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Judicator – Concord Review

By Iceberg

Seven albums into their career, Utah’s Judicator are back with another platter of American power metal designed to raise both your horns and your calorie load. Originally the epitome of Blind Guardian worship, Judicator began moving away from their Hansi-centric style with the departure of founding guitarist Alicia Cordisco in 2022. This coincided with the release of The Majesty of Decay, an album that saw Judicator adding prog to their power core, a move that satisfied the Eye of Holden but didn’t sit so well with resident power metal maven Eldritch. Their latest LP, Concord, has Judicator tackling the American West, a mythos that’s rightfully earned its reputation as good, bad, and ugly. With this timely subject matter in tow, can Judicator and sole remaining founder John Yellend find their new voice in power metal, or will they leave us looking over our shoulders at better days and greener shores?

Judicator remain a reliable band for fans of quality, USDA Choice Power, while managing to streamline their songwriting approach. The orchestral grandiosity of Blind Guardians meets the rabid thrashing of Iced Earth, but this time around there’s a more straightforward, heavy metal sensibility not unlike genre titans Judas Priest or Iron Maiden. Gone are the long, experimental windings of The Majesty of Decay, and in their place are truncated song structures, sharpened riffcraft, and a renewed focus on powerful, hooky choruses. Yellend’s bright tenor carries the brunt of the workload here, shining in the barreling, traditional power metal moments (“Call Us Out Of Slumber,” “Concord”) but sounding slightly out of place in the slower, quieter passages (“Johannah’s Song,” “Hold Your Smile”). Yellend’s lyrics seem genuine, though, relating tales of lost valor (“Call Us Out Of Slumber”), the call of the wilderness (“Sawtooth”), the massacre at Wounded Knee (“Imperial”), and Cormac McCarthy’s harrowing epic Blood Meridian, an apt epilogue for an album about the scarring legacy of Manifest Destiny.

For all their pushing and rearranging of the genre envelope, Judicator are still a power metal band at the end of the day, and they shall be judged on the memorability of their hooks. I’m happy to report that after shying away from the magic of the chorus on The Majesty of Decay, the earworms have made a triumphant return. Singalong anthems pepper the album, less cheesy than the Italian variety and more like the unabashed brawniness of Manowar or last year’s Nemedian Chronicles (“Sawtooth,” “Hold Your Smile,” “Concord”). The riffs on Concord eschew the lightning-fast runs one might expect from Dragonforce-core and opt for a grounded, foot-stomping aesthetic that fits neatly into the album’s concept (“Imperial,” “A Miracle of Life”). Replayability is also helped by the album’s editing, running 51 minutes across 9 tracks, with a closing epic whose structure is well executed, justifying its runtime (“Blood Meridian”).

Concord feels like a turn in the right direction for Judicator, but it hasn’t fully avoided the pitfalls of its core genre. While the album is stuffed with some real crowd-pleasers, some songs don’t quite make the same impression as their brethren. The relentless major key optimism of “Johannah’s Song” feels like a musical idea that hasn’t been fully formed, and the narrative-dependent “Weeping Willow” never seems to find its footing. Tracks set up in a storytelling format often have clunky lyrics, a little too on-the-nose, and fall prey to power metal’s reputation for cringe (“Johannah’s Song,” “Weeping Willow,” “Hold Your Smile”). But Judicator succeed in channeling a genuine love for their genre on the lion’s share of Concord, and its hard to be untouched by their infectious enthusiasm.

Concord represents a laudatory return to form for Judicator. Cuts like “Call Us Out Of Slumber,” “Sawtooth,” and the embedded title track have monster choruses that threaten to secure slots on my SOTY playlist, and the album as a whole has the gift of memorability. While not breaking any new ground, it feels as if Judicator have finally found the feet to stand on since losing Cordisco, and not a moment too soon. Some may find the closing scene of “Blood Meridian”–ripped straight from the epilogue of the book–a bit hokey, but I think it sums up Judicator’s current state nicely. As the din of fiddles and revelry thickens, Judge Holden whips the bar patrons into an inebriated frenzy and repeats, endlessly, with a menacing snarl, “I will never die.”

Rating: 3.5/5.0
DR: 7 | Format Reviewed: WAV
Label: Self-Release
Websites: Bandcamp | Facebook
Releases Worldwide: March 28th, 2024

#2024 #35 #BlindGuardian #Concord #HeavyMetal #IcedEarth #JudasPriest #Judicator #Manowar #Mar24 #NemedianChronicles #PowerMetal #Review #Reviews #SelfRelease #USMetal

Kerberos – Apostle to the Malevolent Review

By Saunders

Symphonic death is a tricky subgenre to nail. While there are skilled exponents, bands peddling the dramatic style tread a fine line in balancing the ornate orchestral elements and heavy-hitting metal, without diminishing one or the other of the fused components. Such as the symphonic elements feeling tacked on or the metal edge blunted. Overall, it’s a mixed formula for yours truly, though I am certainly not opposed to the style when executed well (Fleshgod Apocalypse, Zornheym, Septicflesh, Dreamgrave). Hailing from Switzerland and sporting a bombastic, prog-infected symphonic death sound, unheralded act Kerberos aim to make their mark on the scene with their second album, Apostle to the Malevolent. Not one to do the style in half measures, Apostle to the Malevolent jams a multitude of orchestral elements and symphonic flair to otherwise traditional metal instrumentation, creating a colorful sound that on surface levels ticks all the boxes for a good time for enthusiasts of the style. Kerberos manage to cram all their sophisticated ideas, choirs and orchestra into a lean runtime, clocking in a shade under the half-hour mark. But can Kerberos back up the bombast and efficiency with gripping songwriting?

The first couple of the five tracks comprising Apostle to the Malevolent will likely weed out the non-believers. Opening instrumental “Praeludium in H Moli” plays into the band’s flair for orchestral dramatics with mixed results, setting the scene for first proper track, “Near-Violence Experience.” Apostle to the Malevolent credits a Kerberos choir and orchestra in addition to the core foursome. The elaborate nature of the band’s vision is reflected in the song’s crunchy riffs, busy arrangement, densely layered instrumentation, and dueling male-female vox; ranging from operatic female contributions and a strange mix of deep male clean singing and harsher growls. It’s an ambitious tune, if a little scattershot. The impressive musicianship, countered by the overstuffed and convoluted nature of the arrangement, prevents it fully lifting off.

Vocally, the male cleans come across as melodramatic and more than a little cheesy. However, Ai-lan Metzger’s stirring vocals and accompanying choirs lend the album a vibrant voice to match the swelling orchestral touches. When traded off with the harsher variations, the impact is more forceful. On the other hand, Félicien Burkard (who also handles guitars and fretless bass) clean vox are an unwelcome distraction. Kerberos lean further into the goth-tinged symphonic dramatics on “Alpine Sea,” another example of the band’s solid skills and exuberant talents, marred by a longer than needed runtime and questionable vocal transitions. The most successful example of Kerberos’ talents resides in mid-album cut “Liar Within.” it doesn’t greatly deviate from the rest of the album. However, the ingredients flow with greater fluency, while the increased aggression, speed and thrashy urges lend some extra punch to the soaring vocal hooks and lush symphonics.

Song length remains a recurring issue. As previously stated, the album is short and sweet, though several individual tracks struggle to maintain interest across their heftier lengths (including nine-minute closer “Apostle to the Malevolent”). On the plus side, some tasty material is scattered throughout, flashing the potential for Kerberos to deliver something more substantial and fully formed down the track. Importantly for any symphonic metal project, the orchestral elements don’t sound like tacked on afterthoughts, bolstered by a bright, dynamic production. However, occasionally the instruments seem to fight and jostle for space, creating a clunkier feel to certain sections, leading to some overkill and awkward results. This may present a case for Kerberos and their additional friends to refine and declutter their sound to more potent effect. The mixed bag vocals also require some work, the attempts at deeper growls and Burkard’s questionable cleans could use some tuning up.

Symphonic metal can go either way for me, and I am often especially selective with what floats my boat. Kerberos deliver an intriguing LP, featuring enough positives to find a solid audience on board with their particular brand of grandiosity and gothy-drama. Unfortunately, Apostle to the Malevolent is a messy affair, which feels unnecessarily bloated and convoluted despite its scant length. When they hone their songwriting focus into more aggressive, urgent realms and let the riffs do the heavy lifting, the band’s potential shines brightly. There remains some solid material and classy elements, with ample room for growth and refinement for Kerberos to match their ambitious vision with tighter songwriting chops.

Rating: 2.5/5.0
DR: 8 | Format Reviewed: 320 kbps mp3
Label: Self-Released
Websites: Bandcamp | Facebook
Releases Worldwide: March 14th, 2025

#25 #2025 #ApostleToTheMalevolent #Dreamgrave #FleshgodApocalypse #IndependentRelease #Kerberos #ProgressiveMetal #Review #Reviews #SelfRelease #SepticFlesh #SwissMetal #SymphonicDeathMetal #SymphonicMetal #Zornheym

Vokodlok – The Egregious Being Review

By Kenstrosity

Hailing from Romania and dealing in Transylvanian mythology, Vokodlok began life as a raw black metal band. Their debut, Mass Murder Genesis, represented that genre in all its sonic roughness, featuring guitar tones worthy only of magnetic tape, a bona fide trash can lid snare, and croaking rasps galore. Shortly after that debut dropped, Vokodlok called it quits until reforming in 2018 with a slightly restructured lineup. But that’s not the only thing that’s transformed since their rebirth. What alchemic concoctions lay in store for this latest incarnation of Vokodlok? Only this sponge can tell, as I dive deep into sophomore outing The Egregious Being.

What once was true blue raw black is now but a ghost. 2025 sees Vokodlok exploring a starkly different sound, sharing much more in kind with death and thrash metal, although still dusted in cold soot. In the spirit of this metamorphosis, The Egregious Being hones in on fast-paced, chunky riffs and thrashy rhythms. Vokodlok’s production shifted to reflect this updated style, warming up considerably—certainly enough to defrost the ice draping from those trem-heavy leads of olde and allow the hellish flame of death to bloom anew. Yet, much of this material retains a level of rawness that belies Vokodlok’s shapeshifting instincts, permitting listeners a window into these Romanians’ past selves and highlighting significant character development in not just their sound but also their songwriting.

This character development showcases Vokodlok’s versatility as musicians while still exhibiting a distinct voice that sets them apart from other bands in this space. Strong cuts such as “The Human,” “Death Terror,” “Bestiarium,” and “jagh ‘lw vlpoQ” explore that voice, but also apply tasteful notes of Death, Úlfúð, Eximperitus, Immolation, and Cell to ground listeners on familiar territory. Whether that influence takes the form of a swaggering lean (“jagh ‘lw vlpoQ”), a ripping classic death metal solo (“Death Terror”), riffs that straddle the fence between styles (“The Human”), or a multifaceted songwriting structure forged from the annals of black, death, and thrash metal combined (“Warzone,” “Bestiarium,” “Denizen”), The Egregious Being thrives on adapting touchstones of multiple disciplines in synchronized unity with their own creativity. More melodic cuts like “The Faces Within” further enliven the experience in its light-footed agility through more exuberant musicality, but it’s never so jubilant or expressive as to create distance between that and their darker, moodier pieces (“The Monster,” “Disdain”).

If there was one aspect of Vokodlok’s songwriting that pulls the material down, it’s their penchant for repetition and ungentle transitions. Blunt force constitutes the majority of these songs’ movements between themes, riffs, and verses. Some tracks, like “The Faces Within” and “Death Terror,” smooth these out a bit more and thereby create fluidity without compromising extremity. However, abrupt and, at times, jarring moments create an unpleasant roughness to this ride that never threaten enjoyment, but sometimes immersion (“Denizen”). Of course, this isn’t helped by the odd production, personified by a weird mix of warm, modern, and murky tones. Not altogether disruptive or bothersome, a handful of motifs across the record seem notably simplistic or overly repetitive in relation to others. While this in and of itself doesn’t warrant much concern, considering Vokodlok’s high level of quality across the board, it creates a disconnect from more intricately constructed or richly layered compositions. In those instances where a single track represents both sides of this dichotomy, any such rift between one moment and another poses the greatest threat to my enjoyment (“Disdain”).

Overall, The Egregious Being is a pleasant and quite unexpected surprise. Where I had every reason to anticipate something raw, ragged, and sloppy (on purpose), I instead received something fresh, well-developed, and mature. The Egregious Being may not be a perfect record, but it does illustrate a willingness to evolve and grow into something more unique, more substantial, and altogether more engaging. If this is just the beginning for Vokodlok, then the future is bright!

Rating: Very Good
DR: 7 | Format Reviewed: 320 kb/s mp3
Label: Self Release
Websites: |
Releases Worldwide: March 14th, 2025

#2025 #35 #BlackMetal #Cell #Death #DeathMetal #Eximperitus #Immolation #Mar25 #Review #Reviews #RomanianMetal #SelfRelease #TheEgregiousBeing #ThrashMetal #Úlfúð #Vokodlok

Stuck in the Filter: January 2025’s Angry Misses

By Kenstrosity

We enter January under the impression that our underpowered filtration system couldn’t possibly get any more clogged up. Those blistering winds that overwhelm the vents with an even greater portion of debris and detritus pose a great challenge and a grave danger to my minions. Crawling through the refuse as more flies in all william-nilliam, my faithful lackeys brave the perils of the job and return, as they always do, with solid chunks of semi-precious ore.

And so I stand before you, my greedy little gremlins, in a freshly pressed flesh suit that only the elite like myself adorn, and present January 2025’s Filter finds. REJOICE!

Kenstrosity’s Fresh(ish) Finds

Bloodcrusher // Voidseeker [January 9th, 2025 – Barf Bag Records]

The sun rises on a new year, and most are angrier than ever. What’s a better way to process that anger than jamming a phat slab of brutal slamming deathcore into your gob, right? Oregon one-man-slammajamma Bloodcrusher understand this, and so sophomore outburst Voidseeker provides the goods. These are tunes meant not for musicality or delicacy but for brute-force face-caving. Ignorant stomps and trunk-rattling slams trade blows with serrated tremolo slides and a dry pong snare with a level of ferocity uncommon even in this unforgiving field (“Agonal Cherubim ft. Jack Christensen”). Feel the blistering heat of choice cuts “Serpents Circle ft. Azerate Nakamura” or “Death Battalion: Blood Company ft. The Gore Corps” and you have no choice but to submit to their immense heft. Prime lifting material, Voidseeker’s most straightforward cuts guarantee shattered PRs and spontaneous combustion of your favorite gym shorts as your musculature explodes in volume (“Slave Cult,” “Sanguis Aeternus,” “Blood Frenzy”). If you ask me, that sounds like a wonderful problem to have. As they pummel your cranium into dust with deadly slam riffs (“Malus et Mortis ft. Ryan Sporer,” “Seeker of the Void,” “Earthcrusher”) or hack and slash your bones with serrated tremolos (“Razors of Anguish,” “Methmouth PSA”), remember that Bloodcrusher is only trying to help.

