Card 102: Kid Quantum
Another tough power to render, though the "colorful stasis field" could have been something.
Good use of the Legion logo on the last Legionnaires card.
Card 102: Kid Quantum
Another tough power to render, though the "colorful stasis field" could have been something.
Good use of the Legion logo on the last Legionnaires card.
Card 101: Catspaw
Every team needs a cat person.
The top down, slightly-angled perspective here makes the card really dynamic.
Card 100: Dragonmage
I legit don't know much about this character, but I like this moody, atmospheric card.
Card 099: Computo
The circuitry backdrop is reminiscent of Iron Man's MU series 2 card.
Nice to see a "Legionnaire" who isn't a duplicate of an older LSH character.
Card 098: Ferro
Well, now they're not even trying, just dropping the "Lad" off his original name. Good card though.
Card 097: Gossamer
Gossamer is a terribly generic codename, especially when "LIGHTENING Lass" is right there, to make a punny distinction between her old powers (and her brother's), and her newer density-based ones.
Card 096: Alchemist
Pearson is almost Bachalo-esque here, though what Alchemist is actually doing gets a little lost (alchemy is a tough power to render via trading card).
Card 095: Matter Eater Lad
Is there a better name in all of comics than, "Matter Eater Lad?" Discuss.
Card 094: Ultra Boy
Jo Nah swallowed by a space whale. Never change, Legion, never change.
The whole "one power at a time" thing is such a clever conceit for a superpower.
Card 093: Brainiac 5
What a fantastic facial expression of annoyance & disdain.
At first glance of the cardback image, I wondered why Ikaris of the Eternals was on the card.
Card 092: Andromeda
AKA Substitute Supergirl.
A very Adam Hughes card.
Card 091: Inferno
"Dirk Morgna" is another real name all-timer.
Chris Sprouse? Good at facial expressions.
Card 090: Shrinking Violet
Seriously, these Legion cards continue to be bangers.
"Shrinking Violet" is one of my favorites of the "updated" Legion codenames.
Card 089: Leviathan
Once again, a great mix of "showing off the power" and characterization in the cardfront image.
Card 088: Invisible Kid
Okay, now this is a cool-ass card and a great way to depict an especially tricky trading card power.
Card 087: Chameleon
For whatever reason, dropping the "Boy" bothers me less w/Chameleon.
Starting to think this set is underrated for its ability to depict less trading card-friendly powers like shapeshifting well.
Card 086: Triad
Another card where the story threatens to overwhelm the spotlight character, with the antagonist dwarfing the hero(es).
#TradingCardADay #DCCT #Legionnaires
Scans via @tradingcarddb
Card 085: Apparition
Fun to see Adam Hughes trading card art, though this one makes Phantom Girl seem like a table dancer.
Card 084: Live Wire
NOT 'Lightning Lad'
I like the intent of telling a story with the cardfront image, but the antagonist is too front-and-center, obscure Live Wire.
Card 083: Saturn Girl
Is putting Saturn in the background of her card too on the nose? Probably. But I dig it.
Crisis-related shenanigans mean her first appearance is the 24th issue of a Legion book.