Episode of the History Channel series “Ancient Assassins” about Sir John Hawkwood (known as “The Devil Incarnate” by his enemies) was on again; he was the inspiration for the MC in my #pilot spec “Hawkwood”, a #comedy #MurderMystery about a descendant of Hawkwood who’s a private-detective in a 1950’s Cotswolds village full of quirky eccentrics w/their own secrets (& Hawkwood has to redeem his own dark past as well as the long shadows cast by his devilish ancestor) #writer #amquerying #UKagents
@ksimmons this sounds great! Like #Grantchester, with a historical angle. I dig it.
@fostermwolf Thank you! Funny you should mention Granchester since I my Hawkwood character started as a charming villain in my spec-scripts for another Brit priest-detective show, “Father Brown”; but I had so much fun writing him in my first FB spec that I brought him back him back for a redemptive-arc in my later FB specs & then decided to give him his own spinoff/original series w/this pilot! Hope to get a UK agent using this; already did a table-read in London that did great!
@ksimmons that's so awesome! I've watched a few #FatherBrown eps, amd have more downloaded, I just need to get to them. Which other prestige #Brit shows do you watch? Currently working my way through #CallTheMidwife.
@fostermwolf Oh, I’ve watched too many UK shows over the years to even list ‘em all!I’ve seen #CallTheMidwife too, also love #DocMartin (Tho that’s coming to an end, unfortunately!), and #DoctorWho; loved #Poirot & #Marple (& loved #DowntonAbbey; the big-screen DA films were good, too); if you want to catch up on the best #FatherBrown episodes, I’d recommend seasons 5-8 as the best, with “The Tree of Truth” & “The Tower of Lost Souls” as two of the best eps of the whole series!
@ksimmons thanks for the advice! #DocMartin was my intro to #BritishTV (I know, I'm such a #derlict), but I've since watched through #OnlyFoolsAndHorses, #AllCreaturesGreatAndSmall (the original series), um...#PrimeSuspect, #LineOfDuty (personal fave), #RipperStreet, #DowntonAbbey, so many more. Kind of a smattering of my tastes, lol. Oh! #Broadchurch!
@fostermwolf yes, #Broadchurch was good, too; I love David Tennant (he’s one of my favourite Doctor Who’s) & Olivia Coleman! She was especially good in that! I can’t believe they were dumb enough to replace her in the American remake! (then again, the American remakes of British shows are never as good as the originals anyway!)
@ksimmons hell, sometimes we can't even got the American version off the ground. An American #Luther has been #rumored for years, with #MarlonWayans in the lead, but it's never taken off. And really- with #IdirisElba as the real Luther, with the hell would you replace him?
@fostermwolf I agree! Idris is such a great actor that it would be crazy to replace him; they made an American version of #Broadchurch a couple of years ago & even tho they brought David Tennant over for it (although they made him speak with an American accent! You don’t spoil a great Scottish/Brit voice like Tennant’s by making him speak in a flat/nasal American twang!), they actually recast Olivia Colman’s part, which is INSANE considering what an incredible actor she is!
@fostermwolf Right! I bet they wouldn’t have recast her so rudely like that AFTER she got famous with her Oscar win, that’s for sure! Whoever did that is probably kicking themselves now!