Skaldr // Saṃsṛ [January 31st, 2025 – Avantgarde Music]

Virginia’s black metal upstarts Skaldr don’t do anything new. If you’ve heard any of black metal’s second wave, or even more melodic fare by some of my favorite meloblack bands like Oubliette, Stormkeep, and Vorga, Skaldr’s material feels like a cozy blanket of fresh snow. Kicking off their second record, Saṃsṛ, in epic fashion, “The Sum of All Loss” evokes a swaying dance that lulls me into its otherwordly arms. As Saṃsṛ progresses through its seven movements, tracks like the gorgeous “Storms Collide” and the lively “The Crossing” strike true every synapse in my brain, flooding my system with a goosebump-inducing fervor quelled solely by the burden of knowing it must end. Indeed, these short 43 minutes leave me ravenous for more, as Skaldr’s lead-focused wiles charm me over and over again without excess repetition of motifs or homogenization of tones and textures (“From Depth to Dark,” “The Cinder, The Flame, The Sun”). Some of its best moments eclipse its weakest, but weak moments are thankfully few and far between. In reality, Skaldr‘s most serious flaw is that they align so closely with their influences, thereby limiting Saṃsṛs potential to stand out. Nonetheless, it represents one of the more engaging and well-realized examples of the style. Hear it!

Subterranean Lava Dragon // The Great Architect [January 23rd, 2025 – Self Release]

Formed from members of Black Crown Initiate and Minarchist, Pennsylvania’s Subterranean Lava Dragon take the successful parts of their pedigree’s progressive death metal history and transplant them into epic, fantastical soundscapes on their debut LP The Great Architect. Despite the riff-focused, off-kilter nature of The Great Architect, there lies a mystical, mythical backbone behind everything Subterranean Lava Dragon do (“The Great Architect,” “Bleed the Throne”). Delicate strums of the guitar, multifaceted percussion, and noodly soloing provide a thoughtful thread behind the heaviest crush of prog-death riffs and rabid roars, a combination that favorably recalls Blind the Huntsmen (“The Silent Kin,” “A Dream of Drowning”). In a tight 42 minutes, Subterranean Lava Dragon approaches progressive metal with a beastly heft and a compelling set of teeth—largely driven by the expert swing and swagger of the bass guitar—that differentiates The Great Architect from the greater pool of current prog. Yet, its pursuit of creative song structure, reminiscent of Obsidious at times, allows textured gradations and nuanced layers to elevate the final product (“A Question of Eris,” “Ov Ritual Matricide”). It is for these reasons that I heartily recommend The Great Architect to anyone who appreciates smart, but still dangerous and deadly, metal.

Thus Spoke’s Likeable Leftovers

Besna // Krásno [January 16th, 2025 – Self Release]

It was the esteemed Doom et Al who first made me aware of Solvakian post-black group Besna. 2022’s Zverstvá was charming and moving in equal respects, with its folky vibe amplifying the punch of blackened atmosphere and epicness. With Krásno, the group take things in a sharper, more refined, and still more compelling direction, showing real evolution and improvement. The vague leanings towards the electronic play a larger role (“Zmráka sa,” “Hranice”), but songs also make use of snappier, and stronger emotional surges (“Krásno,” “Mesto spí”), the polished production to the atmospherics counterbalanced sleekly by the rough, ardent screams and pleasingly prominent percussion. Krásno literally translates as ‘beautiful,’ and Besna get away with titling their sophomore so bluntly because it is accurate. Melodies are more sweeping and stirring (“Krásno,” “Oceán prachu,” “Meso spí”), and the integration of the harsh amidst the mellow is executed more affectively (“Hranice,” “Bezhviezdna obloha”) than in the band’s previous work. Particularly potent are Krásno’s subtle nods and reprises of harmonic themes spanning the record (“Krásno,” “Oceán prachu,” “Mesto spí”), recurring like waves in an uplifting way that reminds me of Deadly Carnage‘s Through the Void, Above the Suns. Barely scraping past half an hour, the beautiful Krásno can be experienced repeatedly in short succession; which is the very least this little gem deserves.

Tyme’s Ticking Bomb

Trauma Bond // Summer Ends. Some Are Long Gone [January 12, 2025 – Self-Released]

Conceptualized by multi-instrumentalist Tom Mitchell1 and vocalist Eloise Chong-Gargette, London, England’s Trauma Bond plays grindcore with a twist. Formed in 2020 and on the heels of two other EPs—’21’s The Violence of Spring and ’22’s Winter’s Light—January 2025 sees Trauma Bond release its first proper album, Summer Ends. Some Are Long Gone, the third in a seasonally themed quadrilogy. Twisting and reshaping the boundaries of grindcore, not unlike Beaten to Death or Big Chef, Trauma Bond douses its grind with a gravy boat full of sludge. Past the moodily tribal and convincing intro “Brushed by the Storm” lies fourteen minutes of grindy goodness (“Regards,” “Repulsion”), sludgian skullduggery (“Chewing Fat”), and caustic cantankerousness (“Thumb Skin for Dinner”). You’ll feel violated and breathless even before staring down the barrel of nine-and-a-half minute closer “Dissonance,” a gargantuanly heavy ear-fuck that will liquefy what’s left of the organs inside your worthless skin with its slow, creeping sludgeastation. I was not expecting to hear what Trauma Bond served up, as the minimalist cover art drew me in initially, but I’m digging it muchly. Independently released, Summer Ends. Some Are Long Gone is a hell of an experience and should garner Trauma Bond a label partner. I’ll be hoping for that, continuing to support them, and looking forward to whatever autumn brings.

Iceberg’s Bleak Bygones

Barshasketh // Antinomian Asceticsm [January 9th, 2025 – W.T.C Productions]

My taste for black metal runs a narrow, anti-secondwave path. I want oppressive, nightmarish atmosphere, sure, but I also crave rich, modern production and technically proficient instrumental performances. Blending the fury of early Behemoth, the cinematic scope of Deathspell Omega, and the backbeat-supported drones of Panzerfaust, Barshasketh’s latest fell square in my target area. The pealing bells of “Radiant Aperture” beckoned me into Antinomian Asceticsm’s sacred space, a dark world populated with rippling drum fills, surprisingly melodic guitar work, and a varied vocal attack that consistently keeps things fresh. With the average track length in the 6-minute territory, repeat listens are necessary to reveal layers of rhythm and synth atmosphere that give the album its complexity. A throwaway interlude (“Phaneron Engulf”) and a drop in energy in the second and third tracks stop this from being a TYMHM entry, but anyone with a passing interest in technical black metal with lots of atmosphere should check this out.

Deus Sabaoth // Cycle of Death [January 17th, 2025 – Self-Released]

Deus Sabaoth have a lot going for them to catch my attention, beyond that absolutely entrancing cover art. Released under the shadow of war, this debut record from the Ukrainian trio bills itself as “Baroque metal,” another tag that piqued my interest. Simply put, Deus Sabaoth play melodic black metal, but there’s a lot more brewing under the surface. I hear the gothic, unsettled storytelling of The Vision Bleak, the drenching laments of Draconian, and the diligent, dynamic riffing of Mistur. The core metal ensemble of guitar, bass and drums is present, but the trio is augmented by a persistent accompaniment of piano and strings. The piano melodies—often doubled on the guitar—are where the baroque influence shines the greatest, echoing the bouncing, repetitive styling of a toccata (“Mercenary Seer,” “Faceless Warrior”). The vocals are something of an acquired taste, mainly due to their too-far-forward mix, but there’s a vitality and drive to this album that keeps me hooked throughout. And while its svelte 7 song runtime feels more like an EP at times, Cycle of Death shows enough promise from the young band that I’ll keep my eyes peeled in the future.

GardensTale’s Tab of Acid

I Don’t Do Drugs, I Am Drugs // I Don’t Do Drugs, I Am Drugs [January 27th, 2025 – Self-released]

When you name yourself after a famous Salvador Dalí quote, you better be prepared to back it up with an appropriate amount of weird shit. Thankfully, I Don’t Do Drugs, I Am Drugs strives to be worthy of the moniker. The band’s self-titled debut is a psychedelic prog-death nightmare of off-kilter riffs, structures that seem built upon dream logic, layers of ethereal synths and bizarre mixtures of vocal styles. The project was founded by Scott Hogg, guitarist for Cyclops Cataract, who is responsible for everything but the vocals. That includes all the songwriting. Hogg throws the listener off with an ever-shifting array of Gojira-esque plodding syncopation and thick, throbbing layers of harmonics that lean discordant without fully shifting into dissonance. But the songs float as easily into other-worldly soundscapes (“The Tree that Died in it’s[sic] Sleep”) or off-putting balladry (“Confierous”). BP of Madder Mortem handles vocals, and he displays an aptitude for the many facets required to buoy the intriguing but unintuitive music, his shouts and screams and cleans and hushes often layered together in strange strata either more or less than human. The combined result resembles a nightmare Devin may have had around 2005 after listening too much Ephel Duath. It’s not yet perfected; the ballad doesn’t quite work, and the compositions are sometimes a bit too dedicated to their lack of handholds. But it’s a hell of a trip, and a very convincing mission statement. A band to keep an eye on!

Dear Hollow’s Gunk Behooval

Bloodbark // Sacred Sound of Solitude [January 3rd, 2025 – Northern Silence Productions]

Bloodbark’s debut Bonebranches offered atmospheric black metal a minimalist spin, as cold and relentless as Paysage d’Hiver, as textured as Fen, and as barren as the mountains it depicts, exuding a natural crispness that recalls Falls of Rauros. Seven years later, we are graced with its follow-up, the majestic Sacred Sound of Solitude. Like its predecessor, the classic atmoblack template is cut with post-black to create an immensely rich and dynamic tapestry, lending all the hallmarks of frostbitten blackened sound (shrieks, blastbeats, tremolo) with the depth of a more modern approach. Twinkling leads, frosty synths, and forlorn piano survey the frigid vistas, while the more furious blackened portions scale snowbound peaks, utilized with the utmost restraint and bound by yearning chord progressions (“Glacial Respite,” “Griever’s Domain”). A new element in the act’s sound is clean vocals (“Time is Nothing,” “Augury of Snow”), which lend a far more melancholy vibe alongside trademark shrieking. Bloodbark offers top-tier atmospheric black metal, a reminder of the always-looming winter.

Great American Ghost // Tragedy of the Commons [January 31st, 2025 – SharpTone Records]

Boston’s Great American Ghost used to be extremely one-note, a coattail-rider of the likes of Kublai Khan and Knocked Loose. Deathcore muscles whose veins pulse to the beat of a hardcore heart, you’d be forgiven to see opener “Kerosene” as a sign of stagnation – chunky breakdowns and punk beats, feral barks and callouts, and a hardcore frowny face sported throughout. But Tragedy of the Commons is a far more layered affair, with echoes of metalcore past (“Ghost in Flesh,” “Hymns of Decay”), pronounced and tasteful nu-metal influence a la Deftones (“Genocide,” “Reality/Relapse”), and more variety in their rhythms and tempos, reflecting a Fit for an Autopsy-esque cutthroat intensity and ominous crescendos alongside a more pronounced influence of melody and manic dissonance (“Echoes of War,” “Forsaken”). Is it still meatheaded? Absolutely. Are its more “experimental” pieces in just well-trodden paths of metalcore bands past? Oh definitely. But gracing Great American Ghost a voice beyond the hardcore beatdowns does Tragedy of the Commons good and gives this one-trick pony another trail to wander.

Steel Druhm’s Detestible Digestibles

Guts // Nightmare Fuel [January 31st, 2025 – Self-Release]

Finland’s Guts play a weird “caveman on a Zamboni” variant of groove-heavy death metal that mixes OSDM with sludge and stoner elements for something uniquely sticky and pulversizing. On Nightmare Fuel, the material keeps grinding forward at a universal mid-tempo pace powered by phat, crushing grooves. “571” sounds like a Melvins song turned into a death metal assault, and it shouldn’t work, but it very much does. The blueprint for what Guts do is so basic, but they manage to keep cracking skulls on track after track as you remain locked in place helplessly. Nightmare Fuel is a case study into how less can be MOAR, as Guts staunchly adhere to their uncomplicated approach and make it work so well. Each track introduces a rudimentary riff and beats you savagely with it for 3-4 minutes with little variation. Things reset for the next track, and a new riff comes out to pound you into schnitzel all over again. This is the Guts experience, and you will be utterly mulched by massive prime movers like “Mortar” and “Ravenous Leech,” the latter of which sounds like an old Kyuss song refitted with death vocals and unleashed upon mankind. The relentlessly monochromatic riffs are things of minimalist elegance that you need to experience. Nightmare Fuel is a slow-motion ride straight into a brick wall, so brace for a concrete facial.

