Any #nginx #networking #jellyfin experts having a quite saturday and willing to help me get my #selfhosted journey underway?
I've got a domain and a box with some working apps on it but I can't get #certbot to recognise my DNS and am struggling to get the #ReverseProxy working.
There's a few too many moving parts for my little brain, I'd really value a helping hand to get me up and running, please.
@thechildofroth whats going wrong with certbot? i have this same stack running on my server so maybe we can compare notes
@xandris When I try to get a certificate (either using dietpi-letsencrypt or directly from the prompt (as per the jellyfin instruction)) it tells me I don't have an A or AAAA record.
But when I do:
curl --verbose http://my.domain
it comes straight back with:
so curl seems to be finding the dns record ok
@xandris I think this may be the key to unlocking this, as without the certificates the Jellyfin provided nginx conf fails, so unless I can clear this hurdle I'm going to stay stuck
@thechildofroth @xandris You can try ‘dig @ my.domain’ to have more information about the DNS information.
If you’ve got no answer, it’s definitely a DNS problem.
@rds @xandris So dig returns a seemingly sensible response (I can see my domain and my IP in there). The only concern is that I can see:
Query1, Answer1, Authority0, Additional1
Should Authority (I'm guessing this might be related to 'SOA') be 1 too?
(for any other rookies playing along 'dig' is in bind9-dnsutils on #Debian - not installed by default in #DietPi it seems)
@thechildofroth @rds i found this tool in the letsencrypt forum. what does it tell you?
@thechildofroth @rds its claiming its a private ip?
that makes it sound like its one of 192.168... or 10... or 172.16...
@thechildofroth @rds does the ip actually fall into one of those ranges in the wikipedia article?
@xandris @rds Ahh, yes. It's in the range described as:
Shared address space for communications between a service provider and its subscribers when using a carrier-grade NAT
Hmm, is there a way around that (I knew didn't have a fixed IP but I was going to use my domain providers DNS API to dynamically update the IP as required.
@thechildofroth @rds i haven't looked into dynamic dns solutions (aka dyndns) in a while. you may be able to buy a static ip for a little extra fee from your isp. last time i checked your router might be able to interface with your registrar's dyndns feature. asuswrt has such a feature. server side i found:
- ddclient (perl daemon)
- ez-ipupdate
- inadyn
- updatedd
or roll your own with just curl if your registrar gives you a url:
@thechildofroth @xandris @rds @beasts
If you're having trouble getting regular certbot certificates (because that requires certbot service to talk to the computer trying to get the certificates), you can try using the certbot DNS verification for certificates (because that only needs you to prove that you control the domain name, and doesn't really talk to your servers)
@double_a_runi @xandris @rds @beasts I've continued to chase this around today and it does appear that there's no simple way around the CGNAT address issued by my ISP. I've reached out to them to find out what options they have to circumvent it.
@thechildofroth @double_a_runi @xandris @rds @beasts Worth checking if your ISP uses CGNAT for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. If you have a real IPv6 address, that might be the way to go.
@mdonkin @double_a_runi @xandris @rds @beasts There's no IPV6 address in the router control panel, although there is this article (from 2023) saying the ISP are ready and rolling it out to customers:
I wonder if there's something that I can do from my end to get upgraded?