I was struck by how skillfully Flávia Neves and her crew were in exploring more than a few large themes in Brazilian history, sociology, literature among numerous topics that were raised. The film deftly weaves a narrative that has much to say about the current political situation in #Brazil, and how the current is very much wrapped in a past that envelopes it. Faulkner's adage, "the past isn't dead, it isn't even past" is very much at play.
The dark family secret involving the dono da casa and the household help goes right to one of the main themes in _Casa-Grande & Senzala_ (translated as The Masters and the Slave) where Gilberto Freyre argued the sexual violence of the head of the fazenda household was a repeated transgression so common as to become practically embedded as a domestic norm of dominance contributing mightly to #Brazil's great #miscegenation of Europeans, Africans and the Indigenous.
The (ab)use of the mental health system as political tool (a key part of the film) is at the core of Machado de Asis' novella, "O Alienista" written in 1881.
The song "Gracia a la vida" plays an important role in establishing the politics of the film once the rupture within the family occurs. #MercedesSosa's version of #VioletaParra's song is a direct tie to Salvador Allende's socialist revolution in Chile. #Chile and the music which accompanied the revolution there became important symbols for would-be revolutionaries throughout #LatinAmerica -- including #Brazil.
The style of the film makes a strong nod to "magic realism" through the character Ezequiel who has magic powers and foresees the great fires that engulf the city -- but are also ostensibly engulfing #Brazil, too, as the #Amazon region of Brazil suffers yet another record-breaking (and heart-breaking) burning season.
#Ezequiel is important too because if the fires cannot be put out in #Brazil, even the north will suffer. What is going on in this tiny marginal town in the Brazilian countryside of the state of #Goiás will affect you too who seemingly live far away in the northern hemisphere per Biblical Ezequiel.
,,The Lord said, “Ezekiel, son of man, turn toward the south and warn the forests that I, the Lord God, will start a fire that will burn up every tree, whether green or dry. Nothing will be able to put out the blaze of that fire as it spreads to the north and burns everything in its path. Everyone will know that I started it, and that it cannot be stopped.” (#Ezekiel 20:45-21:13),,
The #film is really worth seeing if you can catch it.