#2025 #AmericanMetal #AntinomianAsceticism #AtmosphericBlackMetal #AvantgardeMusic #BarfBagRecords #Barshasketh #BeatenToDeath #Behemoth #Besna #BigChef #BlackCrownInitiate #BlackMetal #BlindTheHuntsmen #Bloodbark #Bloodcrusher #BrutalDeathMetal #Converge #CycleOfDeath #CyclopsCataract #DeadlyCarnage #DeathMetal #Deathcore #DeathspellOmega #Deftones #DeusSabaoth #DevinTownsend #DoomMetal #Draconian #EphelDuath #FallsOfRauros #Fen #FitForAnAutopsy #Gojira #GothicMetal #GreatAmericanGhost #Grind #Grindcore #Guts #Hardcore #IDonTDoDrugsIAmDrugs #Jan25 #KnockedLoose #Krásno #KublaiKhan #MadderMortem #MelodicBlackMetal #Minarchist #Mistur #NightmareFuel #NorthernSilenceProductions #NuMetal #Oubliette #Panzerfaust #PaysageDHiver #PostBlack #ProgressiveDeathMetal #ProgressiveMetal #Review #Reviews #SacredSoundOfSolitude #SamSr_ #SelfRelease #SharpToneRecords #Skaldr #Slam #SlovakianMetal #Sludge #Stormkeep #StuckInTheFilter #SubterraneanLavaDragon #SummerEndsSomeAreLongGone #TheGreatArchitect #TheVisionBleak #TragedyOfTheCommons #TraumaBond #UKMetal #UkranianMetal #Voidseeker #Vorga #WTCProductions

Frogg – Eclipse Review

By Dolphin Whisperer

It’s a bird! It’s a plane? No! It’s a Frogg! Hailing from the festering urban sprawl of New York City, the upstart amphibian clan skews modern in influence and modernER in attack. Pulling the rip to progressive twist of Between the Buried and Me with the focus of tight structures and virtuosic play, Eclipse as a debut full-length, spins scales and riffs in only the way that a driven tech death band can. In this day and age, of course, tech alone can’t make the only splash. But something’s in the water where Frogg dwells, something laced with all the fidgeting whirr and tongue-out gambol for which a thirsting prog fan could ask.

In sweeping flair and uptempo character, Eclipse displays a corona of youthful exuberance around its core of high-practice death metal. Death metal via aggressive, riff-based drives and scratchy, barked vocals anyway—Frogg does not play the straight and skanky vomitous mosh tunes of olde. Rather, the swamp that Frogg inhabits spews a funk that curls senses around the Cynic-enabled rumblings of Augury or the ever-flowing melody of prime Neuraxis. And though the sounds of heavy chord chugs (“Life Zero”) and tricky-picked sweeps (“Interspecific Hybrid Species”) exist along that thought pattern, in bursts of individuality Frogg tears in equal abandon from ethereal jazz fusion (“Walpurgisnacht”) and metalcore-coded guitar fury (“Double Vision Roll”). Ambient long enough to let its gasping audience realign for another round of progressive tumbling, Eclipse barrels from jumping jack percussive runs to full layout fretboard gymnastics to chirping keys alerts all in a steady and vigorous breath.

Dense and meticulous, and through a love of screeching guitar histrionics and high-spirit guitar and synth work, the splatter of Frogg’s patchwork renders clear as a Klimt through virgin eyes. Despite the seeming excess, founding mind (and primary throat) Sky Moon Clark (The Mantle) and Brett Fairchild, while displaying their talent for hyperspeed, harmonized arpeggio runs (“Dandelion,” “Wake Up,” “Interspecific…”), maintain firm drops back into developed melodies and shrill inclusions—squabbling whammy flutters, clanging pick rakes, harmonic pings—to attach madness to memory. Wearing a strong relative compression,1 layers upon layers of these dancing guitar melodies stack atop pummeling kick runs and sputters, and lockstep counterpoint bass runs,2 to construct a shifting, shuffling mass of amplified chatter that never loses momentum. And with breaks both into hand-percussion and piano-led dance moments (“Walpurgisnacht,” “Wake Up,” “Sun Stealer”), full-blown mosh bridges (“Life Zero,” “Omni Trigger”), and guitar hero antics, keeping the feet and neck and fingers still throughout Eclipse is no easy task.

Though the tech lineage waves proudly in every Frogg leap, an attachment to human touches in production keeps Eclipse from feeling like another sterile outing in the crowded genre. It caught me by surprise the first time I heard “Dandelion,” Its introductory tap-sweep bustling with a clacking dryness that exposed its slight imperfections while creating an allure of reckless speed and challenge. Many look to technical expressions of metal to be effortless, but this particular patina about Frogg’s escalating scale runs, which swirls through screaming, bent peaks and note-stuffed solo explosions, transforms the feeling of étude into an extemporaneous romp. In this playful platform, Pat Metheny-imbued guitar whimsy can crash against glitching djentisms to gentle resolve (“Interspecific…”) or even force an end-of-range guitar squeak to take center stage after an exercise of finger envy (“Sun Stealer”). Boisterous might be the default loudness setting for this kind of saturated work, but in Frogg’s and seasoned engineer Jamie King‘s hands, Eclipse finds wrinkles along its dialed lines.

Yet, Eclipse isn’t perfect. Its extreme dedication to complex construction will pose an issue to the unprepared—digesting this kind of technicality-positioned music is never effortless. The volume of riffage, the speed of every rollicking bar, the force of every abundant fill present loaded and crooked in smile, though the shorter-form execution lowers the threshold for repeated exposure. In a rose-colored vision of what progressive death metal can be, Frogg finds a freedom in fanciful melody, brief poppy breaks, and unrestrained (but not all encompassing) musical showmanship. And if a debut can unwrap as fresh as Eclipse does, Frogg may very well find the world entrapped in their sticky wiles.

Rating: 3.5/5.0
DR: 9 | Format Reviewed: 320 kbps mp3
Label: Self Release
Websites: | |
Releases Worldwide: March 7th, 2025

#2025 #35 #AmericanMetal #Augury #BetweenTheBuriedAndMe #Cynic #Eclipse #Frogg #IndependentRelease #Mar25 #Neuraxis #PatMetheny #ProgressiveDeathMetal #ProgressiveMetal #ProgressiveMetalcore #Review #Reviews #SelfRelease #TechnicalDeathMetal

Cantu Ignis – The Fathomless Dominion Review

By Twelve

When I recently commented that I miss Eternal Tears of Sorrow, the universe must have heard me. Or, at least, Steel Druhm did, as he spied from our vast promo pit The Fathomless Dominion, the sophomore full-length from US-based Cantu Ignis, an album allegedly recommended for fans of Eternal Tears of Sorrow (among others). Now, I’ll admit, lately I’ve been a bit picky with my review promos, but that simple reference was enough for me to cheerfully go in blind. Cantu Ignis base their sound off of quite a few legends of the melodic death metal scene, which is a great way to get some attention (hey, it worked on me), but also a good way to raise expectations. How do Cantu Ignis stack up to their idols?

The symphonic/melodic death metal tag Cantu Ignis placed on The Fathomless Dominion is an apt one, with some elements of black metal in the mix. Evoking the aforementioned Mors Principium Est, Kalmah, and, yes, Eternal Tears of Sorrow, the music here is vicious, thunderous, and often beautiful, equally likely to pummel blast beats and heavy riffs as to let synths dance across the arena. The skill and variety of each player build a balance that keeps things lively. Guitars and keys are equally likely to maintain melody, but the melody is always there, whether in the form of the sweeping leads that adorn the breakneck title track or the twinkling keys that decorate the comparatively mid-paced “Buried Planet.” The Fathomless Dominion is a good example of leads-led melodeath that shies away from neither heavy, angry moments (“Survey the Sun”), nor heavy keys used to make a melody stick (“The Fathomless Dominion”). This is a great setup for an album in this genre.

I get the sense that Cantu Ignis wanted each song on The Fathomless Dominion to showcase a different side of their style. “Survey the Sun” is the only song to use October Falls-esque acoustic interludes, for example, while “Within the Mind of Hell” takes a sweeping, epic approach largely absent from the rest of the album. Of course, with only six songs spanning thirty-seven minutes, it isn’t surprising that each one does something different. What is a bit surprising is just how many ideas Cantu Ignis fit into that fairly small timeframe—keys solos and guitar solos, heavy bass, and so many riffs. Perhaps the most consistent things on the album are the snarling vocals and speedy drums, which consistently take the complex route to get to where they’re going. In essence, there is a lot going on across The Fathomless Dominion, and the majority of it is very strong melodeath magic.

If there’s any issue with The Fathomless Dominion, it’s the same as its strength—a lot of stuff happening at once. Most songs have distinct structures and all repeat themes, but it often doesn’t feel that way; “Buried Planet,” for example, definitely has a chorus but by the time I get to the end of the album I can’t remember anything about it. It’s strong in the moment—a mid-paced burner, as I mentioned earlier, and a great break after the wildness of “Survey the Sun”—but with so much going on, it struggles to maintain an identity. Similarly, “A Reality Deceased” reminds me of Symbolik, in that it has some awesome, sweeping passages that evoke terrifying heights with intensity. Unfortunately, those passages are all I really take away from it. On the bright side, most everything sounds good; all instruments are clear-sounding and strong (with the exception of the snare drum, which sounds too click-y for my tastes). It allows me to hear pretty much everything going on—Cantu Ignis’s greatest strength but also a potential setback for The Fathomless Dominion.

I love the sound that Cantu Ignis have here; I love the way The Fathomless Dominion makes me feel. There are many great moments throughout a mere thirty-seven minutes, and a rock-solid foundation of modern melodeath goodness. The Fathomless Dominion is a great example of art that shows a little too much of a good thing. The good news is that all of it is good—I can only imagine that the next one will be even better.

Rating: 3.0/5.0
DR: 5 | Format Reviewed: 1,441 kbps WAV
Label: Self-release
Websites: |
Releases Worldwide: February 14th, 2025

#2025 #30 #AmericanMetal #CantuIgnis #EternalTearsOfSorrow #Feb25 #Kalmah #MelodicDeathMetal #MorsPrincipiumEst #OctoberFalls #Review #Reviews #SelfRelease #Symbolik #SymphonicBlackMetal #TheFathomlessDominion

Scare – In the End, Was It Worth It? Review

By Dear Hollow

Hardcore is usually pretty one-note, a hard-and-fast genre for white young ‘uns to unleash their anti-establishment rage against the machine, and it can be difficult to create anything that contains even a mere smidge of memorability. Scare embodies all the vigor of hardcore but attempts to fuse it with the bitter vinegar of sludge metal, making the sound of being beaten by police batons more like being showered by bricks. In the spirit of hardcore brevity and bleak nihilism, indeed: In the End, Was It Worth It?

Scare embodies what you love or hate about hardcore and nihilism of more extreme styles. Embodying the grindcore brevity in thirty-three minutes in thirteen tracks, Quebecois collective Scare brings the hard-and-fast attack with chuggy riffs, hardcore barks, and wailing solos, recalling a more sludge-inclined version of province-mates Apes. However, while density is certainly there, the sludge influence is less about the swampy soup-bubbling tone-abusers and more about the classic bluesy riff-and-solo approach of Crowbar or Down. While In the End, Was It Worth It? features the hallmarks of an enjoyable hardcore record with a misanthropic tone reminiscent of The Hope Conspiracy, it’s “inconsistent when it matters and consistent when it’s boring” quality makes Scare more of a yawn.

To their credit, Scare manages to fashion an effective blend of riff and solo. When the songwriting is fluid and the track identity secure, it achieves two approaches within this framework: a metallic hardcore darkness that feels as dark and foreboding as its artwork, and a kickass stew of groovy riffs that doesn’t let up. The fusion of chuggy riffs and diminished tremolo picking offers its trademark nihilism alongside creative drumming and blastbeats (“The Black Painting,” “Crowned in Yellow”), while a more sprawling and layered creepy placidity adds punch where it matters most (“Doomynation” 1 and 2, “Jeanne Dark”). Full-throttle riffs that don’t let up are the feature of the second approach, chunky and blazing leads with hardcore progressions giving way to wild solos and throat-shredding vocals (“Thrash Melrose,” “Midnight Ride,” “Reality of Death in the Maze of Hope”). To Scare’s credit, the decision to make In the End, Was It Worth It? less sludge-fucked tonally allows it a fluidity that allows both approaches to work – on paper.

The main problem with In the End, Was It Worth It? is Scare’s awkward songwriting. In spite of song lengths being capped at a very reasonable three-and-a-half minutes, they each nonetheless feel far too long for their own good. Heartfelt ascending major chord progressions shoehorned amid diminished tremolo passages (“Drifted Away,” “Harakiri Ton Industrie”), grindy intensity leading to awkward transitions within brief songs (“Nevermind If It All Explodes, I’ll Die Anyway,” “PMA – Pessimistic Mental Attitude”), excessive repetition (“Harakiri Ton Industrie,” “Jeanne Dark”), and shrieking vocal monotony throughout (variety only appears as growls in the identical two parts of “Doomynation”) are all killjoys in this reckless album. Tracks are also grouped thematically, leading to massive inconsistency: for instance, while “The Black Painting” and “Crowned in Yellow” offer a tastefully dark vibe (that is never addressed again), the hardcore-focused three-song marathon of “Jeanne Dark” to “Turbograine” wears thin way too fast. What’s ultimately frustrating about Scare is that even the best tracks aboard In the End, Was It Worth It? feel only partially formed, with neat riffs vanishing too soon and nothing sticking as a defining moment for that band.

Scare has a lot of good ideas but few solid executions. In the End, Was It Worth It? poses a yearning question and the answers are surprisingly disappointing, with hardcore intensity vanishing abruptly, bluesy sludge feeling halfhearted, and bleak nihilism being communicated only in sporadic moments. Even though the album is brief and track lengths reasonable, it feels far longer and I feel wearier having gone through it. In the End, Was It Worth It? Not really.

Rating: 1.5/5.0
DR: 11 | Format Reviewed: 320 kb/s mp3
Label: Self-Release
Websites: |
Releases Worldwide: February 21st, 2025

#15 #2025 #Apes #CanadianMetal #Crowbar #Down #Feb25 #Grindcore #HardcorePunk #InTheEnd #Review #Reviews #Scare #SelfRelease #SludgeMetal #TheHopeConspiracy #WasItWorthIt_

Black Talon – Scenes of Agony Review

By Kenstrosity

The thrash revival scene is alive and well, for better or worse. I don’t have a horse in the “for better or worse” race, but any thrash, newe or olde, hits hard when it strikes true. A big part of that impact comes from the spirit of thrash at its core. An inherent political lean and a pointed, punk energy defines much of what makes thrash thrash—to oversimplify the scene—and also makes up a significant portion of its appeal. For Edinburgh’s Black Talon, that spirit thrives and that appeal remains intact, despite ten long years separating their upcoming Scenes of Agony from their unsung debut, Endless Realities. With such a lengthy turnaround between albums, I’m interested to hear what Black Talon have to say in 2025.

