Unbelievable. YOU were chasing someone who didn't want to be chased, and you're blaming THEM for how dangerous the chase was? All you had to do was stop chasing them! These people need to give their heads a good shake. #Paparazzi #HarryAndMegan
Hey, trolls...the kids are off limits...OFF LIMITS!!! All of them..both 'sides'. Cop the fuck on. #HarryandMegan #Spare
"Never do anything in anger," said Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor. "Trust no one, listen to everyone, decide alone". Quoted in @simonmontefiore's remarkable new book which I'm halfway through. I think it is good advice for poor #HarryandMegan https://www.amazon.co.uk/World-History-Simon-Sebag-Montefiore/dp/0297869671/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2S9N8X3VESYSU&keywords=simon+sebag+montefiore+the+world&qid=1673134688&sprefix=simon+seb%2Caps%2C106&sr=8-1 [...]
There are so many calls for an obviously damaged Prince Harry to get some counselling when he’s quite obviously had some. His critics just don’t like the lessons he’s learnt. #r4today #HarryandMegan #Spare #Wato #Bbcpm @lbc@twitter.com
Bravo to #harryandmegan for having the courage to make the documentary and tell the truth about the royal family and the media. The monarchy no longer has a place in a modern society for a long time and they are a clear example of this.
#netflix #HarryandMeghanonNetfli #HarryandMeghan #UK #europe #royal #family
Heidi Siller hat sich für Uncut die Netflix-Miniserie „Harry & Meghan“ angeschaut. Mehr dazu in Heidi@Home:
#netflix #harryandmegan
My wife has an eye-twitch. I said it's probably the reflection from Prince Harry's halo, I mean bald-spot. I've cured my eye-twitch by holding my phone ever so slightly further away in bed. #feverDream #HarryAndMegan #HarryAndMeghan
Now we know thanks to #HarryandMegan #netflix
that the offices assigned to each Royal issue statements that probably have nothing to do with what that particular Royal is thinking or believing then any statement about the #clarkson diatribe would be of little value - but it hasn’t done them any favours it just endorses the whole circus we got going here and every time I see someone with the Sun tucked under their arm / what is the use ? Peddling such lies and venom and selling it on.The worst
And just like Jeremy Clarkson dreamed, the higher ups didn’t like a young upstart who came from low origins gaining power + popularity. They accused her of “love magic”, paraded her through the streets naked, forcibly divorced her from husband and then imprisoned her for life. Funny how history repeats itself. #history #england #harryandmegan
@republicnews That's great news. I'm slowly watching it out of respect for them. It doesn't seem like brain science to know they were (and still are) under extreme pressures. Wishing the best. #HarryAndMegan #
My views on the royal family and the very concept of royalty isn’t for public broadcast, but I do love when the usual TV “news” royal correspondents get on like they are close personal friends with senior members. Always hilarious. Sycophantic twats.
Sorry, least interesting couple. Gave it nearly all of episode 1 and don’t hate them, but can’t see what’s to like or admire, or worthy of a documentary. #netflex can do better #harryandmegan
I like #tags and can see their value, both here and on the birdsite. But I can also see how they can be abused. On the other place I see where someone started up some really hateful #tags about the #harryandmegan series on Netflix. Others have been encouraged to join in the hate. Any sense of personal responsibility doesn’t exist over there. I hope we can keep #tag etiquette over here.
FTR, #HarryAndMegan is quite enjoyable. It’s very well done.