Los desarrolladores de Destiny 2 han presentado el acto I de Herejía, que se estrena la semana que viene
Los desarrolladores de Destiny 2 han presentado el acto I de Herejía, que se estrena la semana que viene
Tiens je suis retombé sur cette nouvelle comme quoi l'un des tous premiers MMO au monde, #Habitat développé par #LucasFIlms est re-né de ses cendres sous le nom #NeoHabitat. Cela m'a rappelé l'excellente vidéo de @Meeea sur le sujet (la partie 3 plus exactement, mais la série complète est fantastique) et comme je vous aime beaucoup, je colle le lien ici: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv1qP82ZTsLrtk7XceMro70aveSzGxwRA Déjà essayé @Meeea ?
#IndianaJones and the Dial of Destiny is a decent #movie. However, the adventures feel forced, and it isn’t as thrilling as earlier adventures.
#movies #NowStreaming #Disney #DisneyPlus #review #reviews #LucasFilms
Como es eso que el Sta rWars Jedi Survivor #StarWarsJediSurvivor no corre en la PS4?
#lucasfilms #EA Me estas insinuando que tengo que pasar a PS5? ah?
#sony ¿Quieres decirme que se la pida al viejito pascuero?
Ich habe dann jetzt mal meinen #Widerstand aufgegeben und habe mir die #StarWars #Filme angeschaut. Ich verstehe jetzt einiges bei #SouthPark (#Memberberrys) und #Simpsons (#JimJamBonks) deutlich besser. Was ich #NICHT verstehe ist wie um den #Mist so ein #Kult entstehen konnte. Ich mag #LucasArts (Full Throttle/Vollgas) echt gern aber ich denke ich werde von #LucasFilms in Zukunft wieder Abstand halten.
With Harrison Ford in his 80ies, do you think there should be a new actor taking up the mantle of "Indiana Jones"?
When _are_ we getting the Lando show?! Let’s go already Disney!
#starwars #lando #landocalrissian #disneyplus #lucasfilm #lucasfilms
#LucasFilms character: the Mandalorian (still need to see the 2nd season)
#DoctorWho doctor: Capaldi, then Tennant
#StarTrek captain: Christopher Pike (especially his development in Discovery, then Strange New Worlds), then Gabriel Lorca (Discovery)
#Disney Princess: Mulan
#Pixar character: Marlin (Finding Nemo)
After three failed attempts that I didn't like, here is the winning drawing that I did like. Star Wars Studio Ghibli style. with Luke walking away from the Xwing being surrounded by Kodamas. in a meadow
Entirely digital drawing. which I hope you enjoy.
No me esperaba que el proyecto de Lucasfilm y Ghibli haya sido un crossover entre Grogu y los conejitos de polvo!!
Es demasiado lindo!!
El corto sale mañana.
#Ghibli #Disney #StarWars #Lucasfilms
So @TheSpaceshipper a few moments ago retweeted a post from the official Studio Ghibli twitter account, where Studio Ghibli shared an animated .gif of their Studio Ghibli logo along with the LucasFilms logo...
TL;DR: Studio Ghibli is doing something with LucasFilms...