If you’ve heard Havok and Municipal Waste, you possess a decent frame of reference for Black Talon’s sound. Throw in the particularly energetic wiles of Death Angel and their ilk, and a greater sense of familiarity with this material manifests. Politics and current events remain Black Talon’s subject of choice. To that end, earnest, if wholly unsubtle, lyrics deliver their message of frustration and disdain for various modern-age issues sneering from Johnny Steele’s versatile and venomous throat. Guitarist Rory Strachan stuffs an intimidating number of high-octane riffs, pulling from all corners of the thrashverse, into these forty-seven minutes, while drummer Dave Taylor pummels D-beats, freakouts, and double-bass runs—among other neat tricks—with wild abandon. Plucky and audible, bassist Eddie Campbell allots a delightful measure of low-end bounce to Scenes of Agony, giving the record a fuller heft than many modern records of this ilk can claim.

The style they play may be well-worn and reliable, but Black Talon’s execution on Scenes of Agony is rock-solid and at least a cut above stock. No matter where you look, a ridiculously effective hook lurks right around the corner. One of my favorite examples, “Falsifier” offers choice vocal nuggets such as “STAGES OF DENIAL AT YOUR DISCRETION,” bouncy riffing and a deeply satisfying double bass run to seal the song permanently inside my hippocampus. Quick and vicious cuts “Scenes of Agony,” “Cryptocracy,” and “Killing Time” offer similar sticky moments that make it easy to pick them out of a lineup without checking the tracklist. Unexpectedly, long-form troublemakers “Isolation” and “The Bastard Gene” also stand out as highlights by virtue of sheer vivacity. Even factoring in their somewhat lengthy buildups, these songs shrink before my ears so radically that I would never guess “Isolation” ran over nine minutes and “The Bastard Gene” barely under eight. To achieve this result, these numbers exhibit strong motifs of similar sharpness to their leaner companions, a high level of instrumental detail, and dynamic momentum.

Meanwhile, other sections of Scenes of Agony struggle to clear the high bar Black Talon set with their strongest material. Obviously, ten years of marinating time permitted even these cuts to make some marks, but offerings such as “Obnoxion” and closer “Not Meant to Last” don’t have the same staying power as others. In the former example, I struggle to grasp what the underlying message its lyrics mean to express. While it might be just a comprehension failure on my part (very likely), this confusion takes me out of the musical experience, as does the disorienting rapid fade that rudely shuts the number down. “Not Meant to Last,” on the flipside, simply lacks strong characteristics to magnify its voice in the greater crowd of engaging material preceding it, save for a very nice guitar solo. As a result, it sends Scenes of Agony off on a weaker note than it deserved. As an additional note, while I appreciate Black Talon’s focus on excellent riffcraft and muscular songwriting, developing fiery solo work, like that on “The Bastard Gene” and “Not Meant to Last,” into a few more nooks and crannies might’ve offered complementary points interest to an already compelling work.

It bears mentioning that Scenes of Agony sounds great regardless of its songwriting strengths and weaknesses. Full tones, rich textures, and a nice balance between instruments with Johnny’s vocals placed appropriately in front, this production strikes the right chord with this sponge. In effect, that’s what pushes Scenes of Agony past Good and into Very Good territory. It’s clear Black Talon loved making this record, and that care and passion for the craft comes through in the final product. A couple of nicks here and there aren’t nearly enough to dull the ear-catching luster of what might be one of the better modern thrash records to come out this year. Only time will tell!

Rating: Very Good
DR: 9 | Format Reviewed: 320 kb/s mp3
Label: Self Release
Websites: |
Releases Worldwide: January 31st, 2025

#2025 #35 #BlackTalon #BritishMetal #DeathAngel #Havok #Jan25 #MunicipalWaste #Review #Reviews #ScenesOfAgony #SelfRelease #ThrashMetal #UK

Mad Parish – The Dust of Forever Review

By El Cuervo

Woe betide the lowly copywriter / AI bot that dared to write that a band was ‘for fans of’ Iron Maiden, Virgin Steele, Camel, Rush and Rainbow. Iron Maiden and Camel are among my favorite acts in any genre, while the latter two boast a couple of the best rock albums ever released.1 Following this description I metaphorically elbowed other staffers aside to reach the sophomore Mad Parish record entitled The Dust of Forever. It’s certainly ambitious, weaving its yarn over 71 minutes and 21 tracks, including ten that run no more than two minutes designed to tell the album’s story through atmospheric interludes. Do these Canadians execute on these ambitions?

The comparator bands are reasonably appropriate. Mad Parish’s music falls somewhere in the blurred lines between 70s hard rock, 80s heavy metal, and prog rock. It prioritizes guitar and vocal melodies, but features plenty of synths and has conceptual aspirations supported by the story-telling interludes and a comic. The guitars play some solid riffs but these are typically limited to introductions; by the time they reach the verses and choruses, they’re more forgettable. For example, “An Age of Quell” opens with proper energy and weaves its guitars with synths in a Yes-sy fashion. But the ensuing verse lead can’t match the energy and invention of the introduction. Likewise, the first riff on “Cathedron Wakes” bridges technicality with melody and later bleeds into a crisp groove. But these cool leads are ruined with computerized vocals as the song develops. Hampering the core music the most is the production. The prominent synths undercut any guitar crunch, while the vocals can be over-produced and the drums lack punch through their weak bass presence. I like the leads a lot better when they’re exposed without the synths which stray into silly far too often. Dust of Forever is substantially rock music, but it doesn’t always feel like it.

I also struggle with the sometimes unclear songwriting signposts. Songs like “Possess the Child” careen from melody to melody with little indication that you’ve moved from verse to bridge to chorus. Of course, it’s possible to pick these out if you’re listening closely but without strong melodies, it feels directionless. And while this song improves in the second half, its instrumental passage might as well not belong to this song at all because it’s melodically inconsistent with the remainder. This trait extends across the album. In particular, the ten story-telling interludes are unnecessarily distinct from the main songs. The flute on “Outerest in Irisius” is just as odd as the horns on “Hunted.” Worse are the first two “Transmission” tracks that feature intriguing snippets of music from other genres – happy folk rock and jazzy swing – but are nonetheless superfluous and strange. They don’t improve the overall quality or flow, and these interludes add 15 minutes to an album that already feels too long.

All this endorses the position that Dust of Forever lacks a musical sense of direction. Given that it has a concept and supporting comic, you would expect that it would at least trace a discernible route through its many songs and interludes. But this isn’t the case, and there’s no sense of climax towards the end of the album. The last main song is just another song enclosed by weird short tracks. Across an album this long, I at least want some sense of payoff but there’s none. However, the most damning quality of Dust of Forever is that even if it only ran for 30 minutes, it would still feel repetitive and dull. I struggle to get through just a ten-minute stint without my attention wandering elsewhere, let alone all 71 minutes. Spreading material that lazily sways from sub-par to mediocre over such a long period results in a record that proactively saps my energy and enthusiasm.

While Mad Parish may stylistically fit between the bands that form their core influences, the quality here falls far short. Dust of Forever lacks the infectious energy of Iron Maiden, the progressive levity of Camel, the technical grandeur of Rush, and the groovy boldness of Rainbow. This album isn’t totally devoid of value, but the choice fragments are buried in a deluge of other material that I cannot approve of. Picking out the positives involves cherry-picking specific guitar or vocal melodies from specific songs. This is possible but it wouldn’t tell you much about the overall quality or key characteristics of the album. Hopefully, the remainder of this review has done so.

Rating: 1.5/5.0
DR: 11 | Format Reviewed: 320 kbps mp3
Label: Self-release
Websites: | |
Releases Worldwide: January 31st, 2024

#15 #2025 #Camel #CanadianMetal #HardRock #HeavyMetal #IronMaiden #Jan25 #MadParish #ProgressiveRock #Rainbow #Review #Reviews #Rush #SelfRelease #TheDustOfForever #VirginSteele #Yes

Stuck in the Filter: November and December 2024’s Angry Misses

By Kenstrosity

Seeing as how it’s already almost February, you must be wondering why we’re still talking about shit from 2024. Not that I have to explain myself to you, but I didn’t give my minions grueling tasks just so that I could not take the glory for their labors. That wouldn’t embody this blog’s continual aspiration of being terrible capitalists! And so, we press on, searching and rescuing worthy—but not too worthy—pledges for the barbaric, Hunger Games-esque event that is Stuck in the Filter.

BEHOLD! Gaze upon these late-year candidates with the appropriate levels of awe, ye ov little consequence!

Kenstrosity’s Wintry Wonders

Caelestra // Bastion [December 13th, 2024 – Self Release]

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For this sponge, I know something is beautiful when it ensnares me into otherworldly environments unlike those which mirrors terrestrial mundanity. UK post-metal one-man act Caelestra specializes in such ethereal worlds, with debut record Black Widow Nebula catching my attention under its blazing miasma of Countless Skies lushness, Astronoidal optimism, and Dreadnought-esque compositional vibrancy. Follow-up Bastion treads much the same path, but with an added emphasis on cathartic spells of intensity reminiscent of current Irreversible Mechanism (“Finisterre”), Kardashev (“Soteria”), or Devin Townsend (“The Hollow Altar”). Balancing these potentially disparate references, mastermind Frank Harper’s compositions flow with an uncanny smoothness without falling into a pit of homogeny. Bastion thereby represents a varied and textured affair built upon compelling guitar leads, unexpected riffs, multifaceted vocal techniques, and athletic percussive movements (“Finisterre,” “Lightbringer,” “The Hollow Altar”). Choosing the long form as Caelestra’s primary vehicle for this musical journey only deepens the experience, as each act offers a wide spectrum of moods, a rich tapestry of characters, and a lush layering of story to enrich any listener’s journey through Bastion (“Lightbringer,” “Eos”). Yet, the whole coheres tightly into a memorable and accessible forty-eight-minute span, easily replayable and effortlessly enjoyable. That, more than anything, makes Bastion a neat little triumph worth checking out.

Earthbound // Chronos [November 26th, 2024 – Self Release]

I have the honor of claiming this find all to my own—something that hasn’t occurred as often this past year as it has in those preceding. Bristol’s Earthbound offer a particular brand of melodic death metal that I want to love more often than I actually do, but they checked all my boxes here. Occupying a space somewhere between Amorphis, Countless Skies, and Dark Tranquillity, Earthbound’s style is simultaneously effervescent, introspective, and crushing on debut record Chronos. Boasting chunky riffs, soaring leads, classic melodeath rhythms, and buttery-smooth baritone vocals, Chronos throws blow after blow for forty-nine minutes of high-engagement material. Looking at standout tracks “A Conversation with God,” “The Architect,” “Cloudburst,” “Aperture,” and “Transmission,” Earthbound’s compelling songwriting tactics and knack for a killer hook recall underappreciated gems by modern contemporaries Rifftera and Svavelvinter. Some of their most accessible moments almost, but not quite, veer into pop-levels of accessibility, further accentuating Earthbound’s infectious energy (“Change,” “Flight,” “Transmission,” “Chasing the Wind”). This works marvelously in Earthbound’s favor, not only making Chronos a joy to listen to in its own right but also impressing me with how polished and professional the band is with only one full-length under the belt. Don’t let this one fall through the cracks!

Flaahgra // Plant Based Anatomy [November 15th, 2024 – Self Release]

WWWWOOOOOORRRRRRMMMHHHHHHOOO… wait, what? Oh, no, this is Flaahgra. But, the riffs sound like my beloved Wormhole! What’s going on? Oh, well this explains it. Sanil Kumar of Wormhole fame is responsible for Plant Based Anatomy’s guitar work. Rounded out by Tim “Toothhead” Lodge (bass), Chris Kulak (drums), and Anthony Michelli (vocals), this Baltimore quartet concoct a fast-paced, riff-burdened blunderbuss of gurgling vegan slam meatier than the fattest flank this side of Texas. It may be based around plants (and Metroid), but there are enough muscular grooves, neat lead work, and boisterous percussive rhythms here to keep even the most ravenous death fiend stuffed to the stamen (“Blood Flower,” “Toxic Green Fluid,” “Solar Recharge,” “Plant Based Anatomy”). Oversaturated with killer hooks, Plant Based Anatomy feels every bit as headbangable as this group’s pedigree indicates, but their application is delightfully straightforward, allowing Sanil’s standard-setting slams to shine brightest (“Plant Based Anatomy,” “Garden Cascade,” “Venom Weed Atrocity”). At a lean twenty-five minutes, Plant Based Anatomy rips through my system as efficiently as any grease-laden, overstuffed fast-food chimichanga, leaving just as vivid an impression in its wake. If there was ever a quick and easily digestible example of what differentiates really good slam from two-buck upchuck, Plant Based Anatomy is it. FFFLLAAAAHHHHGGGRRRAAAA!

Tyme’s Time Turners

Solar Wimp // Trails of Light [November 15th, 2024 – Self Release]

The richly dense knowledge and tastes of the commentariat here at AMG are a marvel. And despite the long hours of hard work the staff put in writing and keeping Redis at bay, not to mention the gut-wrenching task of pumping the n00b sump pit every Friday1 we continue to scour tons of promo to bring you the best and the rest of all things metal(ish). Invariably, some things trickle up from our most precious readers that deserve more attention than a few rando comments and respects. Such is the case with L.A.’s Solar Wimp. It was during my most recent stint in2 continued n00bdom that I scoped one of our commenters pimping the Wimp‘s who released, sadly to me now, their last album, Trails of Light, in November. As my ears absorbed the immediately quirky dissonance of the opener, “Entwined with Glass,” I was reminded of how blown away I was upon hearing Jute Gyte for the first time, this more due to my un-expectations than anything else. What followed was a journey I happily embarked on through fields of saxophonic freedom (“Strand and Tether”) and forests of long-form avant-garde brilliance (“Shimmer”). The black(ish) metal vocals and tech-jazz guitar histrionics of Jeremy Kerner, combined with Justin Brown’s bassinations and Mark Kimbrell’s drums, imbue so much passion into the music on Trails of Light, it has me guessing Solar Wimp may have very well saved their best for last. While I’m sure you’re ready to move on from 2024, I’d encourage you to dip back into last year’s well for a bit and give Solar Wimp’s Trails of Light a listen or five.

