Men of Harlech, are ye waking Saxon hosts your hills are shaking,
Proudly now your swords be taking, Gather in your might.
Hark, a thousand voices call ye, Let old hero hearts enthral ye,
Shall the thought of death appal’ ye? Hasten to the fight!
Men of Harlech, are ye waking Saxon hosts your hills are shaking,
Proudly now your swords be taking, Gather in your might.
Hark, a thousand voices call ye, Let old hero hearts enthral ye,
Shall the thought of death appal’ ye? Hasten to the fight!
#film #cinema #movies #zulu #rorkesdrift #uk #classic #michaelcaine #stanleybaker
My first rewatching of Zulu in years, which has to have one of the best movie scores ever written. This has to be my movie clip of the day…
#zulu #cinema #film #channel4 #uk #movies #rorkesdrift #africa #michaelcaine #stanleybaker #britain
It’s been years since I’ve seen Zulu (the 1964 version), but what a movie! Channel 4 at the moment if anyone fancies catching it.
It's #Zulu Weekend, so watching #ZuluDawn in tribute to #Isandlwana, tomorrow, then #Zulu on Sunday for #RorkesDrift. There will be beer & a rum ration...
Actually shedding tears as l read about the recovery of the colours of the 1st/24th. Heart rendering stuff! #RorkesDrift #Zulu
'Mr Sunak sir, be quiet now will you, there's a good gentleman. You'll upset the lads.' #GTTO #RishiSunak
#RorkesDrift #Zulu #NigelGreen
Tees from Sillytees