@jeffowski artistry makes life worth living i think
@jeffowski I like the spirit of this post, but I know it won't work with those people because they only see “successful” artists, whom they expect to not have financial struggles, so _of course_ it doesn't apply to them (_those_ artists are “useful” because “successful”, everybody else should just go do something “actually” useful). It's not an argument that can be won because it has no basis on reality.
@jeffowski seems like a red herring as most people primarily consume content created by artists who are not struggling financially. I also don't understand the leap from "should have gone into tech" to "unworthy of life" (both of which seem like strawmen)
I know a lot of very "successful" authors that have to work a second job or are otherwise not as financially stable as one would assume. That's a problem as well; people assume a "New York bestseller" is on easy street but they actually make less than minimum wage when you consider the amount of effort it took to write the book.
@jeffowski I'll just mention that it's entirely possible for someone in tech to go 30 days without those experiences if they are dealing with high pressure deliverables.
I know, that's apart from your point, which I agree with; but I felt it needed to be said.
@jeffowski Science and technology should be used to make life better for everyone. Art is what makes life worth living
Preachers, on the other hand...
@jeffowski anyone who read this as "artists are superior to tech workers and tech workers need to justify that they're just as good" needs to reread or take a nap. Anyone who read this as "artists are just as good as tech workers and tech workers need to justify that they're *better*" needs to be subjected to the treatment mentioned in OP and forbidden from talking to other people until they learn how to see others as their equals
My part of the social contract,
my cultural role
is to dig deep into my subjective soul,
which connects to
the collective whole.
To fully merge with that landscape
become every bit of soil, every seed;
excavate the before, becoming,... https://om2317.wordpress.com/2013/10/12/artists-paean/
@jeffowski “Earth without art is just “Eh”.”
@jeffowski The description in the last line I would rather apply to overpaid jobs that really do not contribute to the common good or wealth at all - like investment bankers, brokers or consultants
@jeffowski And you should have to browse the web with images turned off, too.