Thus Spoke’s Fallen Fragments

Yoth Iria // Blazing Inferno [November 8th, 2024 – Edged Circle Productions]

Yoth Iria’s sophomore Blazing Inferno arrived with little fanfare, which is a shame because they’re very good at what they do. Their brand of Hellenic black metal even charmed a 3.5 out of GardensTale with their 2021 debut As the Flame Withers. The new album very much picks up where its predecessor left off, in musical content as well as the fact that Yoth Iria clearly have a thing for giant demonic figures dwarfing human civilization. In a refreshingly to-the-point format, the group3 serve up some solid, groovy Satanic triumphalism that belies the relatively diminutive breadth of the songs that contain it. With thundering drums (“In the Tongue of Birds,” “We Call Upon the Elements”), spirited guitar leads (“But Fear Not,” “Mornings of the One Thousand Golds”), and a collection of classic growls, ominous whispers, and cleans, Yoth Iria craft engaging and very enjoyable compositions. Tracks manage to hold atmosphere and presence without detracting from the dopamine-producing tremolo twists and wails of drawn-out melody (title track, “Rites of Blood and Ice,” “Mornings…”) that draw it all together. This is black metal that makes you feel good about allying with the light-bringer. Not in any highbrow way, of course, just with great riffs, the right amount of tension and nuance, and convincingly massive compositions that steer away from the overwrought and cringe-inducing. It’s just plain good.

Botanist // VII: Beast of Arpocalyx [December 6th, 2024 – Self-Release]

Though recorded all the way back in 2016, the music of Beast of Arpocalyx has not seen the light until now. The seventh installment in the esoteric, botanical saga, VII: Beast of Arpocalyx focuses on plants with mythological animal associations. In comparison to last May’s Paleobotany, this is the solo work of founder Otrebor yet the heart of Botanist’s music has never been compromised. The distinctive tones of hammered dulcimer, make the black metal ring—literally and metaphorically—with playful mysticism when they engage in chirruping and cheerful refrains (“Wolfsbane,” “The Barnacle Tree”) and a weird eeriness when they stray into the dissonant (“The Vegetable Lamb of Tartary,” “Floral Onyx Chiroptera”). Nothing is substantially different here, but Botanist’s style is an enjoyably quirky one that I, at least, am always happy to indulge in. In many ways, this is not far removed from raw black metal, with the prominent chimes of (not always tuneful) melodicism wrapping snarls and rasps in an iridescent veil that makes the psychedelic turns from whimsical peace to urgent and barbed blastbeat aggression (“The Vegetable Lamb of Tartary,” “The Paw of Anigozanthos”) very compelling, pleasant even. Yeah, it’s kind of weird to hear chorals or synths under blackened rasps and clanging drums, while a dulcimer warbles along. But when the weirdness nonetheless succeeds in developing an atmosphere and inducing a desire to garner a similarly obsessive knowledge of flora, I can’t really complain.

Killjoy’s Atmospheric Attractions

Nishaiar // Enat Meret [December 5, 2024 – Self-Release]

2024 may technically be over, but there were a few releases in December that keep dragging my attention back to last year. First up is Nishaiar from Gondar, Ethiopia, whose sound resides at the unlikely intersection of traditional Ethiopian music, post-black metal, and Enya-style New Age. Coming off an arduous release schedule that yielded an EP and 5 full-lengths in only 4 years, Nishaiar took some extra time to recharge since Nahaxar in 2021. The results are readily apparent–Enat Meret features some of the punchiest material the band has written to date. “Yemelek” combines folk instruments, vibrant male chanting, and rending screams. An important element that elevates Enat Meret is the addition of a full-time female vocalist, whose moniker also happens to be Enat Meret. Her voice ranges from ethereal (“Idil”) to wistful (“Enat Midir”) to commanding (“Beheke”). There is some bloat—intro track “Semayawi” repeats itself for too long and “Awedal” through “Alem” leans too hard into atmosphere to be suitable for active listening. Even so, this is an album unlike any other you’re likely to hear anytime soon.

Atra Vetosus // Undying Splendour [December 20, 2024 – Immortal Frost Productions]

Next up is Atra Vetosus, who came to me by way of rec-master TomazP. Undying Splendour is a captivating work of atmospheric black metal that tempers the wanderlust of Skyforest with the melodic trem-picked fury of Mare Cognitum. It’s stuffed with triumphant, uplifting guitar melodies that contrast compellingly with mournful, anguished shouts and screams. Like a flowing stream, the graceful orchestrations smooth out any rough edges in their path, pairing exceptionally well with the rhythm section in the intro of “Forsaking Dreaded Paths.” The brawny bass lines throughout the album add satisfying oomph and the drumming is constantly engaging with lots of fleeting tempo shifts (“This Fallow Heart”) and expansive tom rolls (“Elysian Echoes”). Atra Vetosus have perfected the difficult art of long-form atmoblack—all the proper songs on Undying Splendour are between 7 and 11 minutes long and, crucially, feel purposeful without meandering. Though atmoblack is often maligned, I’ll happily get behind Atra Vetosus as one of the new standard bearers of the genre at its very best.

Skagos // Chariot Sun Blazing [December 21, 2024 – Self-Release]

They say that good things come to those who wait. Skagos makes an excellent case for this expression with Chariot Sun Blazing, an appropriate title given the tremendous glow-up that the atmospheric black metal group underwent since releasing Anarchic in 2013. While their woodsy black metal has always maintained similarities with the likes of Wolves in the Throne Room (who are also based in Olympia, Washington), this time around the music is infused with a real live string quartet and a two-horn section4. The effects of this additional instrumentation run way more than skin deep; Chariot Sun Blazing feels and flows like an actual symphony. For instance, the combination of the Wagner tuba with guitar plucking in the beginning of “Which in Turn Meet the Sea” evoke a misty morning which gradually warms up with guitar and string crescendos to thaw the leftover frost. The compositions are introspective and intimate, which is refreshing when compared with the usual grandiosity and bombast of symphonic music (metal or otherwise). While there’s nothing wrong with the raspy vocals, this is a rare instance when I would be completely okay if this were an instrumental album. This is an experience absolutely not to be missed.

Dolphin Whisperer’s Late-Blooming Bustles

Alarum // Recontinue [November 8th, 2024 – Self Release]

So many bands in the progressive and technical lanes forget to have fun. Not long, unheralded Australian prog/thrash/jazz fusion-heads Alarum, though. Truth be told, I had forgotten this band existed sometime before their 2011 release Natural Causes all up until about September of 2024 when I caught wind of this new release, Recontinue. Their oddball, heavily Cynic-inspired 2004 opus Eventuality… had stood the test of time in my archives plenty for its wild fusion antics woven into a riff-tricky, bass-poppin’ technical platform. And here, twenty years later, little has changed at Alarum’s foundation. A few things have shifted for the better, though, namely Alarum finding a more balanced resonance in production brightness and clarity, which helps highlight the flirtatious bass play of tracks like “The Visitor” and “Footprints” come to life. Additionally, this crisp and cutting mix allows the joyous neoclassical shredding escapades to carve a blazing path toward textures and alien warbles with a Holdsworth-ian charm (“Zero Nine Thirty,” “Awaken by Fire”). But, most importantly, Alarum continues to bring an ever-shuffling thrash energy similar to early Martyr works (“Imperative,” “Unheard Words,” “Into Existing”) while continuing to remember to toss in off-the-wall detours, like the funk-wah intro of “A Lifelong Question” or the bossa nova outro of “The Visitor.” Recontinue, as a late-career release from a continual dark horse from the land down under remains a consistent joy for the ears. If you’ve never heard Alarum to this point, and you’ve always wished that a jazzy, Cynic-inspired band would come around with a more metal attitude than the current trajectory of their inspirations, get Recontinue in your ears as soon as possible. And if, like me, you’ve fallen of the righteous path, know that time can correct all sorts of silly mistakes.

Gorging Shade // Inversions [November 11th, 2024 – Self Release]

With a sound that is as otherwordly and looming as it is terrestrial and bass-loaded, Gorging Shade has taken a vigorous and shaking progressive death metal form. The proficiency with which every performer weaves disparate melodic lines through echoing, ghastly samples and chaotic, witchy background chatter does not come entirely as a surprise, as the entire roster consists of the members of instrumental progressive act Canvas Solaris. Mood, atmosphere and a bellowing howl, though, separate this incarnation of Georgia’s finest. But the eerie space that Inversions inhabits too has manifested as a collective of talents on display with another offshoot from this act, the dark industrial Plague Pslams (composed of bassist Gael Pirlot and drummer Hunter Ginn, who also currently plays with Agalloch). As an experience layered between the history of sounds these tech wizards have created, Inversions lands dense and challenging. At its core, a rhythmic stomp propels each of its tracks alongside percussive riffs that echo the constant motion of Cynic, the blackened scrawl of Emperor, and the melancholy triumph of Ulcerate swells. But in a package uniquely Gorging Shade, a world emerges from each carefully constructed narrative. Sometimes energy rushes forth (“Disease of Feeling, Germed”). At others, noises creaking and crawling lay teasing grounds for careful exploration (“Ordeal of the Bitter Water,” “A Concession of Our City to Modernity”). Whatever the mode of attack, Gorging Shade delivers in a classic and meticulous wall of sound—perhaps a touch too volume-loaded on occasion—that hits first in waves of melodic intrigue, second in aftershocks of plotted and studied efforts. Its later in the year released may have kept Inversions’ treasures more hidden than I would have liked. The beauty of music, of course, is that we may sit with it as little or as long as we wish to parse its tireless arrangement.

#2024 #Agalloch #Alarum #AmericanMetal #Amorphis #Astronoid #AtmosphericBlackMetal #AtraVetosus #AustralianMetal #AvantGardeMetal #BlackMetal #BlazingInferno #Botanist #Caelestra #CanvasSolaris #ChariotSunBlazing #Chronos #CountlessSkies #Cynic #DarkTranquility #DeathMetal #Dec24 #DevinTownsend #Dreadnought #Earthbound #EdgedCircleProductions #Emperor #EnatMeret #Enya #EthiopianMetal #Flaahgra #GorgingShade #GreekMetal #Holdsworth #ImmortalFrostProductions #Inversions #IrreversibleMechanism #JuteGyte #Kardashev #MareCognitum #martyr #MelodicDeathMetal #Nishaiar #Nov24 #PlaguePsalms #PostBlackMetal #PostMetal #ProgressiveDeathMetal #ProgressiveMetal #Recontinue #Review #Reviews #Rifftera #RottingChrist #SelfRelease #Skagos #Skyforest #Slam #SolarWimp #StuckInTheFilter #Svavelvinter #TechDeath #TechnicalDeathMetal #TrailsOfLight #UKMetal #Ulcerate #UndyingSplendour #VIIBeastOfArpocalyx #WolvesInTheThroneRoom #Wormhole #YothIria

Corroding Soul – Corroding Soul Review

By Twelve

Atmospheric black metal is a deceptively wide (sub-)genre, and it seems like every time I opt to review some, I end up with something different. The UK’s Corroding Soul has me in a musing mood over this because I’m not sure I’ve heard atmospheric metal quite like it before. The solo project of David Lovejoy, Corroding Soul, formerly Sorrow Plagues, is releasing its debut release under that moniker and plays symphonic, highly atmospheric black metal in a way that once again is making me reconsider what I think about when I hear the atmoblack term. Usually, we like different around here, but it’s no guarantee of anything—so let’s take a listen and see where we end up.

Corroding Soul is unquestionably a work of atmospheric black metal, in that it’s got the blast beats, the hazy guitar riffs, and the screaming vocal performances that the style is well-known for. What sets it apart from its contemporaries is the heavy use of symphonic elements that help to give the album a space-themed feel. It reminds me of Enshine, if Enshine went the black metal route, or perhaps if they collaborated with a project like Woods of Desolation. Most melodies are performed through piercing guitar leads and propped up by heavy synths and pads that give Corroding Soul a dream-like texture. I haven’t heard much like it—dreamy, spacey metal, sure, effective atmoblack, sure, but not together. The more I think about it, the more that surprises me because it works quite well here.

David Lovejoy is very talented, and his abilities are on full display across Corroding Soul. The guitar leads that act as primary drivers for their songs sound terrific, wistful, and strong, while the rhythm guitars are clear enough to provide genuine heaviness to the album. Opener “Shadow” is a remarkable journey, built around a single, beautiful lead that repeats and shifts, building and releasing tension in a powerful way. “Sapphire” and “Tempest” allow the synths to show off the most, through ringing chords that pair nicely with Lovejoy’s tortured screams (juxtaposing, of course). “Tempest” in particular is beautiful for all its power—and it has plenty of that, bass, guitars, and drums all racing to keep up with each other up to the perfectly-timed interlude halfway through. The sound profile that Corroded Soul aims for has so much potential, and, as a result, there are beautiful, heavy, powerful, and intense moments scattered all across Corroded Soul.

The main reason Corroded Soul does not resonate with me the way I feel it should is that those moments are at times few and far between. With four songs stretching thirty-nine minutes, Corroded Soul puts a lot into each track, and leans heavily on repetition to get to the finish line. This means it’s a problem that the primary theme on “Bound” reminds heavily of “Shadow.” On the other side of the fence, “Sapphire” doesn’t really have a singular unifying idea like the other three songs do. Instead, it explores a great many ideas over eleven minutes. Some of these are genuinely great—I love the hopeful keyboard work about halfway through, for instance—but the repetitions and structures make the back half of Corroded Soul feel longer than they are. I can’t say I dislike it, but it doesn’t hold my attention either.

I want to like Corroding Soul a lot more than I do. I love its themes, the dreamy blend of sorrowful and hopeful music, and the way everything works so well together to create a cohesive sound. The performances are strong, but the songwriting doesn’t quite resonate with me, particularly in the back half of the album. I will be excited to see what comes next for Corroding Soul, but this debut feels ever-so-slightly lost in space to this listener.

Rating: 2.5/5.0
DR: 7 | Format Reviewed: 320 kb/s mp3
Label: Self-release
Websites: |
Releases Worldwide: January 24th, 2025

#25 #2025 #AtmosphericBlackMetal #BritishMetal #CorrodingSoul #Enshine #Jan25 #Review #Reviews #SelfRelease #SorrowPlagues #WoodsOfDesolation

Queen of Dreams – Subnivium Review

By Twelve

Here’s a fun fact for you: a subnivium is an ecosystem that thrives in the space between snow and ground. It’s a surprisingly dense topic, and my initial goal of summarizing it here was fully thwarted by just a few minutes of research. Suffice it to say, it’s surprisingly complex, and unexpectedly interesting, which makes it a great metaphor for this album of the same name, the second full-length release from the U.S.’s Queen of Dreams. Subnivium purports to be a work of progressive power metal inspired by European acts in similar genres—but like the system it’s named for, it is full of welcome surprises.

