffjarvis @jab01701mid @alex @anildash thanks, just enough decades in the business.
@jeffjarvis @eriksherman @jab01701mid @alex
In another toot you show solidarity for Matt Taibbi.
I do not get it, sorry.
@eriksherman @alex @anildash Maybe I'm lost in the terms - a substack author is a publisher, not an editor, in my view. NYT and WaPo are publishers, they also employ editors. substack publishers are their own editor...
@jab01701mid @alex @anildash someone said that substack writers write what their audiences want to hear and I was saying the difference in a newspaper was saying what an editor wanted to hear. I wouldn't worry about whether to consider the substack writer a publisher or editor or writer. It's beyond the point.
@eriksherman @jab01701mid @alex @anildash Or, what they want *you* to hear (e.g. recent NYT headlines where they tell readers, “here’s what to know”)
@eriksherman except with a normal newsroom job your pay isn't directly tied to how much you please your editors month-to-month.
Ultimately, audience capture can happen with every model and it depends on the type of audience.
@goofrider first, I was being at least partly humorous. Second, like any job, your success month to month probably does have a strong tie to whether your boss is happy with you.