Antony #Blinken: "#Netanyahu has agreed to the #deal #proposal, and #Hamas must agree."
Benjamin Netanyahu: "We will not accept any proposal that ends the #war in Gaza."
"Gadi #Eisenkot: We did not achieve any of the war #goals and Netanyahu opposed the deal."
1. Who the hell do they think they are fucking kidding?
2. Hamas must do jack!
3. #Ceasfire now, #IDF out, free #Palestine!
#AntonyBlinken #BenjaminNetanyahu #GadiEisenkot #Israel #CeasfireNow #FreePalestine #Gaza @palestine
Surprisingly little #bias. We're not used to this in #Germany, you know. #Staatsräson
#CeasfireDeal #BridginProposal #ABCNews #ABCAustralia #Hamas #YahyaSinwar #Sinwar #Israel #Netanyahu #Blinken #Gaza #Palestine @palestine
There is an ongoing battle underway inside ABC Australia (the government broadcaster) over its Gaza coverage.
In general, their coverage has aligned with the Aus government support for the genocide but there have been occasional honest reports.
Here's a recent one by Channel 4:
Absolutely not for the fainthearted!
@stg_kn @johnwilsonwsws @palestine
I wouldn’t hold your breath for #channel4 to cover the Middle East with anything approaching balance. Edited by the dreadful #zionist #EsmeWren, yesterday’s coverage of the DNC 2024 was fawning sycophantic rubbish and completely ignored the widespread pro-Palestine protests both inside and outside of the convention centre.
#gazagenocide #freepalestine
@adrienherbert @johnwilsonwsws @palestine
We absolutely get what you are saying. Don't get us wrong there.
Now imagine what this tells you about the "quality" of German "media" …
Actually, they are even calling themselves(!) the "quality media". Just delusional!
If you know a tiny little bit of German you might wanna check this out: #EinfacheSprache. It's how they indoctrinate Germans who are linguistically challenged. So #perfidious ("#Hamas bad.")!
@stg_kn @johnwilsonwsws @palestine
I am absolutely sure that you are right. None of the mainstream media companies here in the colonial and former colonial states of the west (the northern hemisphere) presents honest coverage of this crisis.
This is honest coverage.
Effectively what the Americans are is “snake-oil salesmen”. They have been presenting the latest meetings as “peace talks”. They are a cynical publicity stunt.
@adrienherbert @johnwilsonwsws @palestine
First time we see an Al Jazeera short URL.
We all skipped this episode of Inside Story because it's all so clear, anyway.
Daniel #Levy knows his stuff.
In #Germany, it has become common to slander Al Jazeera as "#propaganda", "#antisemitic" even, while in fact they have more #Jews and #Israelis on by far than German news. And, what's more important, much more diversely opinionated ones.
It's all so silly here.
@stg_kn @johnwilsonwsws @palestine
I stopped watching #bbcnews shortly after the outbreak of the war in #Ukraine. It was so obvious that western hegemony was behind mainstream media coverage and that so long as the “victims” of aggression were white, western and not Moslem then “we” should flood our media with positive coverage (which continues). No mention of the additional #NATO presence in states bordering Russia during the six months up to February ’22.
@adrienherbert @johnwilsonwsws @palestine
And yet, if you're doing a direct comparison to German media you will notice that the #BBC has not given in to the demand to always attribute #Hamas with attributes such as "terroristic", while German outlets have even put this into writing and without any obligation to do so.
Also, if you compare segment lengths and frequency on foreign topics, British media are wayyy ahead.
@stg_kn @johnwilsonwsws @palestine
Oh let’s not get into mainstream media coverage comparisons and whose can more genuinely lay claim to that treasured title of 51st State of the Union.
See? We Britons REALLY do, do cynicism and sarcasm better than anyone!
@adrienherbert @johnwilsonwsws @palestine
#Germany will never be that 51st but rather remain a colony / diplomatic puppet going military base / decoy target quickly.
See? We Germans can do #fatalism quite well (everything is "total" and "final" here).