It might be slightly more accurate to describe Subnivium as being a power metal album with progressive and European influences. “Radiant,” the album opener gives this impression the moment you hit play—the album kicks off with energy and aplomb, keys and guitars (Ally and Caleb Scott respectively, with Tom Brown contributing even more guitars) competing for your heart as fast as they can go1. It reminds a bit of Stratovarius, and a touch of Symphony X, and the modern sound and progressive approach are refreshing. Even when Queen of Dreams slow down, as on “Call to Shadow” and “The Shape of Our Lives,” they keep up the energy, with drummer Dan Love and bassist Sky Talbott-Settle playing superb supporting roles. At any given moment, Subnivium is energetic, heavy, and a lot of fun to listen to.

I do feel bad dedicating so much of this next paragraph to one band member, but Lnz Praznak’s singing is a powerhouse that aligns exceptionally well with the songwriting. The chorus in “When Iron Chariots Prevail” is made by her delivery, with infectiously catchy vocal lines. She has a similar effect in the breakneck “Untethered,” the heaviest song on the album, where she duets with Caleb Scott’s raspy screams to elevate an already great power metal tune. The power in her delivery, alongside the way Scott’s snarls are pushed back in the mix, makes Unleash the Archers the best comparison I can give for what Queen of Dreams is doing here2, except that they also have a keyboard and use it to fantastic effect.

There are notes of experimentation throughout Subnivium that help to keep proceedings fresh, though a few moments work better than others. “Shield Anvil” opens with an AOR-style riff and keys duo that sets it apart without needing to stray too much from the core sound. The epic touches that adorn “Beneath the Ice and Snow” make it an effective slow burn and album highlight. The only one I’m not sure works is the closer, “End of the Road.” Written as a duo based on Tolkien’s Túrin and Glaurung, it features rough cleans from Caleb Scott in a “beauty and the beast” style duet over eight minutes (three longer than the next-longest on the 45-minute album). The sudden shift in style alongside the length disrupts the album’s flow somewhat, especially since Scott’s vocals have, to this point, been focused on rasps that have been much quieter in the mix. With that said, the end of the song is a gorgeous way to close out Subnivium, as Scott and Praznak herald beautiful keys and lead guitar at a genuinely touching climax.

Like the seasonal microhabitat itself, Subnivium is an unexpected delight of an album. It is energetic, confident, fun, and very well-written. Queen of Dreams take a familiar sound and apply an exciting and effective formula, the kind of ideas that refresh and revitalize a genre that is so prone to the same old thing. I really can’t wait to see what they do next, and I suspect I’ll be happily listening to Subnivium until that time comes.

Rating: 3.5/5.0
DR: 8 | Format Reviewed: 320 kb/s mp3
Label: Self-release
Websites: |
Releases Worldwide: January 31st, 2025

#2025 #35 #AmericanMetal #BrotherFiretribe #Jan25 #PowerMetal #ProgressiveMetal #QueenOfDreams #Review #Reviews #SelfRelease #Stratovarius #Subnivium #SymphonyX #UnleashTheArchers

Atramentum – The Wrath Within Review

By Killjoy

I heard more than a few times in these halls that 2024 was a lean year for the doomier side of metal. Indeed, I spent the better part of my n00b period last year longing fruitlessly to review that particular flavor of death-doom that hits the sweet spot between melancholy and aggression, so this year I seized the first available opportunity to fulfill my wish. Atramentum, formed in Hamburg, Germany in 2018, released debut album Doomed in Time in 2023 during a dalliance with TeufelsZeug Records that lasted only two years. Undaunted, they decided to “go big or go home,” now self-releasing a whopping 72-minute sophomore album The Wrath Within. A brazen move, to be sure, but was it warranted?

If the band photo below is any indication, Atramentum wear their influences on their chests rather than on their sleeves. These folks are among the many disciples of the legendary Peaceville sound that My Dying Bride and Paradise Lost propagated. They excel at writing sturdy twin guitar melodies (performed by Oliver Dermann and Tim Stopar) alongside a charismatic vocal performance by Sebastian Schlenker. That said, to call them mere copycats would be a disservice. The music wields a rougher edge than the traditional Peaceville style, with plenty of fast guitar solos and death riffs. Further, Atramentum swap much of the customary gothic atmosphere for dour black metal and occasionally even blues rock, demonstrating great progression towards crafting their own sound.

The Wrath Within feels like a weighted blanket—cozy but not overly crushing or suffocating. “Higgs Field” and “Window” are on the hefty side, laden with big, ominous doom riffs and rumbling death growls. There’s plenty of mad to complement the sad; for instance, “Farewell” sees Atramentum unleash their Wrath Within in the form of aggressive drumming from Julian Gricksch and a killer guitar solo. No matter where any given moment lands on the death/doom slider, the guitar melodies are keen and enhanced enough to keep the bleakness at manageable levels. The vocal melodies, on the other hand, are where the record stumbles the most. While Schlenker’s voice is far from unpleasant, he struggles to imbue the low notes with force (“Living in Dystopia”) and his higher pitches sound tinny, particularly when double-tracked alongside his own formidable growls in the final chorus of “Lake of My Own Essence.” To be fair, there are other times when the singing fares better, but his cleans could surely use more training and practice.

Now it’s time to address the elephant in the room, both a figure of speech and a similitude of The Wrath Within’s runtime. With most of the 13 tracks lasting around 5-6 minutes, this is a case of the ideas being too numerous rather than too sizable. It helps that the songwriting is dynamic and at times unpredictable. The main guitar riff in “Emptiness Inside” and the soft bass grooves in the title track have a bluesy saunter which comes out of left field but integrates surprisingly well with the death-doom. While most songs are interesting enough individually, there is little sense of interplay between them, causing the album’s extreme length to work against it when consumed in one sitting. With so many disparate tracks, some are bound to be weaker (“Lake of My Own Essence,” “Another Life to Die”) and could have been left out to make The Wrath Within more digestible as a whole.

Atramentum is a band brimming with potential that’s realized in some ways but not in others. They are great at writing vehement songs and aren’t afraid to experiment while doing so. The Wrath Within may be overlong and uneven, but I can’t say I ever became bored while listening. The positive side of a stuffed album is that most enjoyers of downcast death-doom will likely find something appealing within. With some tightening of the clean vocals and judicious self-editing, Atramentum will be a moody force to be reckoned with.

Rating: 3.0/5.0
DR: 5 | Format Reviewed: 320 kbps mp3
Label: Self-Release
Websites: |
Releases Worldwide: January 24th, 2025

#2025 #30 #Atramentum #DeathMetal #DoomMetal #GermanMetal #Jan25 #MyDyingBride #ParadiseLost #Review #Reviews #SelfRelease #TheWrathWithin

Master Spy – Maze Runner Review

By Holdeneye

You’re walking along, minding your own business, seemingly content with your boring, peaceful life, when you notice a bullet train speeding in the distance. You do a doubletake when you realize a motorcycle is racing across the train’s top. Captivated by the grace with which the bike’s leisure-suited rider—who is obviously a Master Spy—jumps the machine from car to car, you’re not prepared for the large explosion that destroys the train’s engine. This sets off a chain reaction that threatens to engulf the rider, and that’s when he throws the bike into a perfectly executed double backflip. He completes the second revolution just as the final train car disintegrates, and as he does so, he slides from the bike’s seat and lands in the driver’s seat of a waiting Lamborghini. Its engine roars to life, just as two black SUVs with armed men hanging from the windows round the corner in pursuit. The Lambo heads towards the coast, presciently avoiding the pursuers’ gunfire, and just when you think the driver has reached a dead end, the Lambo is suddenly propelled upward by rockets, flying out over the water and screeching sideways to a stop atop the deck of an idling mega-yacht. The driver exits the vehicle and is immediately attended to by several dozen women sporting huge 80’s hair and wearing bikinis. The yacht heads off into the sunset.

You turn from this unbelievable spectacle and walk away, no longer content with your miserable, mundane existence, so it’s probably good that you’re not aware that our hero’s day is just getting started. You see, after an evening of revelry with his scantily clad yacht-mates, the Master Spy retreats to a mansion-like cabin that puts your stupid home to shame. There, he begins work on his true passion project: heavy metal. He sleeps only 4 hours per night—he’ll sleep when he’s dead—so he’s free to write tunes until the wee hours of the morning. His first album, The Train, focused on long epics inspired by Iron Maiden’s X-Factor and Virtual XI albums, but this time around, he’s shortening the song lengths, dialing up the speed, and injecting a healthy dose of melodicism by veering sharply into power metal territory. If you were to play album opener and single “Maze Runner,” you’d hear the musical equivalent of the frantic scene you’ve just seen play out before your eyes: explosive rhythms, back-flipping guitars, and rocketing vocals will have you floating upon a sea of power and might.

The Train had some compelling moments scattered throughout its long runtimes, but at six tracks and 30 minutes,1 Maze Runner is basically all killer and no filler. Drawing upon early albums from bands like Blind Guardian, Hammerfall, and Edguy for inspiration, this outing sees Master Spy virtually rewriting their playbook and displaying the it-factor that distinguishes great songs from decent ones. The opening trio of “Maze Runner,” “Challengers of the Unknown,” and “Speed Racer” sets the tone very strongly with a volley of pure power metal, and this momentum never seems to let up, even when mid-paced semi-ballad “Doppleganger” comes along. The latter is so heartfelt and skillful in both composition and performance that it quickly becomes an album highlight.

New vocalist Craig Cairns (also of Tailgunner) aids the project’s transition to power metal with an extremely strong performance, and when combined with new guitarist Christian Vidal (Therion) and his incredible leads, it really feels like Master Spy has amassed an elite level of talent. My primary issue with The Train is gone; where its predecessor had some distracting lyrical foibles, Maze Runner dials this element down to well within power metal’s normal ESL limits. The production suits the music perfectly, leaving room for every instrument while displaying some big-time bottom-end beef. I honestly can’t pick standouts here. All six of these songs are keeping me hanging around like I’m some sort of bikini-clad groupie. I’m deeply sorry for giving you that mental visual.

Maze Runner might be free of the Maiden Virtual/Factor influence that permeated its predecessor, but for my money, this transition to a more straightforward power metal sound is a huge success. Master Spy may not be reinventing the wheel here, but they are grabbing it with both hands and deftly steering this musical Lambo through city streets crowded with landmines and bikini babes. If you like 90s and early 2000s power metal, yacht to love this one.

Rating: 4.0/5.0 – a Virtual IV!
DR: 7 | Format Reviewed: 320 kbps mp3
Label: Self Release
Releases Worldwide: January 24th, 2025

#2025 #40 #BlindGuardian #CanadianMetal #Edguy #Hammerfall #IronMaiden #Jan25 #MasterSpy #MazeRunner #PowerMetal #Review #Reviews #SelfRelease

Stuck in the Filter: October 2024’s Angry Misses

By Kenstrosity

Never fear, the blog’s penchant for deep lateness punctuality persists! It is likely the new year already by the time you see this post, but we’re taking a step back. Way back, into October. I was deep in the shit then, and therefore couldn’t do anything blog-related. And yet, my minions, those very laborers for whom I provide absolutely no compensation whatsoever, toiled dutifully in the metallic dinge that is our Filter. Unforgiving though those environs undoubtedly are, they scraped and scoured until, at long last, small shards of precious ore glimmered to the surface.

These glimmers are the same which you witness before you. Some are big, some are small. Some are short, some are tall. But all are worthy. Behold!

Kenstrosity’s Belated Bombardments

Cosmic Putrefaction // Emerald Fires atop the Farewell Mountains [October 4th, 2024 – Profound Lore Records]

I was originally slated to take over reviewing duties for Cosmic Putrefaction this year, as Thus Spoke had a prior commitment and needed a buddy to step in. Unfortunately, I was rendered useless by a force of nature for a while, so I had to let go of several items of interest. But I couldn’t let 2024 go by without saying something! Entitled Emeral Fires atop the Farewell Mountains, Cosmic Putrefaction’s fourth represents one of the smoothest, most ethereal interpretations of weird, dissonant death metal. The classic Cosmic Putrefaction riffsets under an auroric sky remain, as evidenced by ripping examples “[Entering the Vortex Temporum] – Pre-mortem Phosphenes” and “Swirling Madness, Supernal Ordeal,” but there lurks within a monstrous technical death metal creature who rabidly chases the atmospheric spirits of olde (“I Should Great the Inexorable Darkness,” “Eudaemonist Withdrawal”). While in lesser hands these distinct aesthetics would undoubtedly clash on a dissonant platform such as this, Cosmic Putrefaction’s particular application of sound and style coalesces in devastating beauty and relentless purpose (“Hallways Engraved in Aether,” “Emerald Fires atop the Farewell Mountains”). Were it not for some instances wherein, for the first time ever, Cosmic Putrefaction threatens to self-plagiarize their own material (“Eudaemonist Withdrawal”), I would likely consider Emerald Fires atop the Farewell Mountains for year-end list status.

Feral // To Usurp the Thrones [October 18th, 2024 – Transcending Obscurity Records]

Another one of my charges that I unfortunately had to put down against my will, Swedish death metal fiends Feral’s fourth salvo To Usurp the Thrones deserves a spotlight here. Where Flesh for Funerals Eternal impressed me as my introduction to the band and, arguably, my introduction to modern buzzsaw Swedeath, To Usurp the Thrones impresses me as a singularly vicious record in the style. Faster, meaner, more varied, and longer than its predecessor, Thrones offers the punk-tinged, thrashy death riffs you know and love, with bluesy touches reminiscent of Entombed’s Wolverine Blues adding a bit of drunken swagger to the affair (“Vile Malediction,” “Phantoms of Iniquity,” “Into the Ashes of History”). Absolute rippers like “To Drain the World of Light,” “Deformed Mentality,” “Decimated,” and “Soaked in Blood” live up to the band’s moniker, rabid and relentless in their assault. In many ways, Thrones evokes the same bloodsoaked sense of fun that Helslave’s From the Sulphur Depths conjured, but it’s angrier, more unhinged (“Spirits Without Rest,” “Stripped of Flesh”). Consequently, Thrones stands out as one of the more fun records of its ilk to come out this year. Don’t miss it!

