I assume you do realise that the reason Israelites referred to the Philistines as "the uncircumcised", and collected their foreskins as trophies, is because all other local desert peoples practised circumcision. The coastal Philistines were the weirdos because they didn't.
Oh, no, you didn't? That's because you're ignorant as fuck.
As I said, the only religion atheists understand (and reject) is Christianity. They know fuck all about anything else.
@regordane -- LMAO... It's amazing how you PROJECT your own bullshit onto a meme that didn't even mention the Philistines...
Good job at being social media illiterate.
You follow me, so if you are so offended, why are you doing that to yourself?
What a fucking moron.
Yes, I follow you because sometimes I need to know what harm people are doing. You're as ignorant as fuck and yet you call me a moron?
I assume you're aware that there are well-established religions that don't even have a god?
Or that there are religions that don't assume that morality is dependent on belief?
Oh, no, I guess that would be too much to hope for.
You are so fucking ignorant.
@regordane -- LMAO... I study ancient Greek atheist philosophers.
My atheism has a LONGER tradition than even your Judaism.
Religion of all sorts, where it exerts a truth without evidence, and a belief in the supernatural, is all the same poison.
You here arguing here stating I have no knowledge when you're the one adding in all the extra stuff that isn't even part of the meme. That's why your crazy on this meme is SO SO SO fucking perfect.
What makes you think I haven't studied ancient Greek philosophy?
Not all religion requires a belief in the supernatural.
But I'd add, distinguishing between natural and supernatural requires a high level of scientific understanding, which is of necessity a modern phenomenon.
And as for the Akeida... there are many centuries of deep wisdom about what it means and what we can learn from it.
Only know-nothing literalist Protestant Christians come up with rubbish like yours.
Please if you want to criticise reformed Christianity, go ahead. But you know NOTHING of other religions so don't assume they are the same.
@regordane -- All religions are the same. They establish as fact things that are not proven at all.
ALL religion is poison, even yours.
You're here projecting and making assumptions which really demonstrates YOUR biases and ignorance on things.
You don't even know what a religion is.
"Establish things as fact"? Erm, nope. Not mine, buddy.
@regordane -- Well, thanks for making my meme more popular on the Federated and Local Timelines.
Your interaction helps me, so keep it up.
I love it when my haters come onto my feed to help me.
Who's the moron again?
If some atheists have been exposed to the idea that religion can be more diverse, flexible and accommodating than the fundamentalist Christianity they have rightly rejected... I'd see that as a win.
@regordane -- LMAO, you're a hoot.
I love how you're trying to ride both sides of the fence now.
People who jump in and defend religion are the exact people I love to offend. You're the very moron I love using for my own needs.
You're here helping the visibility of this meme. So you are literally helping spread my message AND being a crazy person that is proving the meme.
This is awesomeness on a stick.
Sounds to me that you're getting a bit desperate now.
@regordane -- Sorry that you're confused.
How come this is commonly considered crazy and a crime when I say it?
How come you're here spouting about stuff that isn't part of the meme? You're projecting and YOU are the one that is desperate.
You are trying to discredit my meme when your crazy is here supporting the meme.
This is why it is so funny. You are social media illiterate and helping to prove my meme and my message.
Religious people other than fundamentalist Christians have spent three thousand years discussing this *conundrum. And learning deeply from doing so.
But yeah, fundamentalist Christians waltz in and assume it should be taken at face value. And atheists follow their lead.
*I once gave a sermon. On the akeida. I'm not a Talmud scholar. But even I know enough to find many different ways of learning from this superficially challenging story. A bit like the Greek myths..
@regordane -- Still haven't answered the main question.
If GOD spoke to you and told you to kill your child, would you?
If GOD spoke to you and told you to kill me and stop me from committing "blasphamy", would you?
Keep telling me how wrong I am but you're the one here spreading my message for me.
I don't believe in a God who tells me to do things. I don't believe in blasphemy.
So I really can't answer your question. Except to say that you persist in not understanding the premise. Or possibly, if I did start to think that God commanded me in such ways, I should seek psychiatric care and probably anti-psychotic medication. Because that's the only way I can imagine such a scenario.
I am the religious one here.
@regordane -- So why are you here being butthurt over the meme?
This is why I say that you are now trying to ride the fence.
Thank you again for coming back over and over and making this meme be seen by more people.
I'm not trying to convert anyone (that's against my religion).
But I like exposing atheists to the idea that the (Christian) religion they have rejected is a narrow and restricted concept, which many real religions don't follow.
@regordane -- You're playing cop for an imaginary friend in the sky and excoriating me for pointing out some fucking crazy stuff with Abrahamic religions.
OK Karen.
@regordane -- You've been gone for a few minutes and the interactions on my meme are slowing down.
Where did you go?
Oh, I went to the loo and then I was replying to an antisemite.