Currently Playing | The Flaming Lips' 2002 album "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots"
"Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, Part 1" remains my fave from this one.
Currently Playing | The Flaming Lips' 2002 album "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots"
"Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, Part 1" remains my fave from this one.
Every month, 5AM StoryTalk explores a different song about our struggle to lead good and meaningful lives in a confusing, increasingly grim modern world. This February, I take on The Flaming Lips’ “Do You Realize??”
#music #theflaminglips #flaminglips #inspiration #creativity #life #lifelessons
The Flaming Lips - This Here Giraffe [Official Music Video]
15 years ago I attended the inaugural #PembertonMusicFestival. I had so many adventures & misadventures during that music fest road trip.
I was bummed out that I didn't get a #FlamingLips giant balloon. As I was about to leave festival & shuttle back to shared Whistler hotel room, a giant white balloon flew into my face/body & I grabbed it. That's how I unexpectedly scored one of the FL balloon souvenirs
From someone else who went to festival & caught part of Flaming Lips set:
What a nightmare. My heart goes out to any parent in this position. #flaminglips
#Boston Tuesday night: #Weezer (playing the blue album in its entirety as it’s 30) #FlamingLips #DinosaurJR #BostonMusic at the td garden.
Ok, question.
Why are the lips flaming?
apparently today is the 25th anniversary of the release of The Flaming Lips' Soft Bulletin. Could be wrong. But anyway, putting it on, strikes me that they ahve mcuh more cogent thoughts about AI safety than any of the rationalists/techbros
#ai #flaminglips #techbros #rationalists #rationalism
Check out this article from The Oklahoman:
Flaming Lips announce 2 free hometown OKC shows this summer: What you need to know
listening to the flaming lips’ “zaireeka,” track-by-track, one album after another. it is meant to be played simultaneously on four devices, but i only have one turntable.
If all you recall of this album is the charmingly goofy "She Don't Use Jelly", please reacquaint yourself with one of the best psych rock albums of the early 90s. Unhinged lyrics and layers of absolutely massive guitars can't cover the underlying sweetness of the songs. It's like someone hired a punk band for the sock hop, dosed the punch, and in the end, everyone finds the cool Jesus.
The Flaming Lips - Transmissions from the Satellite Heart
Looking for Weezer pre-sale codes (Specically Chicago, Weezer, Flaming Lips, DionJr., Citi Card) if anyone is willing to share. It will make a 15 year old very happy. #weezer #flaminglips #dinosaurjr #presale #tour #music