Sun Worship // Upon the Hills of Divination [October 31st, 2024 – Vendetta Records]

Back in 2020, our dear Roquentin offered some damn fine words of praise for Germany’s Sun Worship and their third blackened blade, Emanations of Desolation. It’s been six years since that record dropped, and Upon the Hills of Divination picks up right where Emanations left off. That is to say, absolutely slimy, post-metal-tinged riffs bolstered by dense layers of warm tremolos and mid-frequency roars. Opener “Within the Machine” offers a concrete encapsulation of what to expect: bits and pieces of Hulder, Gaerea, and Vorga melding together into a compelling concoction of hypnotic black metal. Using the long form to their utmost advantage, Sun Worship craft immersive soundscapes liable to scald the flesh just as quickly as they seduce the senses, leaving me as a brainwashed minion doing a twisted mystic’s bidding unconditionally (“Serpent Nebula,” “Covenant”). Yet, there roils a sense of urgency in these songs, despite many of them occupying a mid-paced cadence, which unveils a bleeding heart willingly wrenched from Sun Worship’s body (“Fractal Entity,” the title track, and “Stormbringer”). This is what sets it apart from its contemporaries, and what makes it worthy of mention. Why it’s gotten so little attention escapes me. It is with the intent of rectifying that condition that I pen this woefully insufficient segment.

Dolphin Whisperer’s Duty Free Rifftrocity

Extorted // Cognitive Dissonance [October 16th, 2024 – Self Release]

You don’t need to read this review to know that the Kiwis of Extorted plays pit-whipping death/thrash. Though not adorned with other obvious symbols, like Vietnam War paraphernalia or crushed beer cans, the Ed Repka-penned brain-ripped head figure screams “no thoughts only riff” all the same. With snares set to pow and crashes set to kshhh, Cognitive Dissonance finds low resistance to accelerating early Death-indebted refrains. Vocalist Joel Clark even plays as a dead ringer for pre-Human Schuldiner or Van Drunen (Asphyx, ex-Pestilence) as the torture in many lines grows (on “Infected” and “Ghastly Creatures” in particular). And in a continued tour of Van Drunen-associated sounds, Extorted’s ability to find a push-and-pull cadence that twists the fury of thrash with the cutting drag of death hits that hard-to-nail early Pestilence pocket with studied flair (“Deception,” “Limits of Reality”). Though a considerable amount of the Extorted identity rests in ideas borrowed and reinterpreted, a modern tonal canvas gives Cognitive Dissonance’s rhythms a punchy and balanced low-end weight that doesn’t always present itself in the world of old. Couple that with hooks that reach far beyond the limits of pure homage (“Transformation of Dreams,” “Violence”), and it’s easy to plow through the thirty minutes of tasteful harmonies, bending solos, and spit-stained lamentations that Extorted offers with their powerful debut.

Bríi // Camaradagem Póstuma [October 11th, 2024 – Self Release]

With Camaradagem Póstuma we enter the hazy, folky world of Caio Lemos’ unique vision of what experimental electronic music can be colored by the underpinnings of atmospheric black metal and jazz fusion. Using terraced melodies like baroque music of old and distant breakbeats like the Bong-Ra of recent yesteryears, Brazil’s Bríi represents one man’s highly specific melding that rarely occurs in this space. The guitar lines that do exist play out as textural, slow-developing passages. On tracks “Aparecidos” and “Baile Fantasma” this looping and hypnotic pattern shuffle resembles ambient Pat Metheny or King Crimson colors, the kind where finding the end of nylon pluck into a weaving, high-frequency synth patch feels not impossible but unnecessary. And on the more metallic side of things, Lemos cranks programmed blasts that carry his tortured, panning, and shrouded wails as a guide for the melodic evolution of each track, much in the same way a warping bass line would in a progressive house track. But maintaining the tempo of classic drum and bass, Camaradagem Póstuma wisps away in its atmosphere, coming back to a driving rhythm either via pummeling double kick or glitching break. Despite the hard, danceable pulse that tracks “Enlutados” and “Entre Mundos” boast, Bríi does not feel built for the kvlt klvbs of this world, leaning on a gated, lo-fi aesthetic that makes for an ideal drift away on closed cans, much like the equally idiosyncratic Wist album from earlier this year. And similarly, Camaradagem Póstuma sits in an outsider world of enjoyment. But if any of this sounds like your jam, prepare to get addicted to Bríi.

Thus Spoke’s Rotten Remnants

Livløs // The Crescent King [October 4th, 2024 – Noctum Productions]

Livløs are one of those bands that deserves far more recognition than they receive. With LP three, The Crescent King, they might finally see it. Their punchy intriguing infusion of Swedish and US melodic death metal—though the band themselves hail from Denmark—has a pleasing melancholia and satisfying bite. Here in particular, there’s more than a passing resemblance to Hath, to Cognizance, and to In Mourning. Stomping grooves (“Maelstrom,” “Usurpers”) slide in between blitzes of tripping gallops, and electrifying fretwork (“Orbit Weaver,” “Scourge of the Stars”). Mournful, compelling melodies woven into this technical tapestry—some highlights being the title track, “Harvest,” and “Endless Majesty”—turn already good melodeath into great melodeath; melodeath that’s majestic and powerful, without ever feeling overblown. With its relentless, groovy dynamism, the crisp, spacious production seals the deal for total immersion. If this is your first time hearing about Livløs, you’re in for a treat.

Sordide // Ainsi finit le jour [October 25th, 2024 – Les Acteurs de l’Ombre Productions]

And So Ends the Day, whilst another begins where I rediscover Sordide. I know not how I forgot their existence despite the impression that 2021’s Les Idées Blanches made upon me, yet all I could recall was the disturbingly simple, melty art.1 Ainsi Finit le Jour arrives with a hefty dose (53 minutes no less) of punky, dissonant black metal that’s even rawer and more pissed-off than their usual fare. “Des feux plus forts,” “La poesie du caniveau,” and the title track stand out as the most vicious, near-first-wave cuts the trio have ever laid down, with manic, group wails, and chaotic, jangling percussion. But as is so often the case with Sordide, perhaps the truest brutality comes in the slower discordant crawls of “Sous Vivre,” “Tout est a la mort,” and the particularly unsettling “La beauté du desastre,” whose creeping, half-tuneful teasing and turns to eerie spaciousness get right under your skin. It is arguably a little too long for its own good, given its intensity, but its impressiveness does mean that, this time, Sordide won’t be forgotten.

Dear Hollow’s Droll Hashals

Annihilist // Reform [October 18th, 2024 – Self Release]

What Melbourne’s Annihilist does with flamboyant flare and reckless abandon is blur the lines of its core stylistic choices. One moment it’s chugging away like a deathcore band, the next it’s dripping away with a groove metal swagger, ope, now it’s on its way to Hot Topic. All we know is that all its members attack with a chameleonic intensity and otherworldly technicality that’s hard to pin down. An insane level of technicality is the thread that courses throughout the entirety of this debut, recalling Within the Ruins or The Human Abstract in its stuttering rhythms and flailing arpeggios. From catchy leads and punishing rhythms (“The Upsend,” “Guillotine”), bouncy breakdowns, clean choruses, and wild gang vocals (“Blood”), djenty guitar seizures (“Virus,” “Better Off”) to full-on groove (“N.M.E.,” “The Host”), the likes of Lamb of God, early Architects, Born of Osiris, and Children of Bodom are conjured. Lyrics of hardcore punk’s signature anarchy and societal distrust collide with an instrumental palette of melodeath and the more technical kin of metalcore and deathcore, groove metal, and hardcore. As such, the album is complicated, episodic, and unpredictable, with only its wild technicality connecting its fragmented bits – keeping Reform from achieving the greatness that the band is so capable of. As it stands, though, Annihilist offers an insanely fun, everchanging, and unhinged roller coaster of -core proportions – a roller -corester, if you will.

Under Alekhines Gun

Theurgy // Emanations of Unconscious Luminescence [October 17th, 2024 – New Standard Elite]

In a year where slam and brutal death have already had an atypically high-quality output, international outfit Theurgy have come with an RKO out of nowhere to shatter whatever remains of your cerebral cortex. Channeling the flamboyancy of old Analepsy with the snare abuse and neanderthalic glee of Epicardiectomy, Emanations of Unconscious Luminescence wastes no time severing vertebrae and reducing eardrums to paste. Don’t mistake this for a brainless, caveman assault, however. Peppered between the hammiest of hammers are tech flourishes pulled straight from Dingir era Rings of Saturn, adding an unexpected technical edge to the blunt force trauma. The production manages to pair these two disparaging elements with lethal efficiency. Is it the techiest slam album, or the wettest, greasiest tech album? Did I mention there’s a super moldy cover of Devourment‘s “Molesting the Decapitated”? It slots right into the albums flow without feeling like a tacked-on bonus track, highlighting Theurgy’s commitment to the homicidal odes of brutality. Throw in a vocal performance that makes Angel Ochoa (Abominable Putridity) sound like Anders Fridén (In Flames), and you’re left with one last lethal assault to round out the year. Dive in and give your luminescence something to cry about.

GardensTale’s Great Glacier

Ghosts of Glaciers // Eternal [October 25th, 2024 – Translation Loss Records]

Ghosts of Glaciers’s last release, The Greatest Burden, was a masterclass of post-metal flow and has become a mainstay in my instrumental metal collection since my review in 2019. Dropping in tandem with several other high-profile releases, though, I could not give its follow-up the kind of attention it deserves. And make no mistake, it absolutely deserves that attention. The opening duo, “The Vast Expanse” and “Sunken Chamber,” measure up fully to The Greatest Burden, though it takes a few spins for that to become clear. Both use repetitive patterns more than before, but closer listens reveal how subtle variations and evolution of each cycle build gradual tension, so the release becomes all the more satisfying. I’m a little more ambivalent on the back half of Eternal, though. “Leviathan” packs a bigger punch than more of the band’s material, it lacks the swirling and sweeping currents that pull me under and demand full and uninterrupted plays every time. Closer “Regeneratio Aeterna” is a pretty but rather demure piece that lasts a bit longer than it should have. But despite these reservations, the great material outstrips the merely good, and Eternal is a worthwhile addition to any instrumental metal collection.

Bunsenburner – Reverie Review

By Dear Hollow

My relationship with Germany’s Bunsenburner grows with each release, and you could say it’s getting pretty serious, like a dark romantasy. I completely ripped third full-length Poise a new one which garnered the ire of mastermind Ben Krahl. But like any hate relationship that borders on masochistic, he saw the light and sent in follow-up Ritualsand our love blossomed. The act’s backbone lies in the fuzz and jam-sesh vibes of stoner metal, but with enough free jazz and crystalline ambiance to kill a full-grown elephant, it embraces the psychedelia in tasteful ways with instrumental prowess.

Reverie, then, is a continued honing of Bunsenburner’s seemingly scattershot influences, reflecting the pedigree of its contributors.1 While the free jazz of Rituals is certainly present, it is anchored by much-improved fuzzy stoner riffage a la Poise, owing a certain “thinking man’s jam sesh” vibe – oxymoronic or not. Reverie simply feels like a better form of Poise altogether, that the riffs are in the spotlight, but all atmospheric elements shine in enacting a psychedelic shimmer that adds to the weight and teleports it otherworldly planes. It’s the best album Bunsenburner has made, but then again, they made a song named after me. So.

Reverie’s best qualities amp the accessibility. The grooves are tighter, the songs shorter to enhance the effect, and there are still riffs I can’t get out of my head since. There are covers aboard Reverie,2 but Bunsenburner’s sound is so organic it could as easily have been original. As always, Bunsenburner has never felt lacking in its entirely instrumental approach, and with a better track formula focusing on organic movements from riff to riff, the stoner-focused track shine (“Gleam of the Goddess,” “Trigger,” “Catfight,” “Bagbak”) with a renewed urgency that hits hard and fast and doesn’t overstay its welcome, not to mention its trademark atmospheric tricks (e.g. flute in “TORO,” nintendocore synth in “Bagbak”). The jam sesh chemistry feels more palpable here, owing to a fuzz that doesn’t overwhelm and a rich rhythmic tapestry that adds to the replay factor. The album is forty-four minutes, with thirteen tracks to its name – only a handful of songs exceed the three-minute mark, which adds to the conciseness and punch.

A stark departure from Poise, Bunsenburner isn’t all ballsy riffs. Experimental moments abound, like the two part “Letting Go (softly)” and “Letting Go (hardly),” which are in essence the same song with all its melodies and motifs but one feels like a crystalline post-rock song and the other a stoner metal riff-fest. Slower chuggy passages abound that add a sludgy swampiness to the sound (“Golden Shower,” “Triskaidekaphobie”), without dragging the sound into stagnancy. Longer tracks (“Ballade Four,” “Triskaidekaphobie”) balance the two approaches in thick stoner riffs that move smoothly into gentle plucking and back again, in places feeling a tad like a more stoner-oriented Hex-era Earth. The influences of classic guitar abuse reminiscent of psychedelic Jimi Hendrix is felt throughout (“Zodiac Shit,” “Golden Shower”), while bluesy southern rock melodic sensibilities rear Gothic and mysterious heads (“Waltz, alone,” “Ballade Four”). The most obvious remnant of Rituals’ free jazz is track eight, “Dear Hollow,” a minute-long gush of wailing noise, warbling synth, and punky blastbeats – obviously and objectively the best track Bunsenburner has ever released and likely ever will.

Bunsenburner continues to hone its skills. While it sacrifices a bit of the holistic cohesion of Rituals with its more riff-centric attack, Reverie feels more a redemption arc of Poise – its pieces, however disjointed they can feel, are done with stunning clarity, organicity, and power. The grooves hit harder, the atmosphere is more complementary, and the experimental flare is palpable without sacrificing the album cohesion. Its cover’s cuddly black metal kitten is playful homage to the act’s jam-seshing chemistry, although its experimental and atmospheric elements are more than meets the ear. Next time, make the song about me a little longer for a higher score, okay? Kisses!

