When Kelli Maroney was on The Last Drive In for “Chopping Mall,” she talked about how they unsuccessfully tried to work an Attack of the Crab Monsters homage into the movie. After one of the kills, they were going to quote “He gave his life” & “I know,” but Roger Corman said no.
This part of the interview is at about 31:40 on Just Joe Bob S07E01.
@cheribaker How did no one make THAT movie!? #Monsterdon #AttackOfTheCrabMonsters
@floatybirb When you describe it like that I can totally see Roger stand up, slap the table and say "YES! Perfect! I can make that in two weeks for 20K. Let me call my guys." #Monsterdon #AttackOfTheCrabMonsters
@RobynGoodfellow @cheribaker What, going for your own pirate monkey award?
@cheribaker Finger food. If you will. #Monsterdon #AttackOfTheCrabMonsters
OK. That was fun. it will be more fun next time when I can find a better source. but I will do it again :-)
good night #monsterdon
@sean Never too late for the pirate monkey. :-) #Monsterdon #AttackOfTheCrabMonsters
@peter_mcmahan absolute "you can cram _so much batshittery_ into this bad boy" energy
Wow that movie did just stop mid sentence. Didn't even get a chance to fuck off into the sea.
#Monsterdon #AttackoftheCrabMonsters
@peter_mcmahan oh that wasn't nothing, that was SO MUCH BATSHITTERY holy gods
When in doubt/ Throw grenades at the bullet proof ghost crab.
#Monsterdon #AttackoftheCrabMonsters
#Monsterdon Hank actually survived that attack on the giant crab to secretly become a Professor before being marooned with some idiots on YET ANOTHER ISLAND!!!
Omg wait. Are the lab rats okay? Did Pinky and the Brain survive the destruction of the house!?
#Monsterdon #AttackoftheCrabMonsters
OMG it's over.
Thank you for a week's worth of activities @Taweret
And @cheribaker you are just trying to make us miss you more when you leave by adding all the extra crab science content!! On top of the Bingo card!
Thank you Real Time Film Analysts! I loved all the gifs and other whacky content this week.
Hope you all crush it this week!!
This is why you don't let giant monsters that think they are a god talk much if ever. They come off as chatty self centered cartoonish lunatics. The goofy accents aren't helping any either.
#Monsterdon #AttackoftheCrabMonsters
@trixter something something communist metaphor
thanks for hosting as always @Taweret and good job everyone!
#Monsterdon #AttackOfTheCrabMonsters So I was not expecting a surprise human victory here, let alone one that involved dropping a radio tower on the big baddie. Anyway, this movie was odd. I give it 2 out of 5 crustaceans.
Characters in decreasing order of likability:
Aquarium Fish
Normal Crab
Awkward Giant Crab
Busty Flirtatious Lady
Accent Botanist
Ambiguously Gay Sailors
All Other Characters