And we did it!! Thank you all for your support and getting our #Reddit past 10,000 members!
We will be hosting a giveaway for a BIG game over there starting tomorrow, so go subscribe if you haven’t yet:
@steamdeckhq At last, a place to view SD news and updates on Reddit that isn't "look at my cat next to a steam deck" x 10000
@gamingonlinux @steamdeckhq Yeah the SteamDeck sub is so polluted with "deckposting" and the headmods are so hostile to any actual content. (And apparently also incredibly closed for criticism)
@sirobsidian @steamdeckhq yeah the mods on that subbed banned even my alt account for daring to comment in a post talking about the current state of the sub, the head mod is a power trip weirdo
@gamingonlinux @steamdeckhq Yep I was banned today, I made a comment which (according to bbqkitty) gained the sub 1300 members within the 2 hours the comment I made was up, absolutely crazy growth when people find out there's a good alternative sub.
@sirobsidian @steamdeckhq yeah it appears people are desperate for it and for good reason, hope it continues to do well
@gamingonlinux @sirobsidian We hope so too! And of course, we will always welcome you there if you choose to be a part of it.