Rating: 3.0/5.0
DR: 7 | Format Reviewed: 320kbps mp3
Label: Self-Released
Websites: Bandcamp | Facebook
Releases Worldwide: January 17th, 2025

#2025 #30 #AmbientMetal #Bunsenburner #DoomMetal #Earth #FearMyThoughts #FreeJazz #GermanMetal #Jan25 #JimiHendrix #LongDistanceCalling #PostRock #Reverie #Review #Reviews #SelfRelease #SludgeMetal #SouthernRock #StonerMetal #Triptykon

Cherd’s Raw Black Metal Muster [Things You Might Have Missed 2024]

By Cherd

There are two types of people in this world: those who appreciate raw black metal, and those who live fulfilling lives with friends and careers and family who speak to them at holiday gatherings. Since the advent of Bandcamp, the kvltest of all metal genres has become infinitely more accessible. Every year I wade through acres of tape hiss and tinny treble, looking for the half dozen or so raw black releases that rise above the buzzing tangle of cobwebs to rarified, putrid air. The following represent a cross-section of the seemingly infinite number of corpse-painted weirdos in basements the world over making music with no hope of even the smallest commercial success. This is for the fans, like me, as well as the curious. And if anyone in the comments says “This would be pretty good if the production wasn’t so shitty,” I swear on Quorthon’s grave I’ll craft a 1920’s flapper fringe dress out of strips of raw bacon, show up to your niece’s bat mitzvah, and shake my money maker on the dance floor. The shitty production is the point.

Conifère // L’Imp​ô​t du Sang – Let me get this out of the way: this is much less raw production-wise than a lot of raw black metal, but it’s my piece and I decide what goes in it. Besides, look at that shitty cassette tape cover art. See? Lo-fi. Montreal’s Conifère play the kind of Québécois melodic black metal their stomping grounds are well known for, but they run it through with punk undertones and rollicking black’n’roll. Their main goal on L’Imp​ô​t du Sang is packing as many blazing riffs into 31 minutes as possible. After spinning this taut little meloblack gem over and over, I’d say they’re lucky the seams haven’t blown out completely.

Hekseblad // Kaer Morhen – For those of you looking for that contemporary black metal album that captures the gloomy piss and vinegar of the 2nd wave 90s heyday, Kaer Morhen awaits. With lyrical themes set in the world of The Witcher, also a product of the 90s, Hekseblad owe much of their sound to the likes of Emperor and Gorgoroth. It’s not quite all pastiche, however, as the old-timey piano waltz segment of “A Grain of Truth (Nivellin’s Waltz)” and the organ grinder/harpsicord-ish melodies in “The White Flame” and at the end of the title track help throw the band’s serrated riff-craft into sharper relief. Closer “Vatt’ghern” even wanders through a stretch of atmospherics before bringing the record to a triumphant close.

Keys to the Astral Gate and Mystic Doors // Keys to the Astral Gate and Mystic Doors II – This is the stuff here. Raw black metal. Look at those two weirdos standing on a pile of snowy rocks in a Wisconsin winter, holding swords, while their buddy takes a picture with their phone. Look at the OCD doodle for a logo. Listen to that production. Doesn’t matter if I listen to it on my expensive headphones or on an answering machine from 1993, it sounds exactly the same. That said, unlike so many of their self-serious peers, Keys to the Astral Gate and Mystic Doors are downright gleeful, not only in their melodic riffage, but in their presentation. Not to mention the closer to this their second demo/EP, “What Is the Glimmer ‘Top the Looming Castle Bell” has an infectious jangle-rock structure that hints at evolutions to come.

Lander // Heroic Lands – Most of the bands here were on my radar before their respective releases, but Lander crashed this list out of nowhere, making it my favorite raw black find of the year. This Seattle based, two-person, war themed project has a mean streak the other entries don’t; heavy, knuckle-dragging riffs mixed among the triumphant Viking metal melodies and tastefully restrained synths. With a dedicated drummer in Krieger, a rarity in raw black projects, Lander boast a more organic sound than many of their genre counterparts. On the same day Wergild Records released this EP on cassette, they also released the band’s first full length—10 whole minutes longer in run time—Boreal Tactics. While I also recommend visiting that release, it’s Heroic Lands that hit me hardest.

Nimbifir // Der b​ö​se Geist – I’ve been waiting quite a while to put Nimbifir on one of these lists. Five years ago, I was just getting into raw black metal when I discovered their first two demos and four-way split Ruins of Humanity. Something about these Germans’ hard charging songs and exultant riffs stuck in my craw. I had to wait until 2024 for their debut full length Der b​ö​se Geist, and thankfully it did not disappoint. There’s no one song that rises above the others, so it’s best to take this record all in one sitting. Easy enough since it’s a brisk 36 minutes front to back. There’s an ebb and flow to each song and to the album composition as a whole that gives the impression of a battle, desperate in places, epic in others, with an almost cinematic sweep that keeps you riveted.

Vampiric Coffin/Enshroud // Reek of a Thousand Graves – This wouldn’t be a decent raw black metal list without a Grime Stone Records release, and for the second year in a row, it’s Vampiric Coffin leading the charge, with Enshroud covering their six. Count Jeffery the Vampire contributed to two splits on Grime Stone this year, and his new batch of the combined 11 songs are the same thrashy, punky, raw blacky, infectious as MRSA ditties he’s come to be known for. Reek of a Thousand Graves gets the nod over his split with 1692 AD thanks to Carmilla Dracul and Ysbryd of Enshroud and their ability to craft a complimentary set of dungeon synth infused black metal songs that never forget to be vicious on top of lugubrious.

Wraithlord // Phantasmal Warfare – If Wraithlord’s 2022 full length Dawn of Sorrow had been released any time before or after December 22nd, it would have made my ’22 or ’23 list. It got lost in the shuffle of the holidays, as all releases do around that time, which is probably why the kvltest of the kvlt like to release around then. Thankfully, the June release of Phantasmal Warfare gave me plenty of time to acquaint myself with another quality release by this one-man Flint, Michigan project. M, the mono-consonant moniker of Wraithlord’s brainchild, has a knack for stringing together riffs and transitions that don’t end up in the places you expect them to. This is easily the longest release in this feature at 48 minutes, but it suspends time by pulling you into its own twisted internal logic.

Elyose – Évidence Review

By Dolphin Whisperer

Being true to yourself as a listener is an essential part of the reviewing process. So, at a very base level, I can say things like “I’m tired of hearing djent riffs” and “pop-infused metal doesn’t do anything for me.” And, at my core, I can know those things are true. Except, every now and again, well-crafted music comes along and bashes upon our truths like a coup de foudre to an unsuspecting heart. Such was the case when I encountered Elyose’s hook-laden, djentrified y2k platter of Déviante. And so too am I again smitten with the chug-ridden, cybergoth stylings of Évidence. The proof, as they say, is in the purple pudding.

Though incepted as a fuller band effort with the heart of an electronically urgent, less symphonic Nightwish or Epica, Elyose now falls under the primary care of vocalist and composer Justine Daaé. With collaborative assistance from djent veteran Anthony Chognard (ex-Smash Hit Combo), Elyose has shifted from pop heavy metal-rooted hop to a sound more Kemper-fied and modern. But unlike other popular female-voiced acts who sport a melodic focus around extended range rhythms, like Spiritbox or Poppy, Daaé sticks to the power of her full and trained clean timbre, finding vocal play in lush harmonies and playful percussive runs.1 Maintaining Évidence in almost entirely her native French tongue, Daaé brings both an earnestness and extra depth of pronunciation expression to each passing phrase.2 Though Évidence has an undeniable musical catchiness and air of accessibility, its bones remain too personal in aim and adoration for an industrial/alternative past, and too metal in dramatic spirit, to land neatly in a pop lane.

Despite the layers that Daaé peppers into triumphant choruses and textured verse articulations, Chognard maintains a workmanlike framing with riff accompaniment to build rhythmic tension around hypnotic synth lines. On the most electronic leading tracks, Elyose’s warbling hooks grow from subdued fluctuations to whirring guitar squeals to strobe-blaring crescendo with a cinematic scope and effortless swagger (“Mission Lunaire,” “Théogyne 2.0”). And in a manner reminiscent of the smart and slamming groove from the most successful VOLA works, Chognard weaves jagged thumps alongside powerful, character-driven vocal tethers to sink Évidence’s teeth even deeper into the urge to hit the replay button (“Ascension Tracée,” “Immuable,” “Abnégation”). Out of context, bits and pieces of the modern guitar work can feel like patchwork memories from a mind informed by ’10s djent memories, but in context it maintains a careful balance with Daaé’s unique presence.

That familiarity of riffcraft does hold Elyose from striking harder throughout parts of Évidence, though. It’s less the note-for-note déjà vu of a nasally amp-simulated tapping run or a seven-string Periphery preset note crushing than it is the overall flatness of guitar production that takes away some of the mystique that classic crunchy layer can offer. Again, many of these clips that offend in this way serve as short segues or setups for Daaé to mark with greater lasting power the peaks of each composition. And a few licks that warp and chime alongside intense bridges hold a particularly nostalgic resplendence in their carry (“Étoile Solitaire,” “Ascension Tracée”). But for a couple of tracks that follow patterns on a similar path (namely “Tentatives Échouées” and “Prête au Combat”), the escalating flow that pervades through Évidence can lose its way.

Not all pleasures in life have to be complicated, yet it would be disingenuous to call Évidence simple. While the formula for Évidence hasn’t changed much from Déviante, Elyose continues to perform with an idiosyncratic style rooted in detailed, memorable mic work and addictive, groovy instrumental backing that is hard to put down. There’s no secret to Elyose’s success—every song shoves an undeniable chorus through the trials of verses and bridges and reprisals that fall exactly where they should. But Évidence powers through the complacency of chorus worship with a voice determined to soar. The only feeling that could make the joy of Elyose’s music more rewarding is perseverance, a feeling which Évidence embodies with a glitching and gliding charisma and a catharsis-clenched fist held high.

Rating: 3.5/5.0
DR: 6 | Format Reviewed: PCM3
Label: Self Release
Websites: |
Releases Worldwide: January 10th, 2025



#2025 #35 #AlternativeRock #Djent #ElectronicMetal #Electronica #Elyose #Évidence #FrenchMetal #GothicMetal #IndependentRelease #Jan25 #Reliqa #SelfRelease #VOLA

Am I in Trouble? – Spectrum Review

By Dolphin Whisperer

Tagging systems and organizational hierarchies tend to steer our ideas of genre classifications toward ins and outs, yeses and nos, boxes next to boxes, tags next to tags. In reality, though—and much in the way people go about describing things as being between x band and y band—genres do have their own spectrums. And in that spirit of living in an accumulation of converging aisles rather than following the merchandising plan, sole mind Steve Wiener (Negative Bliss, Ashenheart) debuts his Am I in Trouble? project as an homage to idiosyncratic acts of this splatter art nature. From his listening youth in the oddball ’00s black metal scene to his modern existence as an experienced, colorful auteur, will Wiener’s first outing as Am I in Trouble? earn him a spot at the top of the charts or in the time-out corner?

With one hand holding the play and whimsy of progressive music and the other gripping the flight of post-leaning drama, AIiT inserts various borrowed extreme elements as it sees fit across Spectrum’s prismatic run. At the cut of blackened melodies that sing with an Agallochified, sullen heart (“White,” “Black”) and the turn of spacey, eerie prog-Coded tails (“Pink,” “Blue”), AIiT finds many ways to show passion and reverence with a heart full of play. All too often, acts can get caught in their own lore, but as a project set out to recapture a remembered and studied sound, Spectrum swirls with its own shades in established, albeit eclectic, lines. In turn, Wiener possesses an equally shifting pipe set—never quite as goofy as early Arcturus bobblehead croons or as blood-freezing as searing Emperor cries—that remains unique enough to make the sound his own. And, with a few helping hands, cementing a more modern barked edge here and there keeps Spectrum from sounding dated in its tribute.

What continues to strike me most about Spectrum, though, is the sense of calm that persists around its extreme endeavors. Bookended by the acoustic and wistful melodies of “Yellow” and “Green,”1 AIiT manages to create a peaceful yet darting world with its jovial, marching open and lighthearted, whistling close. This sense of relaxing harmony pervades through fleeting melodies that warp into climbing yet restrained guitar leads (“White”) and heavily layered clean vocal layers that recall the buoyant nature of Lars Nedland at his cleanest (Age of Silence, White Void). Still, Wiener’s sense of stacking lines for atmosphere rather than anthemic impact allows his ventures into harsh switches to wedge a thicker slice of black metal fervor, both with guests2 and his own vicious shrieks (“Pink” and “Black” in particular).

This same floating character about the softer side of Spectrum’s compositions does cause a couple of hiccups along the way. It’s not that the ethereal nature of AIiT’s play with swelling, reverb-drenched chords (“Pink”) and shimmering patch swirls (“Black”) feel out of place in a black metal excursion of this nature—those elements stand as its highlights. With such careful focus on the expositional twinkle and conclusive prance, Spectrum can feel wanting and inhibited in explosive content. At just a touch over thirty minutes, its bursts feel like but splashes of color in the brilliance of cutting riffs and slithering screams. And with not a moment that needs removal—except for the break to silence in “Red” that bifurcates its movement a touch too long for my liking—Spectrum falls in the rare category of albums that could stand from an extra arrangement or two of AIiT’s broad, explorative palette.

Talent oozes through the meticulous web of studied, diverse black metal architecture that Am I in Trouble? possesses. And through Wiener’s variegated vision of what this style can be, Spectrum shows both its experimental roots and reverent presence. Atmosphere can be double-edged, though—both leaving me wanting more and allowing me to bend gracefully with its bows. I’m never sure whether one hit of Spectrum is enough. What I do know, though, is that I can feel the passion with which Wiener has embarked upon this journey, of one steady mind, and with help from friends, Spectrum makes me smile. I also know that with a debut of this fortitude, an installation of a grander, kaleidoscopic showing hangs in, hopefully, the not too distant future.

Rating: 3.0/5.0
DR: 8 | Format Reviewed: PCM
Label: Self Release3
Websites: |
Releases Worldwide: January 3rd, 2025

#2025 #30 #Agalloch #AgeOfSilence #AmIInTrouble_ #Arcturus #Ashenheart #BlackMetal #Code #EmberBelladonna #Emperor #IndependentRelease #Jan25 #NegativeBliss #PostBlackMetal #PostMetal #ProgressiveBlackMetal #ProgressiveMetal #SelfRelease #Spectrum #WhiteVoid